Publié 11 months ago par

Hi everyone!

We just wanted to announce some visual updates to the site, some updates to the rules, and introduce premade optimal saves for speedrunning. The visual update was just simply for a refreshing new look.

Regarding the updated rules, most of them are small grammatical changes/fixes but the three bigger changes are the following:

-All game audio is now required for all runs in order to help deter any spliced runs. This did not affect any current runs that were submitted or affect any leaderboards.

-Rher is now mandatory to fight in Ending B. This change was in agreement with most of the runners to help differentiate Ending C and Ending B since both runs could technically use the exact same routes with only a dialogue choice being the only difference. This did unfortunately affect one run that had to be removed from the End B Leaderboard.

-Accidentally triggering the infinite sprint glitch in any of the No Major Glitches categories does not invalidate a run but we decided to add a time penalty of 10 seconds each time it activates. This glitch has the potential to save a lot of time but it also can be very unpredictable to trigger. World record runs in No Major Glitch categories can't have this glitch activate at all.

Finally, we have premade save files being added by g0dh34d for each of the main categories. Save files in Termina have some enemy locations seeded into the file with some routes requiring these enemies either in the way or out of the way. These new files will be legal for real runs and will save everyone wanting to run some time. These files include:

-A Marina file that intentionally has a death mask in the route and all necessary starting skills. (For Ending A Fear & Hunger difficulty)

-A Marcoh save file that has all random enemies out of the way and intentionally gives Abella a phobia that makes it easier for her to die to save some time. (For Ending B and C Fear & Hunger difficulty)

-An Abella save file with all random enemies out of the way and a good phobia. (For Ending A and B MASOX-S/M difficulty)

There is also a list of glitches in the guides section now!

Hopefully all these changes are healthier for the game and community <3

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Publié 1 year ago par

Posted by Ruuppa in #Forums - Moving it into #News


"As the next patch is coming up at some point, I believe it is a good idea to start a topic here so the community and mods can discuss what and how the categories will be changed when the patch hits. There has been a lot of issues with communications about this, so I'm creating this topic so we can lay down at least some preliminary thoughts on what changes there should be.

Note: This topic is only about any changes to the categories and rules of the runs themselves, there are other topics to discuss other matters, so please discuss those there.

Since we don't know everything about the new patch, a lot of what might be discussed here will be prone to changes, so consider this more of a thought-exercise than laying down the law. That being said, my thoughts:

  1. The current "No Major Glitches" and "Any%" should be kept as is, as changing them drastically may invalidate runs.
  2. Adding "No Major Glitches CP" and "Any% CP" -categories after tha patch hits would allow us to differentiate between older runs and new runs. (CP = Current Patch)
  3. Any major rules changes would then be on these CP -categories, which could accomodate changes coming in any follow-up patch as well.
  4. A new category for the new difficulty setting will have to be added, with the same consideration as for normal/easy/maso in regarding to rules etc.

Current Patch -category is a pretty common way to differentiate down-patched versions of games etc. in speedrunning, so that is what I think might be good here.

What do you guys think? These are pretty general thoughts, because we are still unsure when the next patch will come, and there are people here more qualified than I am to consider any future categories. Any and all discussion on the future categories/rules welcome, as those are what we'll be using as a base.

We are a pretty small community, so a lot of changes will likely not be needed (if at all), but this is mostly for transparency and thought-exchange rather than anything."

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Publié 1 year ago par


This is the rules for's Any%.

If you think any of these rules need some changing do let me know in the comments below.

Thank you for your time.

Every glitch given by the game is allowed:

- Infinite Sprint Stamina Glitch

- Map/Talk Event Skip Glitch

- Sequence-Breaking

- Cut content

- Developer Spots/Tiles

- Infinite Looting (Samarie, Cherub, Neighbour, Needles and so on)

- Chaugnar Infinite Souls Spot

- Hexen Skip/Teleport

- Using "Rot" Against The Mob

- Going Through Faulty Collision

- Abusing Spice Forge Spells (Black Orb/Flesh Puppetry on party members that aren't the original owners)

- Infinite Bear/Booby Trap Looting

- Using Heroin Without Hands

Canon Glitches (Confirmed by Miro/Orange~) [Game Developer]

- Infinite Sprint

- Sideway Box Skip (Sideway pushing the box in Tunnel 1 to have access to the puzzle)

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Publié 1 year ago par


If you have watched any of the Any% runs you may have noticed that they completely break the game to the point of making it a category that even adding the Map/Party Talk skip tech wouldn't really change much what goes in them.

For that reason:

  • Skip% will be going away soon since we only have 2 runs in that category

  • Skip% Will become Glitchless% and the runs in that category will be deleted (Mine and G0dh34d's)

  • This will allow a new category (Glitchless%) to show up.

Glitchless% will have it's own rules once it comes out, anyone who speedruns the game and watches speedruns can introduce any kind of rule that we can add before making this into a real category into the rules.

This is to allow more people to speedrun the game making the game last even longer due to the fact that runs barely go anywhere from their own strategy they take which has been shooting invisible Chaugnar' spawn until you get enough to be able to get END B/C which really hinders the viewer's experience.

This will also include the fact that the runs that are going to be coming up that will be Glitchless% will be limited to the amount of time that Miro takes to introduce the newest update, hopefully we have runners that will be interested in going for a WR as quick as they can without using any of the glitches that will be discussed when the news shows up.

For this change that is coming up... I will be making a Youtube video showing people how to get into Speedrunning Fear & Hunger Termina as well as letting people know the rules of Glitchess%

If anyone is interested in chatting about any of this please make sure to use Discord or any kind of quick chatting DM, I will not be discussing anything in the comments below or in private messaging over's DMing system.

If you wish to know my Discord/Steam tag make sure to send me a DM and I will grant it to you privately so we can discuss any kind of questions you may have. I'm always open to change this rule as long as we act civilized.

Keeping up with introducing Speedrunning to new runners LRT (Load-Removal-Times) have been removed from the runs to allow players to just record their runs, place a timer and have their runs requested in such way that won't be hard for anyone to quickly set and run with us.

Thank you for reading me and I hope you guys have an amazing new year.

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Publié 1 year ago par


The following changes will be happening for the next update of Fear & Hunger Termina:

  • Any% will be changed to Glitchless%
  • Skip% will be changed to Any%

Gltchless% (Not available as soon as the new patch releases)

You will be instructed as to what you can and can't do to be able to get your run going for a PB or a WR. These rules will take from 1 to 2 weeks to be able to be settled with the Mod Team so we can let you know how to to a proper Glitchless% run since the new patch will bring out new bugs and glitches that will break the game

Any% (Available as soon as the patch releases)

In this run anything goes, you can break the game as much as you want and you can do whatever you want to be able to achieve the endings. There is no rule that will be stopping you from succeeding in breaking it, to the point of even coming up with new strategies will be a constant thing since the new update will bring new tactics as the weeks go on.

Hopefully you guys understand that Glitchless% will take us a while to round up.

As for LRT (Removing the time of loading screens) I found that in Fear & Hunger 1 it's very hard to time and make this work properly, as also it's quite hard to be able to read all that as a simple casual player, thus pushing people away who want to speedrun the game.

I don't want to make this game hard for anyone to get into speedrunning; If anyone wants to speedrun this game all they need is reading the rules for Glitchless% or Any% (which Any% will have very few as mostly for timing purposes) as they have a timing program or time the playthrough after they have the footage.

And that is it.

I want to make it as accessible as possible :)

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Visual and Rule Changes! Introducing Optimal Premade Save Files

Hi everyone!

We just wanted to announce some visual updates to the site, some updates to the rules, and introduce premade optimal saves for speedrunning. The visual update was just simply for a refreshing new look.

Regarding the updated rules, most of them are small grammatical changes/fixes b

11 months ago
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