Veröffentlicht 3 days ago von

Hello Speedrunners,

Today I'm announcing my stepping down from the role of Super Mod for the leaderboards. I've been with this community since the very beginning, and it got me through some tough times during COVID lockdowns. I want to give special thanks to the OG mod team, @MacND, @Ikxi, @HUECTRUM, @Graslu as well as @Meta for trusting me with the Super Mod role for this community. Special thanks to @Gfitty and @ContrabandOnly for having kept things running while I was not active.

After some discussion with the mods, @Gfitty will be the Super Mod for the leaderboards moving forward. I will still be around, but I am removing myself from the leaderboard moderation team, as I do not plan on increasing my activity significantly anytime soon. Don't be afraid to recruit new verifiers/mods if needed! You get to decide the conditions and how they are selected.

Please defer questions regarding verification and leaderboard changes to the SRC mod team. I will be available to the mods for questions, if they have any.

Thank you all for being great people to interact and work with!

Veröffentlicht 1 year ago von

Hey Speedrunners !

So the leaderboard mod team rejects a lot of runs since the October 2022 rule changes. I really don't enjoy rejecting runs that would have been good in the previous set of rules, or ones that are just "technically" not following the rules. I think the reject rate actually hurts the community more than it helps. Sure, it means that the runs are more "fair", but it also puts newcommers off and makes it quite daunting to submit a run due to the large amount of requirements. This isn't about the "bans" listed in the "Game Rules", but the "General" rules that comprise the mandatory submission criteria.

So I have a proposal to try and make things easier. I know it runs a little bit counter to what the community has asked for, but I want to loosen things up so that if people forget to show their settings specifically. I want to add a new variable to indicate whether the Settings were shown or not. What this would do is allow unrestricted FPS and Keybindings on the leaderboard at the cost of having a label that essentially says the run may be using settings that give an "unfair" advantage. I don't want to create a new subcategory either, I just want these runs to be labelled. If it would please the community, we can hide these runs by default, but this would let us mods allow more runs on the leaderboards than what we're currently doing.

Note: this only affects PC runs, since console doesn't have this issue.


Add a new label to indicate whether Settings were shown for verification? The label will be decided in another poll

A - Yes, I want to allow runs with potentially unrestricted FPS and Keybindings but they must be labelled B - Yes, allow the runs but they must be hidden by default, only visible if selected by filter C - No, keep rejecting runs that don't show settings, even if the rest of the run is good or has an FPS counter

I am also interested in allowing runs without video proof. How I would want this to work is to have a minimum number of runs on a particular leaderboard. So if you are submitting the first run for a character on a specific difficulty, you would need to submit a video. However, if there are, lets say, 5 runs on that leaderboard, you can submit a screenshot of the Victory screen hosted on imgur, or google drive so long as your time is not faster than any of the top 5 runs.


Allow submissions with no video proof? Specific criteria will be decided in another poll

A - Yes B - No

Please go vote at the discord:

Veröffentlicht 1 year ago von

The time it takes me to review runs, and I have been doing it by myself mostly, has shot up to around 21 days. This is not an acceptable delay, as it means the moderation team is not active enough to handle the relatively low volume of submissions we receive every month.

So I am asking for volunteers for Verifiers and potentially 1 new Moderator. So here are the conditions:


  • Must have at least one verified run on the leaderboard
  • Should dedicate time to verify runs at least once a week, this may require 5 minutes of your time, or an hour depending on how many submissions are in queue and what category they are.


  • Must have at least one verified run on the leaderboard
  • Must be an active participant in the community, either by verifying or engaging in discussions and helping newcomers.
  • Preferably, you've been a mod for another leaderboard on SRC

Rules for Verifiers/Mods

  • We DO NOT verify our own submissions.
  • We DO NOT reject submissions without reason.
  • We DO NOT use our status in the community to gain an advantage.
  • We DO NOT make changes to the leaderboard without notice. (MODS)
  • We DO NOT engage in hate speech, threats of violence (including to one's self) or harassment of any kind.
  • Violations of this agreement will result in immediate removal of Mod/Verifier status.

If you are interested, please ping me in #sr-general or #src-chat, and post your SRC username in the discord OR message me directly here on SRC.

Veröffentlicht 1 year ago von


Actually, read the rules before even doing a run. Then, before submitting, read the rules again. And finally, read the rules after you've submitted.

I cannot stress reading both the Game Rules and Category Rules enough. They are updated frequently, even when it seems like nothing has been going on. They still get updated because we keep finding new stuff that the community takes issue with. It's a pain, I know, and I wish there weren't as many rules, but that's just how it is.

If you are confused about "which rules to follow" here's how it works:

Game Rules - These apply to ALL runs with very few exceptions, best to just follow these always. Anything that is "banned" is never allowed. We do not retroactively invalidate runs that no longer satisfy these rules. Just because you see a run from 2 years ago that doesn't follow the current ruleset doesn't mean you can ignore the rules.

Category Rules - These apply to the specific category and subcategory in question.

Think of the "Game Rules" as a minimum submission criteria. All runs must satisfy the Game Rules. Not all runs have the same Category Rules, as some categories require a different ruleset.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

Veröffentlicht 1 year ago von

Join us at GDQ Hotfix Presents AIMBOT for @Fantasie to do a Sane Multi-Char run! Commentating will be yours truly(me)!

Our time slot is currently slated for Tue. 15 November @ 10PM CST or Wed. 16 November @ 4AM GMT

GDQ link:

I will keep this post updated should anything change.

Veröffentlicht 1 year ago von

Thank you for the overwhelming participation! Polls are now closed, and the changes have been made to the rules. We are now accepting runs with custom music at 88 bpm!

Please remember, moving forward, ALL runs must show ALL in-game settings (Game, Controls/Key Bindings, Video, etc.). This also removes the requirement for showing an FPS counter since that will already be verified by showing the settings.

For the time being, we will not be adding any custom tempo categories.

I also want to mention, the changes to the rules are effective as of today. Any runs submitted today and forward are subject to the new rules. All runs already verified will be unaffected.

Veröffentlicht 1 year ago von

Hi all, it's been a long time since we've pinged you, but we need your input for the future of the BPM leaderboards!

So just to recap:

  • A new rule regarding submission quality was voted on
  • Binding Interact to scroll wheel can result in a significant advantage in terms of "mashing" speed
  • Binding Jump to scroll wheel enables a newly discovered speed glitch
  • Binding actions to scroll wheel is possible by modifying the input.ini or through third party software
  • It is impossible to differentiate the use of macros or turbo from using the scroll wheel if set up properly
  • There is no feasible way to verify that someone is using an "artificial" mashing technique (turbo, macros, scroll wheel) based on footage alone
  • Custom music and tempos ranging from 60bpm to 120bpm have been added to the game in the latest update
  • Tempo is based on the filename, which is shown in-game when pressing TAB

Please go to the Discord server to participate in the following polls:


Quality Rule Proposal

  • Quality of video submissions must not interfere with any other verification requirements


Key Binding/Macros/Turbo Proposal

Promise not to cheat, and the following changes to the rules:

  • [PC] All submissions must show FPS counter OR Show FPS Limit in menu BEFORE run start or AFTER run completion
  • Macros are banned.

Will be:

  • All submissions must show ALL in-game settings in menu BEFORE run start or AFTER run completion
  • Macros and use of Turbo are banned, including input rebindings not possible through ingame settings.*


Custom Music at 88bpm

Should custom music be allowed if it is 88bpm? The following would be added to rules:

Custom Music:

  • Must be 88 bpm
  • Must press Show Stats at the START of every FLOOR to show tempo


Custom Music/Tempo Category

Are you interested in a Custom Tempo Category(60/120bpm)? Please note, this will not be added to the main leaderboards. It would either be misc. or in category extensions.

Veröffentlicht 1 year ago von

Posting a minor update to the game rules for some clarification and conciseness:


  • [PC] All submissions must show FPS counter OR Show FPS Limit in menu BEFORE run start or AFTER run completion
  • [PC] FPS must be capped at 144 fps or lower


  • Victory screen milliseconds are displayed incorrectly(Patch 0-current)
  • [CHALLENGES] Valid Victory time is displayed in main menu after completion if Victory screen is accidentally skipped. Does not apply to non-challenge runs or Boss Rush modes.

If there are any concerns over these changes, please post in #src-chat in the Discord server or the SRC forums. This doesn't affect any current or future runs because this doesn't change or add anything new that we weren't already doing.

Veröffentlicht 2 years ago von

Due to the overwhelming response, I have added the following rule to the Game Rules:

+ Macros are banned.

This will not affect any runs currently on the leaderboards. This just formalizes how we will treat macro usage in the future. Thank you for your input!

Veröffentlicht 2 years ago von

Hey Speedrunners,

The BPM SRC mod team would like to remind you that ALL PC runs submitted after October 3rd 2021 are required to show the FPS limit in main menu AFTER the Victory screen OR have an FPS counter visible throughout the run. We realize that many of you may not have seen the announcements and polls over the past couple months regarding rules changes. Please read both Game Rules AND Category Rules before submitting to ensure that you are submitting a valid video!

Also worth note, Multi-Character runs no longer require autosplitter, you may use RTA using Livesplit. And, we are accepting runs from ALL platforms. Console runs are exempt from the FPS limit rule as they are all capped at 60fps anyway.

Thank you!

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I'm stepping down, new leaderboard admin!

Hello Speedrunners,

Today I'm announcing my stepping down from the role of Super Mod for the leaderboards. I've been with this community since the very beginning, and it got me through some tough times during COVID lockdowns. I want to give special thanks to the OG mod team, @MacND, @Ikxi, @HUECTRU

3 days ago
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