Why is my run not yet verified?
3 years ago

Why is it not yet verified?

Act_ et MinecraftGaming aime ceci
Glamorganshire, Wales

I've verified it, your run had only been pending for 2 days - Please don't complain about this unless your run hasn't been verified for a significant amount of time (over a week I'd understand).

Also if you have an issue like this in the future you can reach out to a moderator or join the associated Discord rather than make a new thread.

YUMmy_Bacon5, StarSpeed et 2 autres aime ceci
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The End of Mineplex

On the off chance this is the first time you're hearing of this, Mineplex has been closed down officially on both Bedrock and Java, it's been inevitable for the last couple of years but still obviously very sad to see.

The boards as far as I can see have no reason to be taken down, they can serv

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