Thread: Doodle World
Utah, USAxJackieBx2 years ago

Also going to mention that I've gone ahead already and put in the updated times for the top 3 runs

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Thread: Doodle World
Utah, USAxJackieBx2 years ago

Since there is more than one person (me) that is running this game, I've added the ability for adding milliseconds to future times, as the runs start to become more and more competitive

Utah, USAxJackieBx3 years ago

The video you posted of "your end" isn't the end. Watch the LaughingMax video you posted at around the 2 hours 19 minute mark, and it should show where to go.

Utah, USAxJackieBx4 years ago

They might mean the spiral staircase leading upstairs

Utah, USAxJackieBx4 years ago

The PS4 version allows what could be considered an extra jump while in the air. For example, if you were to roll off of a ledge ( without jumping off) you will then proceed to have 2 jumps before having to land again.

This is not the case in the Switch version, as rolling off of a ledge counts as a jump in that version. Meaning the PS4 version can cross certain obstacles without having to wait as long or at all ( specifically when moving from the right to the left side of the screen at the obstacle with one long horizontal laser with a small platform moving up and down on the right side).

I don't know if the PS4 version is the only version where the trick can be done, or if the Switch is the only version where it can't, as I don't have the other versions, but they are separated because of that reason.

If it can be shown that only the PS4 or Switch are exclusive in each regard then I can combine the others and just separate the one. Again I don't have the other versions so I can't check this.

Utah, USAxJackieBx5 years ago

after watching it again yeah, it seems even though I turned to the left on the second attempt I didn't buffer another left press, which I did along with pressing jump on all the other attempts, I thought it was because i didn't buffer a jump that the 2nd time failed, not because i didn't buffer left.

Good to know now :)

Edit- I'm not sure how exactly subpixels work, but in an any% run where you would only have Wizard 1 could walking into the slope potentially give a consistent subpixel?

Utah, USAxJackieBx5 years ago

Ok so here it is, I do 5 attempts at the jumps, but the first 2 are attempts that are designed to fail,

FIrst- just a standard get kicked out switch to wizard and reenter Second- get kicked out switch to wizard move right and reenter with no buffer jump

3rd-5th - get kicked out switch to wizard move to the right reenter along with holding the jump button.

I also jump and move around in between attempts to try to see if that causes it to stop working, but didn't seem to have any effect.

Utah, USAxJackieBx5 years ago

So I've done some more testing and there is a consistent way to cause the wizard to jump to the top step.

apparently the slope next to the door puts kuros in the correct position to make the jump as long as you also press jump. it is really quick to do as well since you can just walk into the slope to force the slide animation. I'll post a video in a bit doing it consecutively a few times, along with the controller input.

EDIT* you don't actually need the slope you can just move a bit to the right as you enter the door as the wizard and it can work

Utah, USAxJackieBx5 years ago

I'll do more testing but this is what i'm talking about in my other post, again i'm not sure how the timing is so I may have gotten lucky idk.

Utah, USAxJackieBx5 years ago

also I've learned today that it is possible in the gold wizard (and possibly silver) guild if you jump i'm guessing on the frame you appear, you can jump straight up to the top step rather than having to jump on the first step and then up again.

I'm not sure how small the timing is to do it, or if it can be buffered at all, but i'll try and get a clip of it being done in the next day or so.

Utah, USAxJackieBx5 years ago

I think it would be ok to be allowed, unlike things like beehive skip and guardian skip where you are doing specific movements to despawn them, this doesn't seem to have to use any sort of maneuvering in order to somehow "trick" the game unlike those other examples.

That being said, you still have to be at the same place progression-wise in order to access it, I would definitely be more hesitant in allowing it if it somehow was able to be gotten much sooner in the game, which at this point anyway, can't.

So I say allow it, because you aren't manipulating game mechanics by doing it.

marquisdan gefällt das.
Utah, USAxJackieBx5 years ago

Players must find all nine guild statues, and complete all 9 guilds, before going to beat the game, timing begins as soon as you can begin moving Kuros; time ends when you can no longer manipulate Kuros' movement after defeating Malkil.

*All glitches are banned including the following -Beehive skip -Flashing guard Skip (despawn or damage boost) -Wall clip outside Wizard I guild -Malkil death glitch.

All Hidden secret room entrances are allowed

Levitating up to the gold knight statue via palace interior is allowed

Jumping over the Flashing guard in the palace area is also allowed.

Utah, USAxJackieBx5 years ago

So I just made the category :)

one thing I will point out though is while I am banning glitches like beehive skip and guard skip etc, I'm still allowing the use of the hidden rooms/entrances.

I'm also allowing for jumping over the other flashing guard up in the palace area, as he is never needed to be killed anyways in order to get the palace jewel. I might ban the old window jump we used to do in order to get that jewel around 5 or so years ago, but not sure yet as I'm not sure it's technically a glitch (unless being able to stand on any enemy is unintended).

Utah, USAxJackieBx5 years ago

I can make this happened, I had also a few years back thought about just making an all collectibles run, which would include everything you mention along with returning all 6 relics to the 3 wise men.

I'll at least make an all guilds glitchless category for now, have fun. :)

marquisdan gefällt das.
Utah, USAxJackieBx5 years ago

Unless I'm mistaken the exotics from asher and sloan are account based, so playing the game enough times you'll eventually just stop getting offered them as rewards.

Thread: Destiny 2
Utah, USAxJackieBx6 years ago

you can't play the base game when you use the boost, the boost not only increases your level, but it will also progress your character through the games story line as well all the way up to forsaken. Your character will be treated as though it's already done it.

Utah, USAxJackieBx6 years ago

send me an invite link and i'll join up

Pear gefällt das.
Utah, USAxJackieBx6 years ago

looks way fun, also appears to be on ps4 as well so I should be able to pick it up in the coming weeks, once next payday rolls around

Utah, USAxJackieBx6 years ago

@Vulcea not sure if you are still around, but dying after you get the 36th fragment is allowed, I didn't realize/was mistaken about the game giving you a time after that point. So if the old rule was a turn off for you maybe wanting to run this game then don't worry as it has now been changed to allow dying after you collect the last fragment. You no longer need to return all the way back to the start.

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