4 years ago
Wisconsin, USA

Why no Tetris?

dlloyd10, JSR_, y Krayzar les gusta esto
United States

The NWC cart is set on a timer of 6 min and 21 seconds. In NWC, after you beat SMB1 and Rad Racer, you have the remaining time to beat Tetris to get a higher score. You can't speedrun Tetris since you can't beat it in a specific amount of time, it just goes on until the cart runs out of time. You can play Tetris on the "High Score" category.

dlloyd10 les gusta esto
Wisconsin, USA

I would have thought getting one Tetris would have been the last goal. There is plenty of time to do so and would incorporate all 3 games into the run.

You can't beat NES Tetris at all, even if you were playing Type A game on a Tetris cartridge. The game wins eventually. That hasn't stopped folks from speedrunning it though ;)

dlloyd10, JSR_, y Krayzar les gusta esto
Indiana, USA

Yeah, tetris needs added for sure. This is a huge miss.

dlloyd10, JSR_, y Krayzar les gusta esto
South Holland, Netherlands

There is no obvious way to beat tetris, thus i get the dession of the mod, i think its a good idea to include level 1 of tetris in a misc. cat.

dlloyd10 les gusta esto
United States

Ignoring an entire part of the NWC cart because ya couldn't think up a goal for Tetris is pretty lame IMHO.

Editado por el autor 4 years ago
HeyIts_B_A_618, dlloyd10, y JSR_ les gusta esto
United States

Maybe I should add a Tetris category. But I can’t think of a category LUL I’ll try coming up with stuff for it probably today

dlloyd10 y Krayzar les gusta esto
United States

Maybe I should add a Tetris category. But I can’t think of a category LUL I’ll try coming up with stuff for it probably today

dlloyd10 les gusta esto
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

what if runs from now on were smb1 + rad racer + finish tetris as fast as possible (aka lose very fast)?

dlloyd10 les gusta esto
South Holland, Netherlands

But than all runs from before have an advantace or need to be removed. Thats not a good idea imo

Editado por el autor 4 years ago
dlloyd10 les gusta esto
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

make an any% category and a smb1+rad racer category

dlloyd10 les gusta esto
United States

Here's what I'll do. I'll change the name of Any% to Any% SMB1 +RR and I'll make a new category called Any% Beat Tetris. That way the current WR holders for Any% won't have to delete their runs

Krayzar les gusta esto
South Holland, Netherlands

I would make a new cat for smb + rad + tetris. And keep any% this way

United States

Yea thats what it is sorry for not specifying that

United States

I already commented on this in the other thread, but I think any% should have a goal for Tetris. I suggest a line goal or (as stated above) at least a tetris goal. A score goal is also a good idea.

You could then change the current any% to any% no tetris, to preserve the leaderboard

Editado por el autor 4 years ago
AriesFireTiger y LeonD011 les gusta esto
United States

Doing research on this, my runs tonight will be of the current Any% w/o Tetris rules, but for the w/ Tetris I'll be running to 25 lines. This seems very doable for anyone that is seriously speedrunning this; anyone that has the skill to beat Rad Racer and SMB1 in a reasonably quick effort (thus a speedrun) should be able to get in the 25 lines ballpark. Does anyone think this is an unreasonably difficult goal?

AriesFireTiger les gusta esto
South Holland, Netherlands

I agree, that isnt too hard and its more fun to do some more lines than like 5

AriesFireTiger les gusta esto
United States

I apologize if I came on a bit hard there, but I will insist that mods take into account what the community wants to see from them, if they intend on representing a game that they'd like to cultivate into a community.

Any speedrunner that puts serious effort into this speedrun can easily get 25 lines. Denying that competition is shooting yourselves in the foot. At the very least, there should be another board.

MagicK, HeyIts_B_A_618 y 3 otros les gusta esto
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