Utah, USAxJackieBx6 years ago

I've also noticed that the TAS is losing a few seconds at the miniboss guarding the silver thieves statue. (and also the one guarding the gold thieves statue)

The TAS is having the enemy jump across to the left, then back to the right before they start doing the bulk of the damage. Those first two jumps by the boss are completely unnecessary. Just go all the way to the right of the room, let the boss land, then start attacking him to the left (like the TAS eventually starts to do)

Utah, USAxJackieBx6 years ago

So I've managed to do the clip in the dungeon with the floating green enemies in order to skip the bronze knight completely a couple of times while messing around, but there doesn't really seem to be a consistant way of making them spawn (let alone in the correct place).

Also on the topic of skips...It appears that our newest runner "theLimitBreak" came across a despawn glitch 5 months ago for the flashing guard in front of the gold/silver thieves guilds. Based on other videos it seems that it was the only time it's happened for him, and I've tried replicating the movement/pathing as well, but haven't been able to produce the same result.

it seems like it would save time despite the slight extra pathing it uses. If anybody smarter than I can figure anything more out about how to make it viable that would be really cool.

Here's the video...

start watching at 0:40 seconds in.

Dacicus gefällt das.
Thread: Destiny 2
Utah, USAxJackieBx7 years ago

I'm with Lonne on this one, they aren't accessible once you complete them, I'm not even sure how we're going to handle this game in general for speedrunning either, you can't select specific strikes, you can only do the 3 meditation missions each week and you can't play them a 2nd time if you complete those as well.

Utah, USAxJackieBx7 years ago

We need to find a consistent way to force the silver and gold thief bosses to lean back. Being able to do those fights without getting damaged would save a bunch of time.

Utah, USAxJackieBx7 years ago

good finds, I've managed to mess around with clipping into walls with the 3rd wizard about a year ago, but couldn't really find any real use.

my question I have is when do you fire the shot after you defeat the dragon? is it after you land on the ground? or on a specific pixel like in the malkil fight.

also If I do this shot after the dragon, do I need to still go to the correct pixel at the malkil fight before i levitate, or can I just levitate immediately once the battle starts?

Utah, USAxJackieBx7 years ago

Just realized that Twitch decided to delete my video, so you'll need to watch Chargepunch's run to see where you need to stand at the final boss

Utah, USAxJackieBx7 years ago

Hello Enigma, I'm terribly sorry for the extremely late reply, only 2 people in the world currently run this game, and we haven't really bothered with runs for quite some time now. So I haven't really checked this page as often as I should, so my apologies...

As for your questions....I mention both getting past the guard, and killing the final boss here http://www.speedrun.com/Wizards_and_Warriors_III_Kuros_Visons_of_Power/guide/mb9do

they can be found near the bottom in the Q&A section. I go into a little detail about how to damage boost past the guard (but keep in mind, it is the hardest trick in the game, so don't expect to get it consistent overnight)

and as for the final boss, yes it is required that you have to stand on a pixel perfect location, but once you know where that is it's easy to do. you can watch either mine, or Chargepunch's run to see where we stand.

when you are on the pixel, you will need to switch to the 1st wizard (if you aren't already) Hold B to 'ready your staff' and then press 'left' this will shoot a fireball directly upwards, but behind your head. once you shoot the fireball you then immediately change to the 3rd wizard, and then hold be to levitate.

the glitch is 100% consistent and you don't have to do any of the actions within any sort of frame perfect timing, you can take a little time, just be warned that if you don't get it fast enough though Malkil will start flying and start shooting at you, making it harder to pull off

If you have any other questions pls feel free to ask me. I've added this game to my followed games again so that I know to check more often

EnigmaGameZ gefällt das.
Thread: Destiny
Utah, USAxJackieBx7 years ago

it doesn't need to be from a new character.

Sweatcicle gefällt das.
Thread: Destiny
Utah, USAxJackieBx7 years ago

the community DID come to an agreement

Thread: Destiny
Utah, USAxJackieBx7 years ago

Lol "informed" by a few friends.

And BTW.

I¤ couldn't¤ no one¤ R.I.P.¤ it's¤ should have¤

Thread: Destiny
Utah, USAxJackieBx7 years ago


Thread: Destiny
Utah, USAxJackieBx7 years ago

Joke? The joke is that you seem to not realize that 99% of the runners on here use Discord to communicate, it's been that way for a while. I'm pretty sure there is even a topic that talks about the discord group.

What else is funny is how you are so offended that everybody else feels differently than you do. Literally NOBODY agrees with your stance on the matter.

Back on topic, the zite looks a lot better now Zecora and whoever else helped, glad to see things getting cleaned up and more organized. makes everything easier to find and navigate. :D

JukesAndStuff gefällt das.
Thread: Destiny
Utah, USAxJackieBx7 years ago

Destiny runs are being verified literally daily, multiple times even. Odds are if your runs aren't being accepted, it's because you aren't following one or more of the rules.

Thread: Destiny
Utah, USAxJackieBx7 years ago

rules for every level, strike, and raid, say that the mission MUST BE DONE IN ONE SEGMENT allowing the timer to be paused for any reason, makes the run a segmented run, and is 100% against the rules that are stated.

Thread: Destiny
Utah, USAxJackieBx7 years ago

For anybody that cares, I got new internet last week, so I am able to stream consistantly now. Stream name is same as here. xJackieBx

JukesAndStuff und Zeee gefällt das.
Thread: Destiny
Utah, USAxJackieBx8 years ago

xDom, Epicookiez, and sc Slayerage (the legend himself) have already 3-manned the new raid, haven't watched it yet but definitely check it out.

Thread: Destiny
Utah, USAxJackieBx8 years ago

i'm sure he means just the alt ending

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