Alsace, FrancePsarthex6 years ago

[quote=zgl]"Psarthex was a runner who had to this point only brought up his opinions and questioned things that he thought was wrong. In every case before this moment he ended up basically saying he understood, or that even if he didn’t agree that he would deal. He also had not been incredibly rude with any of the mod team, he honestly just voiced his thoughts and opinions without being a troll or acting like a dick. The first time he did anything of the sort, was posting the meme that many runners think was an accurate representation of how we felt at the time in that thread. After this, Psarthex did start trolling with memes in his thumbnails or videos. This came after being provoked by the moderation team. His runs became controversial and when he had an issue with a run that could have been easily explained with the rules he had the infamous rejection: [quote=SuccinctAndPunchy] Your 1h 46m 52s run in Resident Evil 7: Biohazard – Knife Only – PC, Easy has been rejected. Reason: CarcinogenSDA: reject until he quits being a buttbaby tbh "[/quote][/quote]

So i'm a sociopath because I defend myself with the tools I have; memes & jokes. Powerful weapon indeed.

So, you all saying I should respect them to get respected. Fine. I was doing that, Until a FEW MONTHS ago, out of the blue, I saw Carci being disrespectful towards me.

How can I take things like that ? [quote=Carci] "Keep it rejected so we can see him react" ; "He looks like someone who has put a lot into sprucing up his image of 'cool guy' because he faced a lot of rejection by his peers"[/quote]

So yeah, you can act as professional as you want on your stream, it doesn't change a thing that at the end of the day; When you're judging someone out of the blue like that, you're a low-key human.

I can get freely disrespected in the first place, but fight back by pointing out some of those boys are liars / truth-molders and, most of all, clowns, that's "harassment".

I wasn't going to answer all that in the first place, but you're all taking the bait as Zgl decided to start this thread and just asked me if it was ok for me if he mentionned me. You're just ignoring everything other people are saying.

So yeah, my mind is at peace, I've already apologized for the things I've done & said. At least I'm assuming my words and deeds.

At the end of the day, I remain true to me.

Sorry again, if I got a little bit disrespectful on this answer, but I can't just let you all bash me like that.

Y'all acting like i'm the stinkiest person here and act like your shit doesn't smell. But it does.

Anyway, I know I might get ban for answering to this thread like that. But after all, that's not important, I've met wonderful people while learning how to run this game, I did my best to share my experience on the game with them. But having to deal with self-centered people like Succinct and Carci was the worst thing I could go through.

So yeah, I take the blame gladly, I was the only one to step up and be snarky about your behavior towards people on this board, while everyone else was thinking exactly the same as me and just sat back quietly.


EDIT: Ps: If you don't want your "full-time stream job" to get mixed with your charity-job here on moderation; just unmod yourself. Or at least don't go ape shit at people if they're coming on your stream to ask questions. Be fully professionnal and tell them that you're gonna DM them at the end of the stream. Be CIVIL. Or again just unmod yourself, because people will always do the link between those two things. And if you can't change the world around you, you either change your behavior or walk away. Like I'm doing right now. And FFS, quit being paranoid.

NLsnipa_, Nemz38 and 3 others like this
Alsace, FrancePsarthex6 years ago

pretty annoying to optimize, but it's a fun run

Philber-ROH likes this
Alsace, FrancePsarthex6 years ago

Alt tabbing during cutscene gets me softlocked too sometime FeelsBadMan

Alsace, FrancePsarthex6 years ago

It seems to happen whenever you deal too much damage to Jack (anyway from my experience, and I got softlocked many times there LUL )

thread: Outlast 2
Alsace, FrancePsarthex6 years ago

I see, I see ! Anyway, let us know how's training going :)

Alsace, FrancePsarthex6 years ago

I'll do some attempts yeah, but only in Augst probably since I have to run NG+ for a french speedrun marathon in a few weeks and I don't want to be confused by others strats I could learn from Madhouse or 100% because tbh I can easily mix up things and I don't want to make silly mistakes while presenting the run Kappa

zgl and s1a1n1d1i like this
Alsace, FrancePsarthex6 years ago

You're welcome pal, feel free to hit me even on twitch if you have questions ! I don't really know all the specifics knife-only strats that well since I only did a few runs in that cat, but i'm sure Maxy knows more than me about that since I just kinda replicate what I saw from his run and applied my NG+ knowledge to it

zgl likes this
thread: Outlast 2
Alsace, FrancePsarthex6 years ago

Oh, I'm on a french keyboard, so Z is W for you :)

I think I place my cursor in the direction I wanna go, and for the right moment to click I couldn't really tell... When you're character is bouncing left and right while you jump that's the moment when you have to grab the object. (I think) Maybe Andy or Finath could explain it better than me ? They might be the ones who came up with that strat !

Anyway, just load a chapter where you can train, do some tries, once you get it once I think it's gonna be good ! I think you can also join Outlast's Discord, there might be some strats videos left on it !

I'm new to speedrunning too, i just started in february with RE7 and hop in the hype train when OL2 came out, so it's a pleasure to help you if I can. Outlast 2 is kinda an anti-speedrun designed game tho (you can't skip checkpoints because you'll die, stamina system obliges you to do all those "quit & reload" and the last bit in the mines is really cruel with the 2 ennemies skip & the out of bound, no ones like to RIP run after ~1H30 OpieOP ), but anyway i had some fun running the game tho, I hope you'll have some too ! But for a "speed game" I've been told that Outlast 1 is wayyyyyyyyy better, I might try some of the categories one day :)

Alsace, FrancePsarthex6 years ago

Yo buddy, GL with running the game here are some tips

  1. That Mia trigger has always been a problem for me, I just recently figured out that there is a "perfect spot" to stand while staring at her to get the trigger instantly without even moving. It's pretty hard to explain but you have to be at the perfect distance from her and stare at her right leg (that means on your left). She'll get up and grab you, no need to get the heal or whatever voodoo dance we used to do and pray we waited long enough LUL. I'll explain my "setup"; when Ethan gets up, I stare in a precise angle towards her leg (the one next to the wall on your left) I take 3 quick sidesteps on my right and wait for her to get up. I know Uhtrance is doing that perfect trigger too but with a different setup, I think you can easily check one of his VOD on Twitch. No matter how you do it, you just have to find the perfect spot IMO, that requires some segment tries. Or you can stick with the old way; Counting 11 secs from the moment you control Ethan again, do whatever you want while waiting, and go back to her when you finished your countdown.

  2. Hatch Key is basically RNG, you can get it 5 time in a row without Jack grabbing you or 5 time in a row with Jack grabbing you. Just clench the harder you can haha, Jack has a few "behavior patterns" here; He can grab you instantly, he can let you pass to grab the key THEN grab you, he can let you pass then swing his weapon at you (In that case you block, 180° rush for the door F then cancel and pray that he's not blocking your way back)

  3. To trigger the cop scene, after you grabbed the key, rushed for the main hall door then answered zoe's call, you just have to get out of the room, rush for the trash bin in the kitchen then rush for the window where the cop spawns. You can tell if you triggered it because you'll see the reflection from his flashlight on the dinner room floor !

Hope it will clarify some points in your mind. Feel free to ask other questions if you have some, it can be useful for everyone to get peoples' experiences with all the strats

s1a1n1d1i and zgl like this
thread: Outlast 2
Alsace, FrancePsarthex6 years ago

Ok, this one with the cart is pretty tricky to do, but i suggest you to train on shelves etc. to get the basic idea;

See, here you can see my inputs: I hold forward + the direction where I want to go, jump to get my hitbox fucked up then grab the shelf with left click, it requires a certain timing but that's the idea.

Hope I could help you buddy, GL with running the game !

Alsace, FrancePsarthex6 years ago

[quote=Rossrossy] And lets not forget Xerians run which had more muted audio and also music over it violating TWO of the rules set was accepted, the response for that was "Runs AFTER this one are now rejected if they have anything other than game and mic audio". If this was a serious issue in the past then why the hell wasnt it a defined rule from the start? It's like you just make up stuff as you go and dont think anything through at all. [/quote]

If you're referring to that post in particular, I think his point wasn't to blame you in particular, nor drag this up again on that thread because he doesn't understand or didn't have the context of that. As he said he's been around here silently for a long time. So I think he just wanted to express this in particular: [quote=Rossrossy] If this was a serious issue in the past then why the hell wasnt it a defined rule from the start? It's like you just make up stuff as you go and dont think anything through at all. [/quote]

Again moderation issues / communication issues

But yeah, you could be right about other people anyway

Rossrossy likes this
Alsace, FrancePsarthex6 years ago

That seems fair enough. But again (and seriously), I wouldn't have to mute half the video, I don't know how's your French but I'm literally talking about my personal life and school anecdotes with the chat for like a big half of the run. And just to be clear, I suggested to mute those shittalking part because I understand that it's not a decent behavior to have. I shouldn't behave like that in the first place, clearly. Grudges aside, I can both understand how you are feeling about that and how, for me, it was nothing but a little roast and, for the end of the run, a way to talk to you directly through the video.

So yeah, honestly I won't WR a third time in the category, it's too RNG and boring. The best I can do is edit the video to mute those shittalking parts (except that one where i shittalk my former Highschool Spanish teacher in French, she's not part of SRC community and she doesn't know about Youtube), because the way I see it: You already verified the run, thus you know I didn't cheat, so it's technically ok with the rules, however I mute those parts, the run has already been verified as legit gameplay/audio by a mod... So yeah it clashes with rules in a way, but only for those who don't know. And I can even write as a description something like "Run verified as legit with full audio, muted parts are deliberatly muted because i'm a dum dum poo poo head and was toxic towards moderation during the run."

As for Carci, "bizarre" yeah. Let's not talk about that

s1a1n1d1i likes this
Alsace, FrancePsarthex6 years ago

@pervious I used the word "Hump" please. And oh my god, i'm not pleading 'innocent", I've said it on every post I wrote, I know I overreacted. I made fun of him. But I didn't start a witch hunt or anything I just made a meme-autistic-WR, so stop being hyperbolic, all the proofs are their tho. I literally screencapd everything, i'm not deleting stuff unlike Succinct/Carci, I fully assume all the things I said. But don't try to put other words in my mouth. Come on.

PS: That 'controversial part' is basically the last 20 minutes of the run where I'm asking Punchy to walk away from the moderation because it's not meant for people like him. (IMO) And yeah I called him a "prick" at one precise moment, sorry for that. WR adrenaline most likely.

It's either no one actually watched it or you're taking a "call out" for harassment and ToS violation. While Punchy is basically, according to your definition of harassment, violating Twitter ToS everytime he posts something related to me. ('Cause he has been tweeting disobliging stuff about me even before I started talking about him on my streams, so quit this nonsense)

Alsace, FrancePsarthex6 years ago

@Succinct I'm fine with the first run rejected, I'm sorry for that, I put on some music after the run and somehow the twitch bot muted the last 3 minutes of the run. That's my fault, no problem on that.

For the second run tho. First reason of rejection was literally

Then you came up with a seemingly legit reason; that "ToS" extrapolate thing.

Again, I'm sorry for my general behavior anyway. Childish/Trollish way wasn't the best way to deal with that. But still, problem is real with you Succinct, and overall with other mods' inactivity. (Except Zenix, who's always been around in the forum for all I know)

The whole thing just feels like some guys here love to act like professionals when it suits them

Snoozexd likes this
Alsace, FrancePsarthex6 years ago


Stop acting like I deliberately sent people on your stream dude. It's not my fault if some has seen that discord conversation where you make a psychologist analysis about me, then tell punchy to reject my run to "see how he reacts". Not my fault if some people who liked you, even donated to you are disappointed by your sly attitude.

Also +1 to Zenix Also @zenix, when I finally tried reaching through DMs I was already blocked. The thing that pissed me of, Succinct, is not the snooty remark you made about my layout (As you're trying to convince everyone that i'm mad because of that), I don't care about that, I made fun of it. It's your general behavior towards people on this forum that leads me to be a jokster on threads. And that from the beginning in February. By the posts from Succinct/FurryWulfz I saw in "PAL / US vs NTSC JPN version", I could already tell you were condescending, tbh. Furry unmodded himself now i'm not bringing him into that. My real problem isn't towards all moderators (as you're trying to make people think), it's just unfair and condescending treatments towards players that come in here to seek help/advice or to make suggestions, because Speedrun is about fun not demeaning people. I met wonderful people around here. Plus I've never been trolly/rude with other mods (I think, but as far as I remember, I only had interactions with CursedToast and Zenix, which were totally decent)

@succinct By the way. The only thing you ever did for that community is literally getting in the board that meme-DLC category that interested 10 people at most (including you). Also, a VR category was suggested and got simply ignore. When it came to help people or explain things, you usually use that "you dumb or what" undertone towards people. Not mentionning people asking for run-related help on discord, that got turned off by mods.

Alsace, FrancePsarthex6 years ago

No muted audio is to prevent cheat, you already verified the run...

Alsace, FrancePsarthex6 years ago

If that's really the matter, now that my run has been verified (Legit gameplay/no cheats) I can edit it, mute the parts where i'm talking about Succinct. So no "offend" part will be heard

Alsace, FrancePsarthex6 years ago

To be honest, I just want my legit WR to be accepted now, even if I kinda roasted Succinct on it. And that's not lasting 1h30. This drama is ridiculous, and I'm a big part of that, but jesus, I made my point; Succinct loves to criticize others freely but can't take a little roast without calling out "Harassment and intimidation" from me. Anyway, Gyoo you know my side of the story, I'll let others tell what's their opinion about that. (Over the fact that everyone recognize that it's ridiculous)

Edit: I never encouraged anyone to harass Carcinogen or even you, people ask on my stream why aren't my runs on the leaderboard, I tell them the story, some of them might think you're a ludicrous persons, that's on them if they want to tell you what they think. I never said anything like "Go on carcinogen stream to say dumbshit" or whatever. I didn't even know some of them went to carci's stream. In fact I went on it, trying to discuss that whole matter and I was perma-banned even before saying anything. And for Gordon, poking you on Twitter, he does what he wants dude, I never encouraged that shit, I'm even talking about that on the run in French.

  • Run is here:

Everyone can review it, see what are you talking about. Yeah we're making fun of you with chat. That WR happened after 3hrs of stream, I was fed up with that stupid category, so I started to use my voice transformer roleplaying as my sister during that long-ass intro.

You can even see what chat is saying here because i forgot to show the twitch chat on that sweet new layout

I'd like to see which ToS i'm violating tbh.


That's literally the "hate shit" you're talking about. You can tell from my voice i was so aggressive towards you

About Psarthex
7 years ago
1 year ago
Games run
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
Last run 6 years ago
RE7: Not a Hero
RE7: Not a Hero
Last run 6 years ago
Outlast 2
Outlast 2
Last run 6 years ago
RE7: Banned Footage DLC
RE7: Banned Footage DLC
Last run 6 years ago
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 2 (2019)
Last run 5 years ago
Resident Evil (Remake)
Resident Evil (Remake)
Last run 6 years ago
Remothered: Tormented Fathers
Remothered: Tormented Fathers
Last run 6 years ago
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance
Last run 6 years ago
Games followed
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
Last visit 2 years ago
Outlast 2
Outlast 2
Last visit 2 years ago
Last visit 6 years ago
Remothered: Tormented Fathers
Remothered: Tormented Fathers
Last visit 5 years ago