I'm trying to do minimum caps but for some reason the clip out of bounds where you roll cancel won't work. Pls help me :) (P.S I play on 1.0)
Also something completly unrelated: In metro kingdom, for me the letters aren't there.
You are better off asking in the discord for your first problem, and for the 2nd one, the letters are only there after the moon rock is broken
for the cascade clip it might be easier to do first moon skip and then ground pound in the area which was supposed to be destroyed by the bridge(just above the chest moon)
Okay. Am I better off just asking the discord for help because I spent a lot of time getting to 1.0.
Actually I joined the Low% discord and I don't know how to ask a question. I know this probrably sounds really dumb but I don't use discord.
Discord at least for me was pretty intuitive the first time I used it. Prolly just send a message in general. Also you have to connect your account to your email address to send messages
Nice! Yeah, roll cancel clips are pretty hard, and I donât think any one can do any of them even like 95% consistently