Looking for new Verifiers/Mods
Looking for new Verifiers/Mods
Veröffentlicht 1 year ago von

The time it takes me to review runs, and I have been doing it by myself mostly, has shot up to around 21 days. This is not an acceptable delay, as it means the moderation team is not active enough to handle the relatively low volume of submissions we receive every month.

So I am asking for volunteers for Verifiers and potentially 1 new Moderator. So here are the conditions:


  • Must have at least one verified run on the leaderboard
  • Should dedicate time to verify runs at least once a week, this may require 5 minutes of your time, or an hour depending on how many submissions are in queue and what category they are.


  • Must have at least one verified run on the leaderboard
  • Must be an active participant in the community, either by verifying or engaging in discussions and helping newcomers.
  • Preferably, you've been a mod for another leaderboard on SRC

Rules for Verifiers/Mods

  • We DO NOT verify our own submissions.
  • We DO NOT reject submissions without reason.
  • We DO NOT use our status in the community to gain an advantage.
  • We DO NOT make changes to the leaderboard without notice. (MODS)
  • We DO NOT engage in hate speech, threats of violence (including to one's self) or harassment of any kind.
  • Violations of this agreement will result in immediate removal of Mod/Verifier status.

If you are interested, please ping me in #sr-general or #src-chat, and post your SRC username in the discord OR message me directly here on SRC.

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Hello Speedrunners,

Today I'm announcing my stepping down from the role of Super Mod for the leaderboards. I've been with this community since the very beginning, and it got me through some tough times during COVID lockdowns. I want to give special thanks to the OG mod team, @MacND, @Ikxi, @HUECTRU

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