242 Stars in 9h 39m 10s by

Try not to have a milestone come down to Grandmaster Galaxy challenge!!! (we clutch these tho 😎)

242 Stars
With Bank
9h 39m 10s
4 days ago
10 hours ago
1 day ago
Bereitgestellt von Splits.io
#NameSplitBeendet am
1-Sky Station 1 [CM] (long jump, spin, pound then backflip)4m 54s 205ms4m 54s 205ms
2-Sky Station 2 (key chomp right below then go right)4m 16s 777ms9m 10s 982ms
3-Yoshi Star 1 [CM] (Yoshi flutters also shoot out Bits in this game ok)2m 58s 878ms12m 09s 860ms
4-Yoshi Star 2 (backflip into flutter at the start)2m 31s 638ms14m 41s 498ms
5-Spin-Dig 1 [CM] (spam Up and Bits at Toad, damage abuse at boss?)3m 46s 196ms18m 27s 694ms
6-Spin Dig 2 (left then dig at 1st star, down, edge, 4th star, down, right)
3m 06s 211ms21m 33s 905ms
7-Rightside Down 1 [CM]
2m 28s 664ms24m 02s 569ms
8-Rightside Down S (green pipe on the ceiling -> up-right)1m 49s 758ms25m 52s 327ms
9-Fluffy Bluff S (100 Coins to Luma on the big cloud)2m 40s 831ms28m 33s 158ms
10-Fiery Flotilla 1 [CM] (castle skip onto last planet)3m 07s 523ms31m 40s 681ms
11-Puzzle Plank 1 [CM] (bottom-right button, backflip into 2nd star)3m 18s 345ms34m 59s 026ms
12-Puzzle Plank S (select Star 1, top then bottom-right, 70 coins to Luma)3m 32s 779ms38m 31s 805ms
13-(Down on the map) Hightail Falls 1 [CM] (Yoshi flutters)2m 11s 182ms40m 42s 987ms
14-Hightail Falls S (30 coins to Luma after flutter)3m 09s 293ms43m 52s 280ms
15-[Get ~8100 Star Bits -> 700 to Luma] Hb S (wall jumps after swing)2m 21s 694ms46m 13s 974ms
16-Honeybloom 1 [CM] (at the end above clouds)3m 06s 729ms49m 20s 703ms
17-Lava Lair 1 [CM] (long jump - triple jump - damage abuses)5m 37s 040ms54m 57s 743ms
18-(Down on the map) Cloudy Court 1 [CM]3m 08s 526ms58m 06s 269ms
19-Freezy Flake 1 [CM behind snow block] (Bowser statue)2m 13s 117ms1h 00m 19s 386ms
20-Rolling Masterpiece 1 [CM] (map: right from FF, key down in green)2m 56s 909ms1h 03m 16s 295ms
21-FF 2 (3x goombas / 1x tree / 1x crystal for chips, right-down in fog)3m 26s 726ms1h 06m 43s 021ms
22-(Above Freezy on the map) Haunty Halls 1 [CM]2m 34s 790ms1h 09m 17s 811ms
23-Haunty Halls 2
2m 06s 626ms1h 11m 24s 437ms
24-(1000 Bits to Luma) Beat Block 1 [CM] (silver stars)2m 28s 185ms1h 13m 52s 622ms
25-Tall Trunk 1 [CM] (up the tree, down then right, fall for chips)3m 01s 813ms1h 16m 54s 435ms
26-Cloudy Court C2m 00s 007ms1h 18m 54s 442ms
27-Cloudy Court S (pick Star 1, 30 Coins to Luma on 2nd planet)3m 16s 733ms1h 22m 11s 175ms
28-Freezy Flake S (pick Star 1, pipe in farthest tree)2m 20s 286ms1h 24m 31s 461ms
29-Rolling Masterpiece C (key down in blue)2m 47s 806ms1h 27m 19s 267ms
30-(1st Galaxy of W2) Puzzle Plank C1m 36s 415ms1h 28m 55s 682ms
31-Wild Glide 1 (right option) [CM after 5 gates]2m 49s 774ms1h 31m 45s 456ms
32-Wild Glide L (right option, win the race)2m 30s 925ms1h 34m 16s 381ms
33-(Below Honeybloom) Cosmic Cove 1 [CM] (15 Coins, don't go in)2m 57s 245ms1h 37m 13s 626ms
34-Cosmic Cove 2 (key, middle of dirt patch, triple jump)3m 41s 998ms1h 40m 55s 624ms
35-(Pick the 1st STAR, Luma star) Cosmic Cove S (use Bits)2m 14s 270ms1h 43m 09s 894ms
36-(Right into W3 then up) Tall Trunk 22m 32s 174ms1h 45m 42s 068ms
37-(Pipe in the middle) Fearsome Fleet 1 [CM] (infinite flutter[s])
4m 08s 557ms1h 49m 50s 625ms
38-(1200 Bits to Luma) Sweet Mystery 1 [CM] (infinite flutters)3m 25s 377ms1h 53m 16s 002ms
39-(Right from SM) Flipsville 1 [skip to CM - lj right - roof skip]3m 09s 752ms1h 56m 25s 754ms
40-Flipsville 2 (launch star then pipe at the top)2m 31s 614ms1h 58m 57s 368ms
41-Sweet Mystery C (100 purple coins)2m 06s 830ms2h 01m 04s 198ms
42-Flipsville C (100 purple coins)2m 13s 791ms2h 03m 17s 989ms
43-(Right&down on map) Chompworks 1 [CM] (gold chomp)2m 52s 221ms2h 06m 10s 210ms
44-Chompworks 2 (spring on the last planet)2m 32s 974ms2h 08m 43s 184ms
45-Gravity Gauntlet 1 [CM -> Lava Boost?, delay 1st Bowser hit ig]6m 02s 747ms2h 14m 45s 931ms
46-Space Storm 1 [CM near the moving platforms]3m 07s 053ms2h 17m 52s 984ms
47-(Left-Down on the map) Upside Dizzy 1 [CM after 2nd pipe]2m 15s 551ms2h 20m 08s 535ms
48-(Click Star on entry, pipe near start) Upside Dizzy S1m 52s 558ms2h 22m 01s 093ms
49-(Up-Right on the map) Slipsand 1 [CM] (SPAM Fireballs at boss)4m 17s 116ms2h 26m 18s 209ms
50-Slipsand 2 (green pipe -> orange pipe -> launch star)3m 08s 358ms2h 29m 26s 567ms
51-(Above UD on map) Boo Moon 1 (->, up, -> at the start) [CM?]
2m 23s 877ms2h 31m 50s 444ms
52-Boo Moon 2 (->, up, ->, all the way up, ->, up to a green pipe)2m 33s 646ms2h 34m 24s 090ms
53-Boo Moon S (Star 1, past launch star) [CM if not gotten in Star 1]2m 00s 718ms2h 36m 24s 808ms
54-Slipsand C (SPAM Fireballs, back then forward on last phase)2m 10s 095ms2h 38m 34s 903ms
55-(1.5k Bits to Luma) Fleet Glide 1 (right option) [CM after 5 gates]3m 00s 285ms2h 41m 35s 188ms
56-Shiverburn 1 (skip at the start, 2nd far, 3rd close) [CM at 1st star]3m 19s 581ms2h 44m 54s 769ms
57-BB 1 (shoot koopa then cloud?) [CM to the right before boss]4m 09s 037ms2h 49m 03s 806ms
58-Melty Monster 1 [CM]3m 29s 964ms2h 52m 33s 770ms
59-Melty Monster 22m 09s 792ms2h 54m 43s 562ms
60-(Pick Star 2 then pipe) Melty Monster S2m 05s 023ms2h 56m 48s 585ms
61-(1800 Bits to Luma) Flash Black 1 [CM in up-left corner]2m 59s 456ms2h 59m 48s 041ms
62-(Right from FB) Slimy Spring 1 [CM underwater on the left]
3m 15s 384ms3h 03m 03s 425ms
63-(1st Galaxy of W5) Space Storm 2 (climb up the tower)1m 44s 344ms3h 04m 47s 769ms
64-(Pick Star 1) Space Storm L (lead red enemy on the last planet)2m 50s 869ms3h 07m 38s 638ms
65-(Backwards to last galaxy of W4) Gravity Gauntlet C2m 09s 183ms3h 09m 47s 821ms
66-(Back and up on map) Starshine Beach 1 [CM in a tunnel]
2m 36s 941ms3h 12m 24s 762ms
67-Starshine Beach 2 (Skip - D-Pad â€ș x2, gap of blue backup)1m 38s 927ms3h 14m 03s 689ms
68-(Right below Starshine on map) Chompworks C2m 03s 677ms3h 16m 07s 366ms
69-Starshine Beach C1m 43s 480ms3h 17m 50s 846ms
70-(2nd Galaxy down in W6) Flash Black C1m 50s 598ms3h 19m 41s 444ms
71{1st Half of 120 (70 Stars + Bowser's GG #1 = 71)}(CLICK TO SKIP CS) Galaxy Generator 1 [CM] (split on star grab)9m 36s 679ms3h 29m 18s 123ms
72Credits / Break #1 (~4:15 long) -> Start 2nd Half6m 55s 179ms3h 36m 13s 302ms
73-SWITCH to Luigi -> (W6) Clockwork Ruins S (30 coins to Luma)
2m 23s 018ms3h 38m 36s 320ms
74-Clockwork Ruins 1 [CM above big rolling rocks]3m 39s 553ms3h 42m 15s 873ms
75-Throwback 1 [CM at "Wild Blue"]2m 56s 914ms3h 45m 12s 787ms
76-Throwback 2 (go around right, to the top after 4th star)2m 21s 289ms3h 47m 34s 076ms
77-Battle Belt 1 (crouch-uncrouch spin on keyhole skip)3m 36s 621ms3h 51m 10s 697ms
78-Battle Belt S [CM] (20 Coins to Luma on ice planet)4m 39s 596ms3h 55m 50s 293ms
79-(CLICK ON MAP TO SKIP CUTSCENE) Galaxy Generator C4m 38s 140ms4h 00m 28s 433ms
80-(1st Galaxy in W4) Supermassive 1 [CM] (2P checkpoint skip?)2m 49s 933ms4h 03m 18s 366ms
81-Honeyhop 1 (1st Silver, left, up, right ft. CM, behind Queen)3m 09s 934ms4h 06m 28s 300ms
82-Honeyhop L (get more than 10k)3m 40s 427ms4h 10m 08s 727ms
83-Supermassive C
2m 43s 717ms4h 12m 52s 444ms
84-(Pick Star 1) Supermassive S (flower planet, 2P skip agane?)2m 24s 328ms4h 15m 16s 772ms
85-(Backwards to W3) Fearsome Fleet C2m 52s 494ms4h 18m 09s 266ms
86-(1st Galaxy in W1) Sky Station C (long jump 1st, backflip 2nd)2m 35s 341ms4h 20m 44s 607ms
87-(2nd Galaxy in W1) Yoshi Star C1m 55s 135ms4h 22m 39s 742ms
88-(300 Bits to Luma) Flip Swap 1 [CM]2m 14s 848ms4h 24m 54s 590ms
89-(Above Flip Swap) Spin Dig C
2m 26s 988ms4h 27m 21s 578ms
90-Flip Swap C (all 100 purple coins)2m 41s 044ms4h 30m 02s 622ms
91-(After Spin Dig up) Fluffy Bluff 1 [NO SKIP, CM on water planet]
2m 29s 832ms4h 32m 32s 454ms
92-Fluffy Bluff L (get exactly 10k??)3m 38s 797ms4h 36m 11s 251ms
93-(Last Galaxy of W1) Fiery Flotilla C2m 08s 366ms4h 38m 19s 617ms
94-(2nd up in W2) BB 1 [CM] (long jump left, spin when rock off-screens)
2m 51s 373ms4h 41m 10s 990ms
95-Hightail Falls C (jump & hold down-right for skip)2m 33s 166ms4h 43m 44s 156ms
96-Boulder Bowl C
1m 57s 822ms4h 45m 41s 978ms
97-Boulder Bowl L (skip from BB1 w/o powerup?, rock in front, go left)1m 47s 567ms4h 47m 29s 545ms
98-(Last in W2) Lava Lair C
2m 37s 997ms4h 50m 07s 542ms
99-(1st up in W3) Tall Trunk C2m 20s 942ms4h 52m 28s 484ms
100-(Right from Tall Trunk) Haunty Halls C2m 07s 167ms4h 54m 35s 651ms
101-(Right from Haunty Halls) Beat Block C1m 46s 305ms4h 56m 21s 956ms
102-(W6 then back to W5) Boom Bunker C (path above target?)
3m 42s 070ms5h 00m 04s 026ms
103-(Back then down) Shiverburn C1m 34s 051ms5h 01m 38s 077ms
104-Shiverburn S (clouds to the right -> green pipe)2m 11s 957ms5h 03m 50s 034ms
105-Fleet Glide L (right option, just win the race ok)2m 20s 292ms5h 06m 10s 326ms
106-(Right to W6, 2nd Galaxy up) Clockwork Ruins C3m 24s 065ms5h 09m 34s 391ms
107-Throwback C (go around right, to the top after 4th star)2m 01s 597ms5h 11m 35s 988ms
108-Battle Belt C (crouch-uncrouch spin on keyhole skip)3m 51s 901ms5h 15m 27s 889ms
109-(Below Battle Belt) Slimy Spring L (get over 10k then vibe??)4m 19s 725ms5h 19m 47s 614ms
110-(Jump to WS) Mario Squared 1 [CM bottom-left]2m 25s 549ms5h 22m 13s 163ms
111-Mario Squared C (all 100 purple coins)
2m 24s 302ms5h 24m 37s 465ms
112-Rolling Coaster 1 [go right on split paths for CM]2m 21s 902ms5h 26m 59s 367ms
113-Rolling Coaster C (100/110 Purple coins)2m 51s 454ms5h 29m 50s 821ms
114-Twisty Trials 11m 49s 230ms5h 31m 40s 051ms
115-Twisty Trials C2m 37s 486ms5h 34m 17s 537ms
116-SC 1 [right for 1st silver, up, CM, down-right after 3rd silver?]2m 28s 366ms5h 36m 45s 903ms
117-Stone Cyclone C (skip at the end?)1m 38s 495ms5h 38m 24s 398ms
118-Boss Blitz 1 [CM at the bottom of 2nd boss planet]7m 42s 073ms5h 46m 06s 471ms
119-(2000 Bits to Luma) Flip Out 1 [CM at the top of spike part]3m 32s 444ms5h 49m 38s 915ms
120-Boss Blitz C7m 02s 251ms5h 56m 41s 166ms
121-Flip Out C2m 33s 582ms5h 59m 14s 748ms
122{2nd Half of 120 (71 + 49 Stars + GG #2 = 120)}(W6 then CLICK TO PIS) Galaxy Generator II (split on star grab)6m 54s 458ms6h 06m 09s 206ms
123Credits / Break #2 (~4:45 long) -> Start Greens7m 38s 745ms6h 13m 47s 951ms
124-(Pick GS3) Sky Station Green #3 (inside the 2nd planet)
125-(Pick GS2) Sky Station Green #1 (at the start)
126-SS Green #2 (near 2nd launch star, skip cs later then spam backflip up)4m 18s 061ms6h 18m 06s 012ms
127-(Pick GS1) Yoshi Star Green #3 (in the air at the end)2m 31s 929ms6h 20m 37s 941ms
128-(Pick GS1) Yoshi Star Green #2 (alcove by launch star)1m 11s 235ms6h 21m 49s 176ms
129-Yoshi Star Green #1 (above the CM)1m 06s 944ms6h 22m 56s 120ms
130-(Pick GS1) Flip-Swap Green #2 (near a 1up past the checkpoint)1m 32s 174ms6h 24m 28s 294ms
131-Flip-Swap Green #1 (in the air above laser gates)0m 55s 207ms6h 25m 23s 501ms
132-(Pick GS1) Spin-Dig Green #2 (at the end of 3rd planet)1m 48s 678ms6h 27m 12s 179ms
133-(Pick GS1) Spin-Dig Green #1 (on the side of 2nd planet)1m 07s 552ms6h 28m 19s 731ms
134-Spin-Dig Green #3 (vine to the left, wall jump after 1st dig)1m 24s 850ms6h 29m 44s 581ms
135-(Pick GS1) Rightside Down Green #2 (bottom-right at the end)2m 17s 531ms6h 32m 02s 112ms
136-Rightside Down Green #1 (in the air at the end of side section)1m 51s 694ms6h 33m 53s 806ms
137-(Pick GS1) Fluffy Bluff Green #3 (cloud skip, hill on the left)1m 53s 039ms6h 35m 46s 845ms
138-(Pick GS1) Fluffy Bluff Green #2 (in the air left of 1st powerup)1m 07s 071ms6h 36m 53s 916ms
139-Fluffy Bluff Green #1 (in the air at the start, need clouds)1m 02s 958ms6h 37m 56s 874ms
140-(Pick GS1) Fiery Flotilla Green #2 (above lava near checkpoint)1m 23s 359ms6h 39m 20s 233ms
141-Fiery Flotilla Green #1 (top of the castle, left side)1m 06s 320ms6h 40m 26s 553ms
142-(Pick GS1) Puzzle Plank Green #3 (bottom-right, under platform)1m 41s 282ms6h 42m 07s 835ms
143-Puzzle Plank Green #1 (above ? block at the start)
0m 52s 069ms6h 42m 59s 904ms
144-(Pick GS1) Puzzle Plank Green #2 (wall jump before GS3)1m 13s 157ms6h 44m 13s 061ms
145-(Pick GS1) Hightail Falls Green #3 (above Yoshi flowers, near CM)2m 08s 111ms6h 46m 21s 172ms
146-(Pick GS1) Hightail Falls Green #2 (to the right of CM)2m 02s 062ms6h 48m 23s 234ms
147-Hightail Falls Green #1 (at the top of Yoshi ramp, go left)1m 20s 866ms6h 49m 44s 100ms
148-(Pick GS1) Boulder Bowl Green #3 (edge near 2nd powerup)1m 26s 156ms6h 51m 10s 256ms
149-(Pick GS1) Boulder Bowl Green #2 (under the ramp)0m 59s 330ms6h 52m 09s 586ms
150-Boulder Bowl Green #1 (wall kick up the bridge)0m 58s 443ms6h 53m 08s 029ms
151-(Pick GS1) Wild Glide Green #2 (left option, -> at the end)2m 09s 853ms6h 55m 17s 882ms
152-Wild Glide Green #1 (all the way down after 3rd gate)
1m 20s 593ms6h 56m 38s 475ms
153-(Pick GS3) Cosmic Cove Green #3 (at the end, left of the key)2m 54s 291ms6h 59m 32s 766ms
154-(Pick GS3) Cosmic Cove Green #2 (right of a black hole in 2D part)2m 13s 304ms7h 01m 46s 070ms
155-(Pick GS1) Cosmic Cove Green #1 (behind regular star)2m 00s 431ms7h 03m 46s 501ms
156-(Pick GS1) Honeybloom Green #2 (above swings after 2nd Cp)2m 27s 171ms7h 06m 13s 672ms
157-Honeybloom Green #1 (in the air before 2nd checkpoint)1m 49s 145ms7h 08m 02s 817ms
158-(Pick GS2) Lava Lair Green #1 (behind a rock near whomps)1m 47s 870ms7h 09m 50s 687ms
159-Lava Lair Green #2 (below ground past 2nd checkpoint)
1m 50s 607ms7h 11m 41s 294ms
160-(Pick GS1) Tall Trunk Green #2 (2nd planet left of CM)1m 43s 487ms7h 13m 24s 781ms
161-(Pick GS1) Tall Trunk Green #1 (up the tree above 6-shroom)1m 07s 422ms7h 14m 32s 203ms
162-Tall Trunk Green #3 (upside-down in 4th tunnel)2m 15s 247ms7h 16m 47s 450ms
163-(Pick GS1) Cloudy Court Green #3 (end behind the windmill)2m 17s 102ms7h 19m 04s 552ms
164-(Pick GS1) Cloudy Court Green #2 (in the air past 1st launch star)1m 14s 735ms7h 20m 19s 287ms
165-Cloudy Court Green #1 (up above green animal hedge)0m 55s 407ms7h 21m 14s 694ms
166-(Pick GS1) Rolling Masterpiece Green #2 (edge near end)2m 22s 884ms7h 23m 37s 578ms
167-Rolling Masterpiece Green #1 (key in green, edge of elevator)1m 26s 697ms7h 25m 04s 275ms
168-(Pick GS1) Freezy Flake Green #2 (last planet up-right)1m 57s 982ms7h 27m 02s 257ms
169-(Pick GS1) Freezy Flake Green #1 (upside-down on the slide)1m 15s 583ms7h 28m 17s 840ms
170-Freezy Flake Green #3 (to the right on foggy planet)2m 04s 062ms7h 30m 21s 902ms
171-(Pick GS3) Haunty Halls Green #3 (in the air at the end)1m 59s 934ms7h 32m 21s 836ms
172-(Pick GS2) Haunty Halls Green #1 (below bonus pad)
1m 07s 999ms7h 33m 29s 835ms
173-Haunty Halls Green #2 (in the air on 2nd planet)1m 01s 887ms7h 34m 31s 722ms
174-(Pick GS2) Beat Block Green #1 (edge before right turn)1m 19s 535ms7h 35m 51s 257ms
175-Beat Block Green #2 (in the air on the right at the end)1m 17s 440ms7h 37m 08s 697ms
176-(Map to W4 then back, GS1) Fearsome Fleet Green #2 (ship part)2m 15s 716ms7h 39m 24s 413ms
177-Fearsome Fleet Green #1 (behind enemy in front of 2nd big ball)1m 10s 073ms7h 40m 34s 486ms
178-(Pick GS1) Supermassive Green #2 (down below giant thwomps)1m 15s 089ms7h 41m 49s 575ms
179-(Pick GS1) Supermassive Green #3 (in the air of koopa planet)1m 11s 564ms7h 43m 01s 139ms
180-Supermassive Green #1 (in the air to the right of big coin)1m 03s 103ms7h 44m 04s 242ms
181-(Pick GS1) Flipsville Green #2 (on the roof on chomp planet)1m 26s 511ms7h 45m 30s 753ms
182-(Pick GS1) Flipsville Green #3 (hold <- then -> for toad, corner in air)1m 24s 063ms7h 46m 54s 816ms
183-Flipsville Green #1 (up on the edge of 1st planet)0m 53s 202ms7h 47m 48s 018ms
184-(Pick GS1) Sweet Mystery Green #2 (forward past CM)1m 21s 612ms7h 49m 09s 630ms
185-Sweet Mystery Green #1 (below after 1st checkpoint)1m 03s 775ms7h 50m 13s 405ms
186-(Pick GS1) Honeyhop Green #1 (behind red balloon)
1m 55s 161ms7h 52m 08s 566ms
187-(Pick GS1) Honeyhop Green #2 (in the air near Queen Bee)2m 16s 979ms7h 54m 25s 545ms
188-(Pick GS1) Starshine Beach Green #2 (above water near building)1m 38s 543ms7h 56m 04s 088ms
189-(Pick GS1) Starshine Beach Green #1 (above tree near tower)1m 21s 934ms7h 57m 26s 022ms
190-Starshine Beach Green #3 (cloud powerup -> above ball in water)2m 15s 871ms7h 59m 41s 893ms
191-(Pick GS1) Chompworks Green #2 (3rd planet, top of building)
1m 40s 222ms8h 01m 22s 115ms
192-(Pick GS1) Chompworks Green #1 (near 1st chomp dispenser)
0m 55s 199ms8h 02m 17s 314ms
193-Chompworks Green #3 (over right drill on last planet)2m 00s 799ms8h 04m 18s 113ms
194-(Pick GS1) Gravity Gauntlet Green #2 (above ? block past 2D part)1m 31s 487ms8h 05m 49s 600ms
195-Gravity Gauntlet Green #1 (above tower near turn)1m 00s 751ms8h 06m 50s 351ms
196-(Pick GS1) Space Storm Green #1 (pull above launch star)1m 16s 613ms8h 08m 06s 964ms
197-(Pick GS2) Space Storm Green #3 (6th bubble shooter)1m 23s 032ms8h 09m 29s 996ms
198-Space Storm Green #2 (on top of right wall)1m 08s 495ms8h 10m 38s 491ms
199-(Pick GS1) Boo Moon Green #3 (in the air on last planet)2m 20s 384ms8h 12m 58s 875ms
200-(Pick GS1) Boo Moon Green #2 (under the moon)1m 38s 113ms8h 14m 36s 988ms
201-Boo Moon Green #1 (past launch star near CM)1m 58s 419ms8h 16m 35s 407ms
202-(Pick GS1) Upside Dizzy Green #2 (right edge above GS1)1m 24s 198ms8h 17m 59s 605ms
203-Upside Dizzy Green #1 (left edge below GS2)1m 09s 175ms8h 19m 08s 780ms
204-(Pick GS1) Slipsand Green #3 (right side at the end of :) part)2m 37s 542ms8h 21m 46s 322ms
205-(Pick GS1) Slipsand Green #2 (left on the start of slide)1m 50s 335ms8h 23m 36s 657ms
206-Slipsand Green #1 (down below checkpoint and launch star)
1m 33s 525ms8h 25m 10s 182ms
207-(GS1) FG Green #2 (right option, behind left tower past thwomps)1m 58s 072ms8h 27m 08s 254ms
208-Fleet Glide Green #1 (literally just hold downwards lmao)0m 58s 687ms8h 28m 06s 941ms
209-Shiverburn Green #1 (freeze then volcano)1m 28s 463ms8h 29m 35s 404ms
210-(Pick GS1) Shiverburn Green #3 (above 1up cloud on 3rd planet)
1m 38s 766ms8h 31m 14s 170ms
211-(Pick GS1) Shiverburn Green #2 (go right on 2nd planet)1m 20s 863ms8h 32m 35s 033ms
212-(Pick GS1) Boom Bunker Green #2 (shoot left from 2nd cannon)2m 22s 174ms8h 34m 57s 207ms
213-Boom Bunker Green #1 (shoot above target from 1st cannon)1m 07s 679ms8h 36m 04s 886ms
214-(Pick GS2) Melty Monster Green #1 (above 1st launch star)1m 18s 982ms8h 37m 23s 868ms
215-(Pick GS2) Melty Monster Green #2 (left at tornados)
1m 39s 368ms8h 39m 03s 236ms
216-(Pick GS3) Melty Monster Green #3 (edge near end)2m 06s 046ms8h 41m 09s 282ms
217-(Pick GS1) Flash Black Green #2 (off the edge at the end)1m 55s 182ms8h 43m 04s 464ms
218-Flash Black Green #1 (corner above launch star)1m 20s 096ms8h 44m 24s 560ms
219-(Pick GS2) Clockwork Ruins Green #1 (above 3rd spinner)1m 23s 902ms8h 45m 48s 462ms
220-(Pick GS2) Clockwork Ruins Green #3 (3rd planet past end)3m 09s 325ms8h 48m 57s 787ms
221-Clockwork Ruins Green #2 (upper-right edge of 2nd planet)1m 37s 759ms8h 50m 35s 546ms
222-(Pick GS1) Throwback Green #2 (above whomp at the top)1m 33s 502ms8h 52m 09s 048ms
223-(Pick GS1) Throwback Green #1 (down the 3rd hole)1m 00s 023ms8h 53m 09s 071ms
224-Throwback Green #3 (use clouds from "C-less" part)1m 29s 767ms8h 54m 38s 838ms
225-(Pick GS1) Battle Belt Green #3 (in the air at the end)3m 27s 213ms8h 58m 06s 051ms
226-(Pick GS1) Battle Belt Green #2 (above cage on mole planet)2m 35s 982ms9h 00m 42s 033ms
227-Battle Belt Green #1 (above cage on grey pumpkin planet)
1m 33s 712ms9h 02m 15s 745ms
228-(Pick GS1) Slimy Spring Green #2 (corner next to launch star)2m 13s 037ms9h 04m 28s 782ms
229-Slimy Spring Green #1 (behind a pillar after CM part)1m 33s 647ms9h 06m 02s 429ms
230-(CLICK TO SKIP CS, GS1) GG Green #2 (in the air near Yoshi)2m 48s 477ms9h 08m 50s 906ms
231-Galaxy Generator Green #1 (right corner near drill)1m 28s 847ms9h 10m 19s 753ms
232-(Last PIS, GS1) MS Green #2 (3rd square down from top-left)1m 14s 639ms9h 11m 34s 392ms
233-Mario Squared Green #1 (under top-right square)0m 54s 592ms9h 12m 28s 984ms
234-(Pick GS2) Rolling Coaster Green #1 (left -> thin part jump)1m 30s 317ms9h 13m 59s 301ms
235-Rolling Coaster Green #2 (right off the edge on last rainbow)1m 50s 079ms9h 15m 49s 380ms
236-(Pick GS1) Twisty Trials Green #2 (clouds at 2nd cuboid part)1m 40s 542ms9h 17m 29s 922ms
237-Twisty Trials Green #1 (right from cloud powerup)1m 01s 632ms9h 18m 31s 554ms
238-(Pick GS2) Stone Cyclone Green #1 (above rolling cubes part)1m 34s 529ms9h 20m 06s 083ms
239-Stone Cyclone Green #2 (in the air near end / ! button)1m 22s 252ms9h 21m 28s 335ms
240-(Pick GS1) Boss Blitz Green #2 (top edge at Bouldergeist)3m 00s 238ms9h 24m 28s 573ms
241-Boss Blitz Green #1 (under the tree on mole planet)2m 06s 350ms9h 26m 34s 923ms
242-(Pick GS1) Flip-Out Green #1 (off the edge near 1st pipe)1m 07s 855ms9h 27m 42s 778ms
243{Green Stars (120 + 120 of 'em = 240)}Flip-Out Green #2 (off the edge near end, SPLIT ON GRAB)2m 49s 317ms9h 30m 32s 095ms
244-Grandmaster 1 [CM AT THE END]4m 19s 343ms9h 34m 51s 438ms
245{Grandmaster Galaxy (240 + 2 = 242 = gg)}-9+ Hours LULW (end on star grab)4m 19s 184ms9h 39m 10s 622ms
Neueste Nachrichten
Bowser Prologue Skip!

Hey SMG2 runners! Recently, a new major skip was discovered that skips the entire Bowser dialogue in the prologue. This skip had been theorized by a few TASers (PurpleSun and Shadow64) several years ago, but now has become a reality thanks to Sheep, a romhacker and creator of the SMG2 Kaizo hack Blu

2 months ago
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