Number of stars
7 years ago
Rhône-Alpes, France

hello, I would like to know how we skip levels for example the level 1-7, 2-7, 5-7 me I am forced to do otherwise I can not pass after ..

Rhône-Alpes, France

oh yes, there is also the skip of the 3 stars that you skip super fast. I will also like to understand


I don't really have an answer to the first question. World 2 should unlock after 16 stars, so you should only need to finish the first 6 levels (assuming you get 3 stars on all of them). I doubled check on my PC and I get the cut-scene after finishing 1-6 not 1-7 as in your run. So I'm not sure what is going on there.

As far as the second question goes, once the three stars show up (or really the moment the star count goes above the required amount to unlock the next world) after finishing 1-6 (or 2-6, etc) you can simply hit ESC to quit to the over-world and the cut scene will start playing. So you don't need to mash through it or anything like that. Just be careful, if you do it too early it won't register that you finished the level, and you will have to play it again.

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Rhône-Alpes, France

Okey, but I see that when you come out of the world 1 you have 18 stars and you can still go after, how do you do?


I'm not entirely sure I understand your question. You need 16 stars to unlock world 2, the minimum amount of levels you need to finish is therefore 6. So I do levels 1 to 6 in World 1, and upon finishing the 6th one (and getting 18 stars) I immediately quit out of the level. Since I have enough stars to unlock world 2 the cut scene will start. On my computer I'm not even able to start any new level after having unlocked a new world. If I spam space instead of hitting ESC I still end up being taken back to the over-world where the cut scene will play, it just takes longer.

The only reasonable explanation I can come up with is that you are somehow running on a different version where the number of stars required to unlock each world is different. Are you running on the current steam version?

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