Read the rules everyone!
Read the rules everyone!
Publié 2 months ago par

I'm extremely happy to inform you guys that the game has gotten a lot of new people doing runs lately. This is great for the community and health of the game an I'm really happy to see our favorite game growing! But please before you submit or even go do your first run. Read the rules! Me and the other moderators have had to reject like the last 5 or more runs, purely out of people not following the general submission rules or rules of the game.

Don't hesitate to join our Speedrunning discord: and ask about the rules, if you don't understand something! You can also message me or any of the moderators here, but we don't check messages that often. So discord is your best-bet to both communicate with us (the moderators) and the rest of the community. You can also show your support to the developers by joining the Official Grimhook Discord Server:

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