Hesse, GermanyDarkstreamerHD6 years ago

Since i rarely check upon this anyways here you go have fun and do what you and other people think is good for the game!

BurstSMG les gusta esto
Hesse, GermanyDarkstreamerHD7 years ago

What are the rules about quickloading / saving? It is not stated in the rules! The current world record uses a quickload @~8:22. I dont wanna accuse anyone of cheating or something i just think we need a rule for that!

hilo: Portal 2
Hesse, GermanyDarkstreamerHD7 years ago

still taking almost 30 days to get a run verfified is too much even if atag is a dead game!

hilo: Portal 2
Hesse, GermanyDarkstreamerHD7 years ago

same @ Aperture Tag btw!

Msushi les gusta esto
Hesse, GermanyDarkstreamerHD7 years ago

I submitted my run 24day ago still not accepted/rejected! We need at least one mod who checks once a month on this game!

hilo: Anno 2070
Hesse, GermanyDarkstreamerHD7 years ago

At this point in time I cant get anno 2070 to start and dont have the time to look into it. In about a month I have time to do so. I would love to have a good talk about this. Maybe we should just set up a discord server like most speedgames hav done nowadays.

hilo: Portal 2
Hesse, GermanyDarkstreamerHD8 years ago

While this was (relatively) easy in Portal 2 (because you don't have to do anything in p1 vault) it's different in Portal 2.

In Portal 1 there is absolutely no way to waste time before the vault skip save. Well in P2 there would be.

And P1 is at a state where players do a lot more resets than in P2.

And adding this as a variable when it's not a thing yet really shouldn't happen.

hilo: Portal 2
Hesse, GermanyDarkstreamerHD9 years ago Tutorial for 3gels by dusty! Short tutorial by me for cave johnson

hilo: Far Cry 4
Hesse, GermanyDarkstreamerHD9 years ago

just found this dont know if its helpful... might be worth to look into

hilo: The Site
Hesse, GermanyDarkstreamerHD9 years ago

When you make a subcategory it doesn´t show if its empty Example:

hilo: Anno 2070
Hesse, GermanyDarkstreamerHD9 years ago

If i am not the only Person who has ever visited this page it would be nice to share your knowledge. Just post anything that would be helpful for a speedrun!

Thank you!

Hesse, GermanyDarkstreamerHD9 years ago

Would be nice if someone could do that.

hilo: Portal 2
Hesse, GermanyDarkstreamerHD9 years ago

the problem with achievements is, that there is no way to reset them, once u get them

Hesse, GermanyDarkstreamerHD9 years ago

In the statistic section of the Game there is a thing called time I think there is no load time involved. Maybe we could use this as a ingame time

hilo: Portal 2
Hesse, GermanyDarkstreamerHD9 years ago

I think it will difficult to correct the runs with the current rules. Example: Some provides no video what do you do?. Maybe we could add a variable that lets us know what timing has been used for example Livesplit P2LT and timed the demos after the run.

Also I had P2LT and livesplit run at the same time and experienced not more than .1 seconds difference

Hesse, GermanyDarkstreamerHD9 years ago

Hey @ all calm down a bit you both have a point! The thing is PistonMiner Actually Runs this game and Neksus does not.

So please stay polite!

Just to see how the people actually think:

Note: this is not to vote for the actual rules section it´s just there to see what the community thinks...

Hesse, GermanyDarkstreamerHD9 years ago


The last few days i have tried to record some segments for a segmented run of p1 done p2

the problem I have is that I cant start a map from the elevator restart_level always puts me out of the elevator doing the chamber before the "recording" chamber and making a save on the first tick of the map was my first Idea, but i have not found a way to load a save and start the demo...

Do you have any Ideas/know of any way to do this?

Hesse, GermanyDarkstreamerHD9 years ago

r_drawallrenderables 1 differs from the noclip view so I don´t thinks its a good alternative...

Hesse, GermanyDarkstreamerHD9 years ago

In my Opinion we dont have enough runners at this game to split categories. We have the variable Android/IOS and thats enough for now

hilo: Portal 2
Hesse, GermanyDarkstreamerHD9 years ago

Am I the only one who needs a longer category? Any ideas

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