Changes For The Next Patch... (No Major Glitches/Any% Explanation)
Changes For The Next Patch... (No Major Glitches/Any% Explanation)
Publié 1 year ago par

Posted by Ruuppa in #Forums - Moving it into #News


"As the next patch is coming up at some point, I believe it is a good idea to start a topic here so the community and mods can discuss what and how the categories will be changed when the patch hits. There has been a lot of issues with communications about this, so I'm creating this topic so we can lay down at least some preliminary thoughts on what changes there should be.

Note: This topic is only about any changes to the categories and rules of the runs themselves, there are other topics to discuss other matters, so please discuss those there.

Since we don't know everything about the new patch, a lot of what might be discussed here will be prone to changes, so consider this more of a thought-exercise than laying down the law. That being said, my thoughts:

  1. The current "No Major Glitches" and "Any%" should be kept as is, as changing them drastically may invalidate runs.
  2. Adding "No Major Glitches CP" and "Any% CP" -categories after tha patch hits would allow us to differentiate between older runs and new runs. (CP = Current Patch)
  3. Any major rules changes would then be on these CP -categories, which could accomodate changes coming in any follow-up patch as well.
  4. A new category for the new difficulty setting will have to be added, with the same consideration as for normal/easy/maso in regarding to rules etc.

Current Patch -category is a pretty common way to differentiate down-patched versions of games etc. in speedrunning, so that is what I think might be good here.

What do you guys think? These are pretty general thoughts, because we are still unsure when the next patch will come, and there are people here more qualified than I am to consider any future categories. Any and all discussion on the future categories/rules welcome, as those are what we'll be using as a base.

We are a pretty small community, so a lot of changes will likely not be needed (if at all), but this is mostly for transparency and thought-exchange rather than anything."

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