MexicoMingura6663 years ago

I'd like to try run this game and I have a few questions before doing it:

  • The most important question is: Is GNU/Linux allowed? I have the original game, original Launcher and original account but I'm an Arch Linux user. My last kernel update was on Oct. I haven't customized my kernel it's just pure bleeding edge (until Oct. 2020) from the pacman repository. I use GNOME desktop environment. The thing about saying those details is becase I don't know if they actually matter when it comes to run Minecraft.

  • Is it required to stream every single attempt? I mean I can but I have a potato with a hard drive attached. Without streaming I'd be more efficient on my fps and performance in general. I'm not aiming for top place on the leaderboard I just want my name on the leaderboard. I don't really care if I finish a run in 1 hour or in 12 hours as long as I can see my name in the list.

  • Am I allowed to record at 30 fps? Again potato PC.

  • Is optifine allowed? I want to run only 1.8.8 version (it's my favorite).

Thanks in advance for your replies :)

MexicoMingura6663 years ago

First of all I haven't submitted any run yet but I made a mistake by not reading the whole rules. I'd like to know some opinions about my run, if it's worth submitting or not.

  • I ran on Winkawaks, apart from turning off the scan lines and remap the buttons to my controller and I left everything on default.
  • I added a ton of credits because I'm not a good player, there are 29 continues on my run.
  • I ran the game on Arcade so I don't know which difficulty I was playing on. Is there a way to know? I have no idea how to tell the difficulty I played.
  • I started the timer when I pressed the start button at the game menu, before the tutorial and player select. My timer is 10.600 seconds when my character lands on the water.
  • I stopped the timer when the victory music finished and the screen went black; according to my LiveSplit the last hit on Rootmars is at 58m 54s 050ms (I stream at 30 fps so that is as accurate as I can go).
  • Due to my inability of reading the rules I'm not sure how to time my run but if I had to take a guess I'd take 10.600 off of the 58:54.050 for a 58m 43s 450ms of playtime.
  • I lost a lot of frames during the 3 Balls Fight before infiltrating on the Spaceship.
  • I have no idea what is overclocking but I checked after the run and there's an option named "Configure 68000 frequency". I didn't move that thing before but it says "1 MHz", not "64MHz" as rules say.

One good thing is that at least I made my own input display and during the whole run you can see how I smashed the A button like no tomorrow.

I'd like to post my first MS3 speedrun but I'm afraid of getting rejected; after all I said, does it worth posting? And by the way I have no problem on run it again, so if is just easier to re-do the whole thing, then I'm ok with that and I will re-do it.

MexicoMingura6663 years ago

I'm concerned about my credibility.

I watched a video tutorial about this game earlier today and I though it was a good idea to play it on my Twitch Channel. After taking some notes I started setting up LiveSplit and the timer delay to start a run, after a couple tests I ran the first attempt with the timer on and I finished that run with a 1m 28s. I know it may not be an amazing time but doing it on my first run concerns me a lot. Immediately after the run I decided to show my laptop's desktop to show the Emu (Nestopia) and all its configuration.

Should I be this concerned? I have the raw footage of the run here and you can even see me testing the timer delay. I have no microphone on because I never thought I could finish first attempt. This was meant to be only a test.

MexicoMingura6663 years ago


I'm not particularly good in the game but I've been practicing and I can get Blazit 4-2 once every 30 attempts or so (LOL) so I'm not near enough to implement it in any run soon but if I do I'm just wondering what information do I need to provide in order to prove I got the Blazit? I mean besides the obvious audio and video.

Here's me awfully getting one:

xXJulianbrito_YTXx3, drubzyy and 2 others like this
MexicoMingura6663 years ago

I'm interested in running this game but since I've never posted any run of this specific game before and I'm an Emu player I need to ask what Emus are allowed? I have Nestopia v1.40 and SNES9x 1.60 (but I rather run the NES version), also does this game run on framerules? The framerules would help me keep track on my progress, when would be the best moment to split?

MexicoMingura6663 years ago


Earlier today I was attempting a few 11 Exit runs and even though my runs died I got a PB for World 1, am I allowed to submit that portion of the video in World 1 category?

MexicoMingura6663 years ago

The AISSON in Category Extensions caught my attention but Nestopia doesn't recognize the code. I've read in a post in this forum that for some reason "AISSON" is never detected but AIISON does and works the same.

Can I submit runs using AIISON instead or should I get another EMU that validates AISSON?

MexicoMingura6663 years ago

I'm interested in running this game but I don't get the categories at all since there are not as many EMU runs as I wish so I can see which EMUs were used and how were they submitted. So I'm thinking on using RetroArch and submit it as "Other PC [EMU]".

Is that right? Is that the proper way to submit runs?

MexicoMingura6663 years ago


I've been running Super Mario Bros for a while and in that game there are framerules, you may know them but if not: that game (SMB1) checks level completion every 21 frames or around 0.35 seconds. That means that you can only win or lose time in multiples of 0.35.

Does this game have framerules as well?

MexicoMingura6663 years ago

I have some runs that I'd like to get verified, not for the leaderboard but because I upload some of my footage to my YouTube channel and I would like to have my runs verified even though they're not PBs.

Is it possible?

MoonstarAria likes this
MexicoMingura6663 years ago

I've been running this game for around 2 months and I've made it officially to 5:14. Today, like 40 minutes ago during a live stream, I got a 5:13 PB but my viewers told me that the stream lagged during the final jump to the axe.

The run happened during live stream with a few viewers so I know is legit but I'm concerned that due to the frame lost I can't prove it happened as I'm claiming.

I checked my raw video and it has lag, I downloaded the stream from Twitch and it has lag as well. The audio is the only thing that runs as it should.

Should I avoid submitting this run or am I allowed to submit it anyway?

dlloyd10 likes this
MexicoMingura6663 years ago


I have a 5:14 run on my YouTube channel and I played it on 0.25 speed doing quick play-pauses and I found that TIME 400 appears on screen when my LiveSplit is on -0.17 and all sprites after touching the final Axe disappear at 5:14.08.

Can I submit the run as a 5:13.91? Will I get in trouble for claiming an inaccurate time?

Honestly I rather grind until my LiveSplit says 5:13 or less rather than submitting a run that is just a few milliseconds off but I'm curious about the possibility of being higher on leaderboard if validated.

MexicoMingura6663 years ago

Hi. I'm new to the community, I started speedruning this game 1 month ago at most, I've been miss-splitting very often and I want to know if I need to save all my splits no matter what or I'm free to delete them all and start new splits whenever I want or need?

I'm asking because I don't want to look bad by submitting a run and then on my streams have an empty LiveSpit or submitting another run with an empty or completely different times on my LiveSplit.

About Mingura666
3 years ago
Games run
Super Mario World
Super Mario World
Last run 1 month ago
Super Mario World Extra Categories
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Last run 21 days ago
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros.
Last run 15 days ago
Yoshi's Island Category Extensions
Super Mario Bros. Category Extensions
Games moderated
Super Mario World
Super Mario World
Last action 2 days ago
Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World
Super Mario World Extra Categories
Tiny Toon Adventures: Wacky Sports Challenge
Last action 2 months ago
Mario con el Chiquito Travieso
Mario con el Chiquito Travieso
Last action 3 months ago
Newbie Kaizo World
Newbie Kaizo World
Last action 3 months ago