Thread: Talk
ArgentinaMrMonsh1 year ago

Well, do you remember this or not? :)

EXPL und Oh_my_gourdness gefällt das.
ArgentinaMrMonsh1 year ago

[quote=Shredmachine]I really Think that duckstation should be allowed as well[/quote]

Speaking from experience from other games, I've also found Duckstation to be fairly consistent with its load times and usually in the same ballpark as ePSXe 1.9.0.

In the event you guys would like to look into suitable alternatives, here's a post with approved emulators for another game I run: https://www.speedrun.com/pepsiman/thread/psa0s/

I wouldn't exactly take the list for granted as-is and allow them without testing them first on this particular game (each game is different after all), but at the very least I personally don't have much reason to doubt Duckstation and/or RetroArch.

Shredmachine gefällt das.
ArgentinaMrMonsh1 year ago

Ok, so now there's a new update on this situation:

I received a new notification about a new emulator run which was 18m 46s. However, when I clicked on the notification to see the run I found out it's been rejected, stating specifically that "ePSXe 1.9.0 is to be used": https://www.speedrun.com/digimon_rumble_arena/run/mrln7e4m

That is fine and good, except that we now have one run rejected for specifically not using ePSXe 1.9.0 and also the run mentioned in my original post which is using psX v1.13 but is still up on the board: https://www.speedrun.com/digimon_rumble_arena/run/zgqp72jy

Again, as I mentioned in my original post: I'm not against using any emulator, but I just want to understand which emulators are actually allowed/forbidden in order to have a level playing field. If we could please get input from one of the mods themselves ( @Hdot12 and/or @DBcade ) clarifying this situation that'd be awesome.

Yukami_42day gefällt das.
ArgentinaMrMonsh1 year ago

[quote=PaulSaltine]Only GXPX, BlastEm, and Fusion 3.64 are approved emulators. Older runs using other emulators are grandfathered into the leaderboards but new runs using miscellaneous emulators will be accepted.[/quote]

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but the wording here threw me off: shouldn't new runs using miscellaneous emulators (ie. those that are not approved) be rejected rather than accepted?

PaulSaltine gefällt das.
ArgentinaMrMonsh2 years ago

Can confirm that the official ePSXe downloads seem to be offline. The page is up, it's just that the downloads do nothing when you click on them.

That being said, there's already a run performed in psX v1.13 which is already on the board (see this thread for more info), so you should probably be ok to use that one (though a confirmation from a mod would be awesome).

DBcade gefällt das.
ArgentinaMrMonsh2 years ago

I noticed that there's a new Any% run that's been run on psX v1.13: https://www.speedrun.com/digimon_rumble_arena/run/zgqp72jy

Given that the current rules state explicitly that only ePSXe 1.9.0 is to be used, I was kinda wondering if this was overlooked or if it's now being accepted as a valid emulator.

It might not seem like much, but psX v1.13 does seem to have slightly shorter loads than ePSXe (which has also been my experience in other games) so I'd prefer have a explicit answer on this subject.

PS: Just to be perfectly clear, I'm not against using the emulator and it's still clearly slower than PS2 FDS, but if we're going to allow it I'd rather know so that I can start using it myself as well and enjoy the load time boost.

ManuAlejo17 gefällt das.
ArgentinaMrMonsh2 years ago

GG! Sub 20 when? :P

ArgentinaMrMonsh2 years ago

As far as I know, I haven't seen any way to jump straight to a boss in normal levels, so any information you might have on that matter is certainly more than welcome! :)

ArgentinaMrMonsh2 years ago

I have always been of the opinion that the fastest any% sub-category should always be the default (applicable to any game really, not just this one).

With that in mind and with normal currently having the best chance at doing just that, I vote in favour.

PS: The slight prevalence of recent Practice runs is probably aided in part due to it being the current default too, so I expect Normal to boom in the same fashion if this change is applied. I wouldn't particularly worry about this point too much.

Demian_Neville, PakLomak und 2 Andere gefällt das.
Thread: Speedrunning
ArgentinaMrMonsh2 years ago

[quote=PutPineappleOnPizza]So far I am getting huge vibes of being at a disadvantage, just because I don't have the proper console[/quote]

This has been nearly universally the case for most of the games I ran as an emulator runner.

The reality is that games should only run as fast as they could on an original console, and anything that speeds up emulators is generally banned to avoid any unfairness to runs on official hardware, so by definition valid emulator runs are always equal to original console at best and at a disadvantage at worst.

That being said, hopefully you get an answer that works for you. Good luck!

PutPineappleOnPizza gefällt das.
Thread: Speedrunning
ArgentinaMrMonsh2 years ago

Given that SMW hacks have their own series, they most likely all share a ruleset on which emulators are allowed and which aren't. I guess my suggestion for your particular case would be to just pick one of the hacks you've already finished and see what's allowed there, and roll with that.

It's obviously not a 100% fool-proof plan, but given the circumstances it should be fairly effective.

PutPineappleOnPizza gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
ArgentinaMrMonsh2 years ago

I checked that thread on my PC at least and I see everything business as usual, so maybe it's a mobile-only bug?

Thread: Speedrunning
ArgentinaMrMonsh2 years ago

Please ask this question in the specific subforum of the SMW hack you intend to run, as the rules vary from game to game and you'd get a better chance of being answered by one of the moderators for that hack there. :)

PutPineappleOnPizza und StarSpeed gefällt das.
Thread: Talk
ArgentinaMrMonsh3 years ago

The gift that keeps on giving

EXPL, Bomb und 3 Andere gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
ArgentinaMrMonsh3 years ago

@shenef Using the @ mentions inside quotes always does that for some reason.

[quote]This quote originally had no line breaks: @shenef [/quote]

It's fair to say it's a bug that's been around for a while and it's got nothing to do with the current update at least. I usually just remove the @ and just leave the username whenever quoting someone to avoid this issue.

Thread: Speedrunning
ArgentinaMrMonsh3 years ago

@NeonSmiley Please post that question in the specific sub-forums for those games, as people are unlikely to know the rulings of those specific games here at the general forum.

Pear gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
ArgentinaMrMonsh3 years ago

Can confirm I see the same thing, and they both link to the same runner (checked just in case). Weird stuff

VyPr und StarSpeed gefällt das.
ArgentinaMrMonsh3 years ago

Welcome to the site! Enjoy your stay

YUMmy_Bacon5, StarSpeed und 2 Andere gefällt das.
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