So basically, when we are doing runs, my friend loads in 4 seconds faster than me every time. I'm wondering, do we have to time from when he loads or when I do? It would be pretty unfortunate if we have to add 16 seconds to our campaign times because of this. Hopefully someone can help me out. Thanks!
Timing is a really tricky subject. I guess that you would have to start the timing when the first player enter in the room, sadly... When i run with my friends, we try to avoid this problem by changing the graphic options. I have a cool PC so everything is max and I local record. My friends have very low graphics and we appear in the room in the same time. Maybe if you have your own server/you host it can help too, i don't really know.
Hey everyone, some minor changes to the rules - solely to clarify things/change wording, no rules actually "changed" (at least not in any way that will be relevant to 99.9% of people):
- The linked guide for demo recording is now in a new location on the internet ( 👀 ) and was reworked to hope