PS4 Question: Reloading Gems in Single Worlds for Practice
6 years ago
Michigan, USA

Hey all! For those of you doing Any% or full runs, how do you practice each world? You get autosaved often, meaning once you collect gems, they're usually gone. I'm assuming you're using save states on your PS4? Or do you do it some other way?

Colorado, USA

You can save any data on a USB stick and reload that file over and over.

SableDragonRook gefällt das.
Michigan, USA

That makes sense! So I'd imagine you'd just load into each world, move the save data to the USB, then rename it if it suits you, since the game probably autosaves as soon as you enter a world. I've never used a USB with a PS4 before!

Marsh_GL gefällt das.
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