Switch timing differences for All Levels.
7 months ago
Michigan, USA

As per Dan's post related to NSO timing differences, these are the official numbers for the Switch timesave in my All Levels route, for the purpose of establishing a time penalty to account for Switch being faster. This route is estimated to save around 5-7 seconds over the route Miriri6 used in his World Record from May 6th, 2020. For that reason, the time penalty was calculated using this route, rather than his.

According to Dan's numbers, it's 4 seconds per reset, of which there are 23 for All Levels (a reset after each level in pages 1 through 5, and 3 of the levels in page 6). This alone saves 1:32 on Switch.

15 frames per level complete, I'm not sure if the Bowser fight counts towards that, so I only accounted for 20 of these (every level in pages 1 through 5, and none of the page 6 levels). 5 seconds total for All Levels.

15 frames per level load, of which there are 24. 6 seconds total for All Levels.

40 frames per screen transition. I know Dan said this isn't consistent, but for the sake of having an official penalty calculated, I assumed they are. There's 41 screen transitions in the route, for a total of 27.33 seconds saved in All Levels.

This brings the total time saved on Switch to 2:10.33, and I'm therefore recommending a time penalty of 2:20 to make calculations easier for the mod team.

发布于 2 years ago
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发布于 3 years ago
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发布于 3 years ago
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发布于 3 years ago