Publié 11 months ago par


The game will be live for submissions immediately upon release.

Being that I understand load times vary wildly across hardware if there is enough interest I am happy to split the board into console generations. Most of the time on boards I work with, I see people not wanting to do that as its lonely being the sole name on a misc board, but I am happy to make it work for the runners.

Please feel free to join the discord if you would like to discuss potential rules, or categories. Rules are pretty straight forward, as its any% do whatever you can to get the fastest time possible. Obviously there is no way to know if glitches will emerge, but these would be fair play, and we would love to see you make a video showing others how to do it.

Obviously it remains to be seen what the fastest routing will be, but I highly recommend doing the chicken quests for extra gold, and buying all of the S Revival Orbs / Stamina Replenishing items you come across such as grilled steak / nuts / buns.

The only NG+ feature is to play the game on True Zenorian difficulty which will be treated as a normal NG as options in the Any% (true ending) and Bad Ending categories. A guide has also been created as well.

Anyways, hope all is well, and I look forward to seeing all that time save.

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Submissions live, and new discord channel has been opened.


The game will be live for submissions immediately upon release.

Being that I understand load times vary wildly across hardware if there is enough interest I am happy to split the board into console generations. Most of the time on boards I work with,

11 months ago