[*] How to Install Flying/No Splash Screen Patch
[*] How to Install Flying/No Splash Screen Patch
更新时间 7 years ago DerKO

WARNING: Probably will not work if you are on the latest version of YL on Steam

Summary: Ice Mario created an executable that patches the Toybox and can enable Yooka and Laylee to fly (crouch and press x), to air attack (press x in midair), to sonar boom attack (replaces crouch + jump, unfortunately), to remove the splash screens on load up, and to enable loading screen that does nothing. The flying and removing splash screens allow the Toybox to load quicker after a reset and allow the player to fly out of the intro box and straight to a desired location, letting a player practice a particular section quicker. I have been using it to practice/experiment and I have had no issues with it. Ice Mario originally had their users use command line to use the patcher, but after requests, they made a simple UI that can do this for you. Unless this guide doesn't work for you, ignore the directions they give on their download page.

How To: -Go here and click the download on the bottom of the page. Get version v1.02. http://www.therwp.com/?q=project/yooka-laylee-toybox-patcher -Open and extract the downloaded zip file, the location does not matter -OPTIONAL: drag all the files into your Toybox folder (probably in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\YookaLayleeToybox If you have it on Steam) for easy future patching -Run the ToyBoxPatcherGUI.exe, NOT the ToyBoxPatcher.exe -For "Source File", select the Assembly-CSharp.dll which is located at <steam location>\steamapps\common\YookaLayleeToybox\Toybox64_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll -Check everything you want -Make sure you have a check by "Backup the source file before patching?" and click "Patch!" -Enjoy

Restore Backup: -Delete Assembly-CSharp.dll -Find Assembly-CSharp.dll.bak and remove the ".bak" from the file name -Windows will tell you that this could break the file (it will not) and do you want to change it. Click yes. -YookaLaylee is now back to original

NOTE: -I am unsure if removing the splash screens effect the platform cycles, so keep this in mind if you are running 100% and want to have your timer count down to sync with these cycles. -This requires the .NET Framework

Hope this helps!

发布于 7 years ago
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