Possibile new category?
2 years ago
Apulia, Italy

I was thinking It would be nice to add some category: for example a winstreak category, 5 win, no kit cakewars or full game cw(whit all team full)

Modifié par l'auteur 2 years ago
Glamorganshire, Wales

Sounds like it could be fun - usual policy with any new category is to get some community support but because there are so few active people, head over to the discord and see if anyone there likes the idea, then I'm sure they could be implemented.

New York City, NY, USA

No kit cw would be cool.

Apulia, Italy

Is there any specific Channel in the discord where i should ask about this? Or i have to ask in general?

Glamorganshire, Wales

Any channel is fine

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The End of Mineplex

On the off chance this is the first time you're hearing of this, Mineplex has been closed down officially on both Bedrock and Java, it's been inevitable for the last couple of years but still obviously very sad to see.

The boards as far as I can see have no reason to be taken down, they can serv

1 year ago
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