LiveSplit Auto Splitter

Decided to put together an auto splitter for this game, and I thought I'd share it in case someone finds it useful. It's pretty basic, since all it is doing is reading the values from the save file, but it works well enough.

Here are the steps you need to go through to set it up to work with LiveSplit:

  1. Download the .asl file from the link below.
  2. Edit the layout in LiveSplit and add the "Scriptable Auto Splitter" to your layout.
  3. Go to "Layout Settings" and then to the "Scriptable Auto Splitter" tab.
  4. Add the downloaded .asl file to the "Script Path", and edit the options as needed (note, this script is not capable of starting or resetting the timer, so those two options are irrelevant)

Here is the file: (edit: fixed a bug where the script wouldn't reset properly when you restarted the game, meaning you had to restart LiveSplit itself between attempts. Should be fixed now.)

You will also need to edit the file itself, both to point it to the save file, and to customize it to your needs. There are comments in the file itself to help you do that, but I'll go through it in short here as well.

There is a variable called path that is defined on line 58 that needs to point to your save file, which you should find in your AppData folder under the path "\Local_10_Second_Ninja_X_Test\asyncsavegroup\10SNX.sav".

In addition to that there are three lists you can edit to change when the script should split. One contains a list of numbers that correspond to the star count at which it should split. One is used for splitting when you get S-rank or higher on certain marathon levels. The last one will split when you gain a certain amount of collectibles.

For any% you will have to do the last split yourself, because there is no way for it to tell when you get to that point. For the two other categories though it is possible to have the script stop the timer at the end of the run. You will also need to manually start the timer at the beginning of the run.

Hope that was explained well enough, if not feel free to ask for clarification. If you find any problems, or if there are any features you think are missing, just contact me here or on Discord and I'll be sure to take a look at it ^^

Edited by the author 7 years ago
69_others likes this

Due to a couple of bugs, and it being a bit unreliable at times I decided rewrite the auto splitter script from scratch. For the most part the goal was to: A. have it read values from memory rather than the save file (should be more reliable) and B. make it less of a hassle to set it up.

Here is the link to the new version:

As with last time you will have to save it to an .asl file and add it to LiveSplit through the "Scriptable Auto Splitter" component. There is no need to edit the file any more, since all the different settings can be tweaked within the layout settings in LiveSplit. This does mean that it isn't as customizable as the previous version, but I think the options I've provided are sufficient (if you really do need it to split on a different star count, contact me and I can add it for you)

There are two quirks with this version. The first being that there is no auto splitting on collectible count. I simply was not able to find any memory address that saves this data. Not too big of a loss in my opinion.

The second one is related to how marathon rank is saved in memory. For whatever reason the content of these memory addresses do not get reset when you delete your save. This means that if you have gotten to a point where the script has split because of you getting S or X rank on a marathon you will have to restart the entire game to do another run.

I have for your convenience added some code that will do this automatically for you. If you enable automatic restarting in the settings the script will restart the entire game given these conditions; the star count suddenly decreases and goes to 0 (should only happen when you delete your save), the script has split at least once because of a marathon.

As with last time, if you find any bugs, or have trouble making it work, feel free to contact me and I'll help out as best as I can ^^

Edited by the author 7 years ago
69_others and TheGameiro like this

I decided to update the script a bit, mostly due to the fact that the script above is pretty much useless for the "No New Save" category. I really like the new additions, and they will hopefully make running this more enjoyable for people. Here is a link to the new script (see the above posts if you have trouble adding it to livesplit):

First and foremost, probably the biggest addition is the ability to automatically start the timer, and this should work for all categories. For the main categories the script will start the timer whenever you hit start on the title screen (assuming you have 0 stars), and for No New Save it will start the timer whenever you enter the first level of any of the worlds. To enable it you have to enable both "Automatically Start Timer" in the custom settings, and "Start" in basic settings.

Secondly I've managed to have the script split at the end of any%. If you enable it (should be obvious which settings does this) the script will split on the frame that you lose control of your character when talking to Benji at the end of the game. So in theory you will not have to worry about your timer at all when running any%, which is nice.

Lastly I've made it so the script can split whenever you enter the first level of any of the worlds. This is mainly meant for No New Save obviously, but it will work fine with any of the other categories as well. One thing to keep in mind is that it will split every time you enter the first level, even if you have entered it before. So if you enter the first level, quit back to level select and enter it again, the script will split twice. It is also important to note that it isn't able to differentiate between normal mode and marathon mode, so it will split when you start marathon mode on any of the worlds.

I'm still working on being able to split at the end of the No New Save run. Haven't found a good way to do that yet, but hopefully that will be coming soon.

69_others and TheGameiro like this

Seems like all links are down. Does someone still have the script and could reupload or send it to me on discord?


Nvm i got the file from Blackpear. Heres a new link if anybody runs into the same problem:


Sorry, did not consider that the links would expire when I uploaded these. I've put the script in a github repo now, so that should make the link permanent. You can find it here: . Hope that helps. Also, feel free to contact me on here or on discord if you run into any trouble with the script, or if there are any features you feel it's lacking.

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