Create Ice route
5 months ago
He/Him, They/Them
5 months ago

Wasn't letting me upload my entire route notes for the 1h29m run, so I've put them here instead:

New skips! :D


Congrats on the WR, neko!

Clever new skips. I'm pretty sure more skips can be discovered someday. Maybe dropping items on water could help pass some water sections somewhere...

Shooting arrows might give us arrow stairs on locations where we can't drop items manually? It could be done by aggroing a party member and then dueling with bows, hoping for lots of missed shots.

Halberd has 5 range and 10 damage, when two-handed sword has 4 range and 11 damage. I think it could save a few seconds in total fighting time to pick up the two-handed sword from the troll you kill early in the game at 7:40.

Very interesting to see how the route evolves from here...

He/Him, They/Them
5 months ago

Thanks, baranurabu!

There's definitely time saves to be had. Brave runners might use the Vibrate/Iron Maiden trick more than the Create Ice one, I only realised I could replace the ice with a suitably bulky Iron Maiden in the last few days, when I wanted to skip the Aram Dol section but naturally couldn't cast level 8 spells yet.

Arrows are an interesting idea. Completely unrelated, but I did find the one way you can murder your companions in the intro is using Shamino's Burst Arrows on the ground. Didn't help me in any other ways but I'd love to keep some of the early items.

Halberds have an important property over the 2H sword - their hitbox is HUGE. Something like 5 blocks by 6, I'm not sure. They make a perfect platform over to the Temple of Balance.

I suspect I don't even have to rob Pothos at all.

But I was mostly just hyped to share these fun new tricks with everyone! Nothing excites me more than finding Legitimate Game Mechanics to exploit that let me get places I'm not supposed to be.


Congratulations to inlustria for the new WR!

What happens if we icepillar clip into water? Does water get erased like walls?

What could we do with 4 halberds? Maybe a huge bridge over the swamp to collect the reagent faster?

What happens to a throwing weapon (boomerang/axe/hammer) if the character dies when his weapon is flying? Can the weapon drop on water? Because I would like to skip the ship...

He/Him, They/Them
3 months ago

Water is an obstacle because it "isn't floor", so itwouldn't become walkable (IIRC) from Create Ice, although I have attempted to walk on top of the ice over water. It does work, but is extremely tedious and drains mana. Throwing weapons are an interesting idea, they do tend to get left behind all over the place.

Personally, I'm tempted to see if doing Silver Seed early (like, from the Monitor gate) is useful in any way, because not having the keyring drives me insane.

United States

Thanks baranurabu! And of course a huge thanks again to james_neko for all these new skips, and honestly for doing all the heavy lifting of routing the entire back end of the run!

Early Silver Seed sounds super intriguing. Thorjelly's Any% run uses the leave/belongings dialog to make companions drop items, which could substitute in for the Vibrate clip. And then maybe the exit through Furnace could lead into getting the Serpent Staff from the opposite direction? Lots of details to work out but it sounds like there's potential here.

The other skip I'd be interested to try is to see if there's any major downside to skipping Dupre at the beginning. I have no idea if two companions are required for any of the Moonshade story triggers, but if the only drawback is lower damage output, maybe there's time to be saved there. (Then again, it could make any Shamino death a run killer, so there's the extra volatility to consider.)

What I'd really like at this point is a safe/consistent way to cross the trap hallway on the way to the Ring of Reagents, like some way to despawn them or some position/setup that always dodges, but for now this will probably just have to be wishful thinking!

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