United StatesSuperSandshrew83 years ago

From what I read, German has the fastest voice acting in the game but what has the fastest text? You could change text to French or whatever has the fastest text then change the voice acting to the fastest voice acting language. What language has the fastest text and voice acting?

United StatesSuperSandshrew83 years ago

I am trying to install Emma's End Practice 1 Cycle Map but I can't. Normally, I just use Pea Zip and extract it to my saves folder but this one is different. Can somebody help me? Thank You :)

United StatesSuperSandshrew83 years ago

I see in the Moon Kinddom IL's they just wall jump up the 2D area as bowser. I have 2 questions. 1. When did they discover this. 2. How does this work? Thanks! :)

United StatesSuperSandshrew83 years ago

First moon skip is supposed to save time but it's only possible in 1.0.0. Is 1.3.0 faster than 1.0.0? Why don't people use 1.0.0 for any%? (P.S when I did first moon skip then fought Madam Broode, I collected the first moon and the game crashed lol)

United StatesSuperSandshrew83 years ago

I'm trying to do minimum caps but for some reason the clip out of bounds where you roll cancel won't work. Pls help me :) (P.S I play on 1.0)

United StatesSuperSandshrew83 years ago

I want to do a sunglasses% run but there are no catorgory extentions for All Stars. Do I submit to the Super Mario Sunshine leaderboard? Thank You :)

United StatesSuperSandshrew83 years ago

I have had my snes controllers for about 3-4 months now. I have 4 controllers. One of my controller's L button does not get pressed down. It's not like the button presses down and doesn't register but it just doesn't press down. Does anybody know how to fix this or do I need to get a new controller? Please help me, Thank you :)

United StatesSuperSandshrew84 years ago

I want to do a super mario galaxy any% luigi run and I don't want to do a 120 star Mario run every time I want to reset for any% Luigi or 120 star Luigi. Can you please help me?

United StatesSuperSandshrew84 years ago

I might want to do an all versions ss 1.8 run so could you add that pls? thx ;)

United StatesSuperSandshrew84 years ago

Does time end when the screen is completely black or when it starts fading? thx ;)

United StatesSuperSandshrew84 years ago

Can you add ss and rs for all versions cause I think I might want to do all versions 1.8 ss. ;)

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