We recently added the KappiMod to the category extensions.
This mod allows players to skip dialogues automatically, without clicking space, which is an issue that many runners had with the 0.93 version of MiSide. Some more information is given in the new announcement that I made on that category
The following have been banned from MiSide Speedrunning:
- Remapping keys without explicit permission from me and me alone
- The use of more than one keyboard
- The use of an external device that has keys that allow the rebinding of inputs
- The use of an external device that has keyboard inputs on it
- This includes, but is not limited to, the sayodevice, wooting uwu, bluetooth keyboards, multiple mice, multiple keyboards, steam deck
If you are playing a level or full run in which the spacebar text skip is used, the game version does not need to be shown. This is due to the fact that this is the only version that allows for spacebar skipping.
NOTE: Once the next version of MiSide releases, you will be required to show the version again, but until then, feel free to cover it
Level runs will now start being timed once the in-game cursor disappears, instead of "when the pink starts to fade." I made this change due to the fact that determining the fade is very inconsistent, and could cause runs to be unfairly timed compared to others
Due to this update, we would like to request that you have your cursor turned on in OBS recordings, as without them, it will be hard to determine the start of your run
I will update all of the already submitted runs very soon, I promise
Twitch is limiting storage of highlights and uploads to a total of 100 hours per account. If you have an amount of video exceeding this on your channel, files will begin to be wiped on April 19th. Take action and caution to back up your content on YouTube, Rutube, or BiliBili. After this wipe, if your run is not longer viewable then it will have to be deleted from the leaderboards
Twitch twitter post: https://x.com/TwitchSupport/status/1892277199497043994
Dialogue skip still exists, however now it is a console command, meaning it is much easier to activate.
To activate:
Type the ` key on your keyboard. It should either be under your ESC key or press FN + ESC (For smaller keyboards)
In the console, type "skipdialogue" and click enter
You will know if the command went through correctly if you receive a red line of text warning you that the command is glitchy
Note: This does not work in the phone section of the game, and only starts working after you have exited the phone
With the release of the new update, 0.93, the developers have decided to remove text skip and other bugs from the game, rendering the game practically unspeedrunable. Due to how slow they will be, we are very wary of adding the new version and future versions to speedrun.com. However, not everyone knows how to downpatch, and I feel it is inconvenient for some. So I decided to make a poll to see how other runners feel about the situation
This poll will be available for two days:
Poll removed
I just updated some of the resources and guides with the following:
All three of the splits in resources have
Outdated guides now have a notice at the top stating that they're outdated and will be fixed shortly
If anything else needs to be updated or fixed, PLEASE reach out to let me know on either speedrun.com or Discord (panzer80808)
There is also the official speedrunning discord pinned in the forums tab
We were looking through the rules and deciding what was not necessary for runs, after going through it it has been decided that an overlay is now not required for runs, this means that your inputs do not have to be on-screen (Please note that a livesplit is still required to be on your OBS Scene)
After consideration to the variables surrounding music on runs, it has been decided to remove the rule banning music, i will personally go through all rejected runs due to music now and verify them.
I apologize for the double announcement (please check out the previous announcement if you have not already), but I just wanted to give everybody a heads up that all "Level" category runs must start by clicking "Load" and not "Continue". Furthermore, all runs must start from the main menu to ensure this occurs
Thanks to AR34, there is now a Double Escape Macro.exe file available in the Resources tab. This file allows you to bind a double escape macro to any key of your choosing. The current languages are Russian and English
Due to the buggy camera mode that was added to the game, the free camera is going to be banned during runs
Let's get right to the point. An update has been released in Miside. It fixed a lot of bugs that were used in Glitch. Mandatory missions have also been added. Now you can't take the bear in the "Old Version" chapter at once and much more. That's why we're moving all the runs to Legacy. I also added 3 new categories in the levels. Read the rules and you can start running them. You can now make new runs, which we will start checking from tomorrow.
I hope I've explained everything.
I just wanted to let all current and future speedrunners know that verifying runs takes a LONG time. We currently get around 30-50 submissions a day, totally anywhere from 10-20 hours of footage PER DAY. We have around 3-5 active staff members, meaning that each member has to watch anywhere from 2-7 hours of footage per day. Many games take upwards to several weeks to verify runs, so if your run was just submitted or it has been less than several days, do NOT message the moderators to verify your run. If this does occur, the moderators have every right to hold off verifying your submission until they deem fit.
Verification times are not long, do not message the moderators. Wait until your run is verified
I have decided to temporarily add the chapter "Novels" to the levels list. It is unconfirmed whether or not this decision will last
I want to congratulate the MiSide speedrunning community and all runners on reaching 100 runners! It is hopefully the very first milestone of many, and I cant wait to see how we progress in the future
I was recently notified that I had not changed the category rules, so if you plan to submit runs into levels, please recheck the rules to make sure your runs fit the criteria
Earlier today, the rules were updated to be more specific. I have also specified that key and mouse overlays are required for all runs moving forward. For more information, please read the rules. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me on speedrun.com or Discord, panzer80808.
I have just finished fixing and updating the splits. They are now currently synced up with the world records of each respective category. I will be working on the achievements split soon, which should be uploaded later today
The Start and Ending Timing Guide is designed to help players know when to start and end their splits. Currently it has four languages: English, Russian, French, and Japanese. If you would like the guide and all future guides to have translated versions, please feel free to message me
Due to the creation of the AutoSplit for MiSide by OkoTales, we have had to change the start timing of all runs to accommodate this feature. This might take a few hours so bear with us
The start of runs now starts when "AIHASTO" appears
В связи с созданием OkoTales AutoSplit для MiSide нам пришлось изменить время начала всех запусков, чтобы учесть эту функцию. Это может занять несколько часов, так что будьте терпеливы.
Старт забегов теперь начинается при появлении надписи «AIHASTO».
En raison de la création d'AutoSplit pour MiSide par OkoTales, nous avons dû modifier le moment de démarrage de toutes les exécutions pour prendre en compte cette fonctionnalité. Cela peut prendre quelques heures, alors soyez indulgents avec nous
Commencez par démarrer avec « AIHASTO »
We recently added the KappiMod to the category extensions.
This mod allows players to skip dialogues automatically, without clicking space, which is an issue that many runners had with the 0.93 version of MiSide. Some more information is given in the new announcement that I made on that category