God Zip (Huggy Zip) Guide
God Zip (Huggy Zip) Guide
تم التحديث 3 years ago من MythicCheese


In the toy factory, once the door opens to the spot Huggy spawns and chases you from, if you've set up boxes in a certain way, the game will not like it. A basic rundown on why the glitch works is that the game tries to place Huggy at his spawn point, and for whatever reason the boxes being placed correctly will cause Huggy's pathfinding to instead place him out of bounds. The game really does not like Huggy being out of bounds, so it tries to place him back inbounds, but does a very bad job. He gets placed in middle of the toy factory, and since the game does a check to see if you're behind Huggy (Used for making sure the player can't squeeze past Huggy and trap themselves in his spawn room) the game will give the player a large zip to his coordinates relative to behind you, usually zipping you into the middle of the toy factory, saving a good amount of time. Now on to the setup. It's not 100% consistent, but now that runners are claiming to get it relatively consistently with this new setup, I'm making a guide for it. The first thing you'll want to do is set up one rectangular cardboard box and one square cardboard box like done in the video listed below. Then with the smaller wooden box, you want to place it in the corner it's placed at in the video, not all the way into the left corner, but just a tad bit to the right, barely any. Once you're set up, simply wait, and once the door is open, go in, and make sure to time your backwards press to when he will spawn. (We don't know if it's necessary to press back yet, but better safe than sorry)

Zip Setup >

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I wanna thank everyone for helping out during this turbulent week and being patient while we worked on setting up the leaderboards.


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