Possibly new skip, quality of life stuff too!
6 years ago

Pretty sure most people already know some of these, but i'm gonna put them up on here since i didn't know about them before this.

116322821133 at the sith base console in taris prevents a small bug causing the ''Open Elevator.'' option to remain after using, binding ''Return camera to root menu.'' to 3 instead of 2, requiring the use of another key in the remaining menuing that can be avoided untill the 1133 part, probably the smallest thing to mention since it has 0 timesaves, but it's easier on the hands and feels way more natural. Also you get a neato burrito elevator opening on screen while you disable the droid's shield, it's the small things in life that matter.

Not sure if this is common knowledge, but it's possible to prevent a terminal overload killing atleast the party leader if set off, while still wrecking shop on surrounding area, have not tested this fully and i'm not sure if it has any use in some of the non any% categories, but it's there and atleast it can be used in case of horrible life ending fat fingering.

Sunry's trial can be done without Jolee by barrier skipping trough the holding cell door, also works at the visitor's hotel doors leading to the rooms, although i have no idea if either of these are usefull, still neat though.

The run has a few spare credits we could use to buy 2 concussion grenades from Larrim, although teeeechnically this is a time loss rather than a time gain, but then again sith gov is a pain in the butt.

The sub bay door on Manaan can be done with a barrier skip, saving us about 3 seconds.

Not sure if this is important, but i think we might be able to save time by doing the lvl 8 flu in the any% run in the krayt dragon cave, giving us master speed early if the level up is available.(later edit; we don't necesarrily have the xp during the current run, possible solutions could be zaerdra(400xp) or micromanaging the other party members on manaan ie. using the thermal detonator to make it all but garanteed to get the needed experience/buy a few ion grenades from Adum Larp(130 credits each) and blow up a few 950 droids on the way out/during the first force jump where main character is going full Tarzan for 3+ seconds at a time, although that might require a slight route change to pick up some more sell items or credits during the run/not get safety advanced medpacks, but i still think this would be faster since you spend quite a bit of time running on korriban before the second fake level up.)

I bound the options key to the F1 key, by mashing both ESC and F1 at the same time i can get pretty much completely consistent menu glitch first try, not using it during the security flu since the time it takes to open the containers are longer than the rubble in the krayt dragon cave and doing this takes quite a few inputs, not suuper usefull but very easy to pull off.

Removed the previous video as it's not overly relevant anymore. I didn't record voice for this because of the true enemy. The one. The only; Lazyness(or is it laziness?). A few side notes since i didn't actually go over them in the video: The barrier skip doesn't need another party member to set you up, just put on a speed booster(i find it makes it more reliable) and run with the side that the team member you want to push through a door towards said door, return to ebon hawk and ta-da, person hopefully stuck on the other side. The visitor hotel stuff is not needed to be done first, i just did because that was what the saves where ordered as, also there's no need to use an alacrity for the barrier skip, i just used it so that force speed wouldn't run out and cause me to have to reactivate it, as i didn't remember off the top of my head what an actual force speed that has not ended up bugged to hell is like, it's been a while. :p Sunry's trial can most likely be done more effectively than i did, as i just mashed numkey enter along with left clicking, but again, effort is evil and we can't have that in a 2 in the morning video going up for a forum post. The Brejik dupe is easy to do, just do a regular Brejik skip(hard buffer after your handler speaks to you but before Brejik shows up) and speak to the race announcer, do another race, another Brejik skip and poof there he stands. You can speak to any one of the Brejiks to start the regular cutscene, only the one you speak to will turn hostile like regular, howeeeeever the remaining vulkars(exept the ones bastilla usually kick) will now be hostile. Super not usefull. But it's there. For reasons! Stuff! Really useless stuff! But still!

The force jump targetting bug on Kashyyk(and probably other places) caused by taking damage can be avoided by either not getting hit/getting hit at or as a backup you can click on a lootable object and then cancel the running/moving to the container/body/other interactible object you have targetted, this resets the targetting so you don't flail backwards into the space(or a katarn). On a sidenote it might also be possible that taking damage from a frag mine will reset the targetting as well, however i haven't tested this enough to say for sure.

Occasionally doors may do a false opening causing the pathing to see it as open, display it as being open but will still block movement, this can be fixed by saving and loading, i also believe this is what causes the bug, a minor one but pretty irritating, i encountered this at the jedi enclave on Dantooine after the first Belaya skip.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 6 years ago
glasnonck und kyo gefällt das.

Added a new bug to the post causing two Brejiks to spawn at the third race on Taris, not sure if this is useful in any way shape or form, but it's weird as heck and wanted to show it to people, will also make a short video of demonstrations of a few of the other bugs and whatnots in the post abit later when i get around to it.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 6 years ago
Oregon, USA

Very cool stuff, Sheepmetal! Thanks for sharing.

Sheepmetal gefällt das.

I might have found out something about the load zone displacement glitch, while practicing the sith base on taris i got it after leaving the base and got a small targeting reticule(like when you hover the mouse cursor over an interactive object in the game) hovering in the air near the lefthand landing pad(the one with the cargo ship taking off), and then loaded into the sith base again after clicking on it. I had accidentally talked to an npc near the elevator with the sith guard on the way in, i'm thinking that talking to an npc or interacting with an object quickly (i was moving towards the spot where the npc was spoken to when i got the glitch, might have something to do with it?) The game used around 139mb of memory while i got the glitch, so i think that excess memory usage might not be the only thing causing the bug. Added a picture of the spot where i encountered it. https://imgur.com/a/uB3Pq1J

Oregon, USA

I've tried researching the load zone-displacement glitch before, and tried to get a consistent setup down. It all just is seemingly random when and where it happens and its only happened to me once before on Taris in the undercity. It may have something to do with the memory leak, but I'm not quite sure since no one's been able to get a consistent setup down. Nice find though!


Having tried the krayt dragon flu change i can't see any reason not to use it, we buy two ion grenades on Dantooine from Adum Larp at 130 each(and possible an adhesive for glueing Malak to the floor on the star forge so he won't run off and chase party members/have 2 less defence, haven't tested this yet.) and use them on the second combat droid on Manaan's underwater world, while queueing up Carth and someone else to murder the first one, this gives us 1900 bonus xp, along with killing an extra firaxa shark(the one we pass sitting in a room on the left) for another 150 xp has left me with 2000 twice after the star map on Manaan, not sure if any enemies were killed/destroyed by the selkath on the way in however so it may yield mixed results, both times as well on the way out i got around 500-1000 bonus xp as well from selkath, the party wrecking shop on the way out etc. With the krayt dragon cave starmap this gives us enough xp to reach level 8, which let's us do the second flu much earlier, saving us time on Korriban spent running through Dreshdae, the sith academy and most of the valley. The actual FLU itself is exactly the same as on Korriban. (On a sidenote it's possible to get the baragwin memesword in the any% run by defeating Calo Nord and taking his 2000 credits along with gear selling for 2500 additional credits, i don't think this is worth it since he takes roughly a decade to kill, but it's there if you feel like another 80-110ish seconds(he takes about 20 seconds to kill with his posse with a lightsaber with sigil + a souped up prototype vibroblade, asuming you hit him and don't crit every hit. There's a short cutscene of him kinda just standing around and the extra time spent running to the Yavin merchant twice) is worth a higher chance to oneshot the remain enemies in the run.)(later edit, if you somehow have less than 2000 xp remaining at the submarine going to the republic embassy you need to wait untill you get at or below that, it should not take more than a few seconds, alternatively if it's less than or equal to 2400 xp missing you can go to the visitors hotel and barrier skip to Firith Me and talk to him, this gives you enough xp to do the krayt dragon flu, however i don't think it's worth it at this point due to the time it takes to run to him and execute the glitch, so i'd just stay underwater abit longer.)(later later edit, it seems that you need some selkath to kill other stuff on the way out, not sure how much xp is needed compared to the base firaxa/starmap/droid xp but it seems to be around 500-900ish at this point.)

Bearbeitet von der Autor 6 years ago
ProjectJungle gefällt das.
Oregon, USA

Good find! Let's try using it and comparing the two routes side-by-side to determine which would be faster.


I tried, i can't really see it being used in serious runs to be honest, as the possiblity of oneshotting alot of the enemies is already there, in some cases to quite an extent(ie. the Bastilla fight on Lehon). Unless there's some kinda combat that can make the run faster that we haven't routed yet i'm afraid the run will be faster single weapon, it was still pretty fun to walk all over the enemies post Tatooine however.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 6 years ago

I hate myself, and you most likely will hate you as well after this.

Excuse me while i go play some Celine Dion and eat ice cream out of a bucket with a cooking spoon. (later edit (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ )

Bearbeitet von der Autor 6 years ago
glasnonck und kyo gefällt das.

oh my god

South Carolina, USA

Huh... Not sure how we forgot to try that..... lol ..... this will eventually irritate me until I try to improve the record again. This and the other improvements you've come up with. Good work, Sheepmetal!

Sheepmetal gefällt das.

Yeah, it's really nice having gotten used to the menuing now but man i felt weird when i first realized it when accidentally clicking on the sonic emitter while trying to heal.(Later edit: After trying to practice it a bit i'm not really able to get the hard buffer while quick loading, not really sure if i'm just not mashing fast enough or if there's a timing i'm not paying attention to or something, if one of you guys could enlighten me that'd be awesome.)

Bearbeitet von der Autor 6 years ago
South Carolina, USA

Basically, I think you're not mashing hard enough. For me, I start mashing quick load immediately after pressing quick save the last time. As long as you don't mash both at the same time, you shouldn't encounter the issue of loading a save in progress.

But if it's easier for you, you can do the "safe" buffer instead - clicking the options menu icon at the top right and manually loading by pressing enter, enter, up, enter. (I think that's the sequence.) Doesn't lose much time once you get used to it.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 6 years ago
Sheepmetal gefällt das.

Yeah it's entirely viable, been using it in the runs i've gone for on the leaderboard, but it just feels a little tame doing it in a few spots(lower city gang skirmish and Belayas dialogue).

Gonna see if i can get it consistent enough for live runs, as it would be alot nicer instead of having to move the cursor away from the middle of the screen everytime. (Later edit: yeah was not mashing hard enough, rebound the save/load hotkeys from r/t to z/x and i got it right 10 times in a row as i had a better reach for those buttons. Welp.)

Bearbeitet von der Autor 6 years ago
Oregon, USA

Another thing you could try is upgrading your keyboard? Although I know they are expensive, I upgraded from a membrane to a mechanical keyboard with fast response times (Corsair K70 Rapidfire). Although the difference on paper is seemingly minor, I find the difference in game incredible, so much so that I can hit the quick loads basically every time. It is a large investment though, so it's not exactly the most cost-efficient solution. Just thought I'd throw it out there since it's what's worked best for me.

Sheepmetal gefällt das.

I have an old 6gv2, granted mine is busted to hell at this point (going on 7 years of on and off startcraft 2 use and now the flu) and it's beautiful. It might very well be time to replace it though as it's starting to break down, i think mainly it's just that i didn't have good reach for the buttons i was pressing as i tend to use a single pivot point for all the keypresses i do during the run(right below the righthand corner oh the keyboard) and i just straight up couldn't get enough leverage at the T key, i'll probs be replacing the keyboard during next week along with my mouse as i already absolutely need to get a new mouse and might as well save a bit of money on shipping on something i need to get soon anyways, i'll let you know if there's any kind of diffrence with the new board.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 6 years ago

Me many smart. Me many many smart. So i found out the main offender to my hard buffer issue, i was mashing at around 2/3rds of the keypress instead of the halfwaypoint where the actuation point is, somehow managed to get it into my head that was the actuation point on the switches in my keyboard. The zx keys were just in a position where it forced my hand to mash the right distance.

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