Discord Server
Discord Server
Publié 1 year ago par

Hey everyone,

Just letting you know that I've made a Discord server for the game. This should be an easier way to make suggestions and ask questions etc. You can join through the link at the top of the leaderboard page or through the invite link below. I'm new to managing a server so apologies if there are any teething issues while we get things underway.

PS. I will be adding SLA / No SLA subcategories to the IL boards soonish and will go through all our old runs to make sure everything is in the right place, so don't panic if you get notifications re: old runs over the next couple of days.


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Discord Server

Hey everyone,

Just letting you know that I've made a Discord server for the game. This should be an easier way to make suggestions and ask questions etc. You can join through the link at the top of the leaderboard page or through the invite link below. I'm new to managing a server so apologies if t

1 year ago
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