New South Wales, AustraliaTenka3 years ago

It is done!


New South Wales, AustraliaTenka3 years ago

I've just added a new guide which should cover everything a lot more in depth. Again it is focusing on the Arcade version, but provided you cater for the slight differences, most of it carries.

Just be aware of the "extra 10% hp rule" and you should be able to still use most of the strategies described in it.

That guide is STILL not complete and doesnt cover the advanced strats on endurances/Shang Tsung, but if you can get that far with the current guide you may be able to put the rest together yourself (or DM me and I'll help).

NerdyNester likes this
New South Wales, AustraliaTenka3 years ago

Also I recommend joining the Discord if you havent already. Feel free to @ me or DM me there and I can help you 1:1.

NerdyNester likes this
New South Wales, AustraliaTenka3 years ago

Ok so first of all, make sure you have made your way to fight 3 first, however you can, before beginning to learn the strat.

The reason being is that fight 1's AI is NOTORIOUSLY random. They will often not react as they should just due to RNG. Sonya is by far the most co-operative, Kano is by far the least co-operative, getting SZ or Scorpion to co-operate on fight 1 is a pain in the ass.

I should also make sure its clear (incase you missed it) that you want to be on Very Hard. It is required by the rules, but it is also essential into making the AI perform the necessary patterns which work with this strategy. Even with the AI set to very hard, fight 1/2 can still be an RNG nightmare. Once you get to fight 3 onwards everything starts to become a lot more consistent.

As for what you might be doing wrong. You do want a gap between you and the enemy, and that gap distance changes depending on if you are doing jump punch or jump kick. Jump punch you want to be about sweep distance away, jump kick about half that (any closer and you will probably get thrown). The distance is very specific.

I recommend forgoing the "walking forward to them" when starting out. When learning the strategy the best thing to do is to start crouched, wait for them to walk to you. When they get to the appropriate distance do the jump punch or jump kick.

If done correctly the AI will attempt to do a vertical jump kick to counter you, but JC's hit box is going to come out on top.

Unfortuantely the guide you read is not quite complete and really only a "quick chop work", doesn't quite cover a lot of the details that need to be covered.

Specifically, do the Jump kick against Sub-Zero,Scorpion and Kano. Do the jump punch against Sonya, Liu Kang, Raiden and JC mirror. This is due to SZ/Scorp/Kano's jump kick hit box being a lot harder to connect with. The jump kick (at closer distance) is a lot easier.

Now all of this information is associated specifically with the Arcade. MS-DOS has a few quirks beyond that, most notably that everyone has about 10% more HP. 3x Jump Punch > Shadow kick does not kill them like it does on Arcade. So instead you need to do 2x Jump Punch > Shadow Kick with 1x Jump kick > shadow kick. This often works out well if you have an opponent like SZ/Scorp/Sonya who will almost always projectile on opening, thats where the JK>Shadow kick comes in and allows you to finish them with 2x JP> Shadow kick (if you can put it together, depending on the opponent).

As for "following up with a shadow kick" whenever you connect with JK or JP, you must begin to buffer the back/forward movement AS JC is falling, and press LK when he hits the ground.

Like @DWednesday suggested, posting some footage of your attempts will go along way for me helping you figure out whats going wrong. Make no mistake, MK1 has probably he most complex speedrun of all the classic MK's. There are many layers to learn and jumping head first into WR strats may be overwhelming. It's best done in stages.

irwazr and NerdyNester like this
New South Wales, AustraliaTenka3 years ago

Added a category for it under "misc". Feel free to submit the current run you have and let me know if there are any rules that should be changed/added/modified.

OAleex and Yuri_oliveira like this
New South Wales, AustraliaTenka3 years ago


  • Added.

Good luck, and let us know if you need any help.

New South Wales, AustraliaTenka3 years ago

Sounds like it would be a real pain in the ass to moderate for lol ... Frankly I wouldn't blame them for refusing to add such a category.

Be sure to help them out if they do add it, checking that the runner collected every single item whenever they verify a single run would be very taxing.

thread: SkyRoads
New South Wales, AustraliaTenka3 years ago

I also recommend joining the MS-DOS speedrun discord. It should be much easier for us to talk there. (Discord link on the side bar)

StrandedKnight likes this
thread: SkyRoads
New South Wales, AustraliaTenka3 years ago

So actually I was confused, Krysziek made the Autosplitter for Skyroads Xmas edition. The one I was using in my last run was kind of a "hack job" of my own work and the work of a runner named Uematsufreak.

It only works with Dosbox 0.74 specifically (not 0.74-3) .. and I cant remember why, but the Skyroads folder needs to be mounted as "C:"

thread: SkyRoads
New South Wales, AustraliaTenka3 years ago

yeah .. sry I thought they actually uploaded it to Livesplit .. but looks like they didnt. I'll add it to the resources section.

StrandedKnight likes this
New South Wales, AustraliaTenka3 years ago

Fixed. Thanks for the heads up.

NerdyNester and Kromer like this
New South Wales, AustraliaTenka3 years ago

You may use any official revision of the game, including all Alpha 2, Zero 2, and Zero 2 Alpha roms. If there is any kind of advantage to using one rom over another, it is seen as a "routing choice". It must be a version that was at one point officially released in the arcades however, if the tournament version you are talking about happens to be a rom-hack then it won't be allowed.

The Mister can have roms loaded onto it the same way an emulator can, so it has access to all of the official revisions the same way MAME does. As far as it being "beta" .. its only really "beta" because it doesnt support ALL the CPS2 games yet. Once a game is supported it's going to be cycle accurate to the real thing. As I understand it, the sound issue is a minor thing which doesnt effect the actual processes of the game and should already be fixed now according to a twitter post jotego made a while back.

As for a 100% category, I think its something we can add if there is proven interest in the community. I'll ask the other mods what they think. If anyone else has any opinions on adding a 100% category feel free to reply to this post.

New South Wales, AustraliaTenka3 years ago

I have created a discord channel for this game. It has been linked to the leaderboard web page, and can be found on the side bar.

Otherwise you can join it here:

chickenboss36 likes this
New South Wales, AustraliaTenka3 years ago

Shoutouts to @kurtisconner for an amazing video and an amazing new WR.

Thanks to the newly generated interest in this game, we have decided to add some new moderators to help out. We would like to welcome @brocis420 and @FFRPro21 to the moderation team.

Cheers guys!

New South Wales, AustraliaTenka3 years ago

Definitely allowed .. we may even allow classing it as "real hardware". (havent discussed yet) Just specify in the description that it was used. All good!

New South Wales, AustraliaTenka3 years ago

Problem has been fixed.

Habble and NerdyNester like this
New South Wales, AustraliaTenka3 years ago

I renamed it to (No OOB/ No Infinite Jump) It should be much clearer then.

I think the Liu Kang "fire invinicibility" should be allowed. Same with Scorpion flame dash movement and using spikes on corpeses to reach higher areas.

This way the category name implies what it means more accurately. Banning of the two strats which I would consider "excessively intrusive to gameplay".

If we happen to get a lot more runners one day we can revisit the idea of a "purist" category.

Between platform separation, emu/hardware separation and sp vs co-op, the leaderboard is already fragmented enough.

TheKombatKing, Elfinout and 2 others like this
New South Wales, AustraliaTenka3 years ago

The category already bans "infinite jump". "Infinite jump and Out of bounds" are the two things banned in glitchless.

Renaming the category to "No OOB/ Infinite Jump" might be a good solution as well.

What @Elfinout says regarding "making characters fair" is also true. It's impossible, one will always come out on top eventually.

[quote] The Glitchless category was created with the intention of FACILITATING the race so that even beginning players can compete in the cleanest way possible. [/quote]

This is already accomplished with the current rules set as the only allowed shortcuts are easy/reasonable to perform and don't require infinite jumps or out of bounds method.

The rules are pretty simple as is:

  • No Infinite jump

  • No Out of Bounds

  • If you can do a shortcut using "normal moves" and no infinite jump or out of bounds, then it is allowed.


  1. Keeps the run approachable to newcomers.
  2. Maintains the majority of "natural" gameplay.
  3. Allows for potential further evolution to the route if new tricks are discovered which don't involve Infinite jump or out of bounds glitches.
  4. Is easier to verify and maintain rules for as it keeps the rules simple and is easily observable if someone used an infinite jump or got out of bounds.

If we disallow shortcuts as well then:

  1. Still true
  2. Still true
  3. The route is locked into specifically beating every section in the game with no chance of discovering new techniques.
  4. Is much harder to keep a clear rules. Much like MarlonChaves suggested, we would have to define what counts as a shortcut and what doesnt. It's a long and arduous process and can constantly change as more possibilities are discovered.

Banning shortcuts doesn't seem like a good idea in my opinion.

Furthermore, just .. banning shortcuts which are not difficult to perform and are performed using legitimate in game strats is pretty unorthodox in speedrunning. Usually people want to skip whatever sections they can. I don't really understand why you would want to ban it.

New South Wales, AustraliaTenka3 years ago

Again .. I am willing to make the rules based on how the community wants.

But consider what I am saying. These shortcuts are not "glitches" ... they are creatively using intended strategies of the game.

So, just consider that and what it means to not allow it. It means that the route is set in stone and there is no room for creativity if you don't allow them or allow discovering of new tricks that also perform more "shortcuts".

New South Wales, AustraliaTenka3 years ago

If this is what everyone agrees, I can amend the rules to include "no skips/shortcuts".

I don't really understand why there is a need for this rule though. I can understand not wanting to perform infinite jumps or out of bounds strategies as they can be monotonous and game breaking, but skipping sections and performing the game faster is one of the core benefits of speedrunning.

Furthermore it can be slippery slope determining what "is or isn't" a shortcut. If scorpion jumps across a small gap with his flame dash, is that a shortcut? If a someone puts a corpse in a spike and jumps on it, is that a shortcut?

The so called "shortcuts" you are describing seem more like "intended strategies" that are being used creatively rather than breaking the game. They aren't glitches. It doesn't make any sense to not allow them from a speedrunning perspective.

Disallowing infinite jump or out of bounds does make sense because it directly impacts gameplay significantly and is easily definable as to whether or not it breaks the rules. Not allowing shortcuts "of any kind" is much harder to make rules for and doesn't really change the gameplay for the better.

About Tenka
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