DenmarkSheepmetal6 years ago

Hi guys, i made a discord channel for Kotor 1 and 2 so we have a more convenient place to talk strats and optimization etc. Q2uPRVu <-This invite code should work forever, but if it for whatever reason doesn't work feel free to DM me on twitch or make a post here.

DenmarkSheepmetal6 years ago

Hi guys, i made a discord channel for Kotor 1 and 2 so we have a more convenient place to talk strats and optimization etc. Q2uPRVu <-This invite code should work forever, but if it for whatever reason doesn't work feel free to DM me on twitch or make a post here.

DenmarkSheepmetal6 years ago

Most of the alternative crystals wouldn't be worth it unfortunately as we already one or two shot virtually all cannon fodder enemies, or lose time to bosses/the dark jedi trio due to cc rather than not ending fights quickly, so the time saves from the crystals would have to be gained back at the few higher hp boss fights in the run.

Additionally most of the runs in the past year or so have used a riskier buy route that saves up more time otherwise spent buying/looting to be able to afford buying new equipment and cutting down on time spent menuing.

The current build i run with uses a opila/solari lightsaber, a 21 str build at the endgame with knight valor, master duelling/force jump/crit strike, weapon specialization: lightsaber with a set of hyper adrenal stims and an echani battle stim.

One small thing to note is that we can buy an adhesive grenade on Dantooine at Adum Larp to lower Malaks defence by 2 during the second phase fight to help with the loss of the duelling, although it would take about 4 seconds to buy the grenade and to switch to a teammate to throw it with during which we can't re-apply force speed if Darth RNG Hell casts Force Breach.

Also yeah it might be a good idea to at the very least divide the xbox and pc versions as the differences(galaxy droid, lack of a load remover, Malak twi'lek easter egg etc.) are massive, if the bug turns out to work on pc it might be enough to just have the game version listed on the pc board unless more version exclusive bugs are found.

DenmarkSheepmetal6 years ago

I think the Darth Maul mcflurry option would definitely be faster in an IL scenario i have no idea if the average damage would be higher with the single blade crit build or 5 hit build. One of the big downsides if used in a regular run would be a loss of duelling(+3 attack and defense) making the Malak fight more random on top of the already rng heavy fight(it's pretty easy to lose 30 seconds on it), i've also not heard of this on the pc version before, although this could have alot to do with how many people nowadays only play it on steam and therefore only play on the latest patch, it could definitely be worth looking into. (later note, the only crystals we don't have to go out of our way to get afaik are the sigil opila and solari crystals although i could be wrong on that front as i do very little calculation and proper research when i try out stuff for this game, sorry for the text wall :P )

Thread: Jade Empire
DenmarkSheepmetal6 years ago

Oh you can do it without .ini modification, but my experience with games with multiple versions or stuff like the crashing JE config tool, its just easier in the .ini file, i'll post a screenshot to the discord of the GOG config tool, sorry if i confused anyone!

Thread: Jade Empire
DenmarkSheepmetal6 years ago

Had the same issue myself while setting up the gaem a few hours ago, unfortunately the only solution was opening the game over and over untill it didn't crash, i'm not sure if this works for everybody however.

Thread: Jade Empire
DenmarkSheepmetal6 years ago

Maybe disable all cutscenes should be allowed as well? As the option is avaible in both the Steam and GOG versions config tool i can't see much reason to have it enabled, but yeah other than that it sounds good.

Thread: Jade Empire
DenmarkSheepmetal6 years ago

Hi, i'm goofing around with the game and trying to learn the run, i was wondering if it would be allowed to modify the JadeEmpire.ini to allow the game to run in windowed mode?

DenmarkSheepmetal6 years ago

Well, i play the game in windowed, my main concern was with the ''not being able to do it off a regular install'' part(ie making messing around the ini file a straight up necessity, which i'm really not a fan of compared to how we just do it for comfort, which goes too close to modding the game for my taste.) but if it's possible to do in the physical release i don't really see any issue with it.(Later edit: Also it seems to be irellevant as to how much memory usage is being used after testing the glitch a bit more so my earlier arguement of it being better on some machines most likely isn't relevant.)

DenmarkSheepmetal6 years ago

Me many smart. Me many many smart. So i found out the main offender to my hard buffer issue, i was mashing at around 2/3rds of the keypress instead of the halfwaypoint where the actuation point is, somehow managed to get it into my head that was the actuation point on the switches in my keyboard. The zx keys were just in a position where it forced my hand to mash the right distance.

DenmarkSheepmetal6 years ago

While i'm still against using this in actual runs i have found out a few minor things about the glitch that i'll put up for documentations sake, it doesn't actually need save buffering of any kind and can be done straight up with regular movement as long as you right click the window bar, the distance is based off how how long the game has been ''paused'' with longer periods shooting you further into the distance than a short one, the actual area seems irrelevant in distance traveled, having tried in lower city apartments and the dune sea and the result is the same. Also it seems that enemies are not affected by the glitch causing them to stay where you initated the windowed teleport, still locked on to you they will start chasing you to the ends of the map if you untill you kill them.

Thread: Mass Effect
DenmarkSheepmetal6 years ago

This was literally all i needed to know, many thanks! Also don't worry about the perceived aggresiveness, stuff like explanations are basically talking at someone rather than with, so it's pretty normal to feel weird about writing like that if you aren't used to it.

Thread: Mass Effect
DenmarkSheepmetal6 years ago

Hi, been watching/listening some old GDQ's while playing games lately and absolutely loved the Mass Effect run to the point of considering learning it myself(soon™), somewhat confused about the soldier class though as the run seems to spend alot of time in combat on say the Saren fight or the Thorian battles and i'm wondering if going soldier /w singularity starting off at Therum in the planet order to pick up Liara(i'm asuming biotics are just as broken in the speedrun as in the casual playthrought.) and saving Kaidan on Virmire would make up for the increased cutscene/dialogue length(as far as i understand Liara makes certain post mission stuff slower) with more damage overall due to marksmans long cooldown? As far as i understand it marksman with a pistol beats assault rifles by a small margin. Sorry again, i just couldn't stop thinking about this after watching the 2018 run the second time.

DenmarkSheepmetal6 years ago

I have an old 6gv2, granted mine is busted to hell at this point (going on 7 years of on and off startcraft 2 use and now the flu) and it's beautiful. It might very well be time to replace it though as it's starting to break down, i think mainly it's just that i didn't have good reach for the buttons i was pressing as i tend to use a single pivot point for all the keypresses i do during the run(right below the righthand corner oh the keyboard) and i just straight up couldn't get enough leverage at the T key, i'll probs be replacing the keyboard during next week along with my mouse as i already absolutely need to get a new mouse and might as well save a bit of money on shipping on something i need to get soon anyways, i'll let you know if there's any kind of diffrence with the new board.

DenmarkSheepmetal6 years ago

Yeah it's entirely viable, been using it in the runs i've gone for on the leaderboard, but it just feels a little tame doing it in a few spots(lower city gang skirmish and Belayas dialogue).

Gonna see if i can get it consistent enough for live runs, as it would be alot nicer instead of having to move the cursor away from the middle of the screen everytime. (Later edit: yeah was not mashing hard enough, rebound the save/load hotkeys from r/t to z/x and i got it right 10 times in a row as i had a better reach for those buttons. Welp.)

DenmarkSheepmetal6 years ago

Yeah, it's really nice having gotten used to the menuing now but man i felt weird when i first realized it when accidentally clicking on the sonic emitter while trying to heal.(Later edit: After trying to practice it a bit i'm not really able to get the hard buffer while quick loading, not really sure if i'm just not mashing fast enough or if there's a timing i'm not paying attention to or something, if one of you guys could enlighten me that'd be awesome.)

DenmarkSheepmetal6 years ago

I hate myself, and you most likely will hate you as well after this.

Excuse me while i go play some Celine Dion and eat ice cream out of a bucket with a cooking spoon. (later edit (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ )

glasnonck und kyo gefällt das.
DenmarkSheepmetal6 years ago

Life happens, don't worry about it.

DenmarkSheepmetal6 years ago

I tried, i can't really see it being used in serious runs to be honest, as the possiblity of oneshotting alot of the enemies is already there, in some cases to quite an extent(ie. the Bastilla fight on Lehon). Unless there's some kinda combat that can make the run faster that we haven't routed yet i'm afraid the run will be faster single weapon, it was still pretty fun to walk all over the enemies post Tatooine however.

DenmarkSheepmetal6 years ago

I added this to a new thread of it's own since i believe it's abit more important than virtually anything i've discovered before other than the Brejik skip, i'll continue posting smaller finds on the ''Possibly new skip, quality of life stuff too!'' post as i think it's best not to flood the entire forum board with minor routing finds.(later edit, i have made up my mind on the matter, i'm against using the glitch in runs personally due to the glitch most likely being more effective on certain machines than others to a much higher degree than basic save teleports.)

glasnonck und ProjectJungle gefällt das.
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