New patch discussion
10 months ago


The new patch has been out for a few days, and I wanted to get the runners' thoughts. If you haven't played the changes that affect the run are:

  • Cheemburger skip has been fixed, i.e. the wall has been moved so you can no longer go out of bounds before combat 3

  • Tower climb has been made significantly slower because of the way wall run works now.

These changes are significant as both slow all of our categories down. For any% this is a big deal because getting a sub 4 is now significantly harder than before, and might even be impossible because the only consistent way I've found to ascend the tower takes around 40s-1m. Because of this, I was wondering what should we do with the leaderboard for any% since there are significantly more runs of the any% category, than there is of any other. I was thinking of maybe clearing the leaderboards, as we currently have no way of down-patching the game, but also that is quite unfair to the runners who worked very hard to get their times, such as myself, Laggy, Bulthorpe, and anyone else. Please leave your thoughts in this forum and help me and the mod team make an executive decision


Ive just tried the new update and all in all i think the idea of clearing the leaderboard is good, even if some runners (including myself with a lot of attempts and hours of raw material of me failing lmao) put a lot of effort into it. Another Idea of mine would be to differentiate between the game version so we could let the leaderboard stay like this and categorize it as the version it was before the patch and add another version to it where the runs which are done on the new patch will be put into but that would need to be done for every category as the patch influences all of our categories.


We've been looking at possible ways to down patch the game and potentially play on that old patch, but I think if it's impossible we'll just clean the leaderboards

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