New Glitch
2 years ago
United States

Found this while doing all endings runs. Could be good somewhere maybe?

elecman aiment ceci

I think I came across this too when I was running, I'm not sure if it could be used. The main drawback is that you seem to lose speed while in the air. I remember trying to do something similar to this and the river-skip in the lake area to get over the tree so you don't have to run all the way around to get to the fishing rod but I couldn't make it work.

H1atus aiment ceci
United States

I think I figured out the requirements to get the glitch to work. The slope that you run up has to have another slope near it so you don't immediately touch the ground, this makes the game glitch and think you are still going up the slope while falling. I tried it in a few places and that seems to work (Moon, another slope near raccoon) Still need to check other spots, but that's how I think the glitch works. And knowing that we can test other spots as-well. Another thing, you have to be doing the double strafe (example: holding A and W while holding shift) as the speed you get from doing it allows you to bypass walking on the downwards slope. That's all my findings for now :D

elecman aiment ceci

nice work, I've found some glitches myself but nothing that could be used, I'll probably still make a video just to showcase them

H1atus aiment ceci
United States

Would love to see it :D

elecman aiment ceci
United States

I haven't played the game in a while, but you guys' recent glitch-hunting threads have reminded me of some research I did into the game code last year that I never shared.

  • @H1atus, your guess about how the flying/gliding glitch works is exactly right. One interesting thing is that once you're flying, if you hold back instead of forward, you'll get the speed of going down the hill + the speed of gravity, so you'll go down super fast. One place I thought this might be useful is underwater, because it takes a minute to slowly fall down the pit into Suburbia. If it was possible to get up one of the inclines on the side, you could turn around and run backwards off of it to fall very quickly. I tried this a couple times and couldn't get it but I didn't put too much effort into it.

  • The thing that makes the river skip so tricky is that the far bank of the river is technically too steep for you to stand on, so you should just slide off of it into the river, which is what happens most of the time. As far as I can tell, when the trick works, what's happening is that you're actually clipping into the river bank just enough to trick the game into thinking you're standing on it. It pushes you back out after a couple frames and you start to "fall", but because of the flying glitch you can fly up to the top. One thing I wondered, but never tested, is whether the trick would be more likely to work at different framerates. For example, since theoretically you would move more from one frame to the next at a lower framerate, maybe you would be more likely to end up inside the river bank. Or it could be the opposite; maybe it's easier for the game to tell you're trying to cross a solid object when you're moving in large chunks and small movements at a very high framerate would be more likely to slightly clip you into it for a frame or two before the game notices. Or physics could be on a timer and the framerate could have nothing to do with it. It would be interesting to test, though. For reference, my success rate on the river jump was ~15% playing at 144 FPS.

  • The moon has a flat 10% chance of spawning each time you enter Autumn (so if you had some way to know if it was there to start with, you could just back out and come back in over and over until it spawned). This is actually why I stopped playing the game lol. I really wanted to get sub-40 in All Endings No SLA, but my last run was so lucky only falling into the river once. When you combine the 15% chance of making the river jump, plus the 10% chance of the moon actually being there once you make it, and then ANOTHER 15% chance of making it over the second time for the wine ending, like 99% of your runs will die somewhere in that sequence, and I didn't have the patience to keep trying. I actually considered the possibility of making an SRT that would tell you if the moon was there as soon as you entered Autumn so you could reset immediately instead of having to throw yourself into the river several times before you found out, but I didn't know if people would feel like that was cheating.

  • I never tested this either, but it looked like fish have a 1/500 (0.2%) chance of being attracted to the fishing rod per frame, so I think you'll actually catch fish faster on average at higher framerates.

Modifié par l'auteur 2 years ago
H1atus et elecman aime ceci
United States

Oh awesome. It was just a hunch on the flying glitch. Thanks for the input on some glitches, I really love this game :>

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