Clarification regarding mouse scroll wheel
2 years ago

One of the reasons cited for limiting the game's framerate to 60fps was that 120fps allows speeding up FTH significantly using an unlocked mouse scroll wheel, which is only possible on specific mice. However, the post did not say out explicitly that scroll wheel is banned, and it still gives a big advantage on 60fps. Can it be clarified whether or not we can use scroll wheel for FTH at 60fps?


Just saw this and i'm going to be in hospital for a large period of time tomorrow so want to give you a quick answer now so that you're not left without a response for a longer period of time.

We asked the community about this alongside the 60FPS change a couple of months ago and whilst nothing seemed to be officially ruled on the vast majority of the responses were to allow it because 1) the 60FPS vastly reduced it's effectiveness (Comparisons were given to 6 where it is immensely broken in that game) and 2) If button remapping to normal keyboard buttons was allowed, why not scroll wheel - to which no one formulated a response too. As far as i'm aware it's currently allowed.

My personal (and probably unneccesary) feelings are that I heavily dislike it and I'm not particularly fond of allowing it. There wasn't an official bottom line drawn and i'm actually more than happy to have a conversation about it's usage or subsequent ruling against. The difference between 6 and k2 is that whilst it's used at a high level in 6 no one is actually using it in K2 at any level currently. If say we were to disallow it it won't actually invalidate any runs currently on the board nor strats that anyone is using.

I'm happy to re-open the conversation about it (And I fully invite anyone reading this post to give your opinion on it as well) because as far as i'm aware there wasn't a hard decision made about it either way. I just won't be able to give a proper response about it for a while


I think the bigger issue that ultimately caused the 60 FPS cap to go through is the extreme difficulty of running the game past 60 for the vast majority of people. I had a friend casually run the game at 1080p with 50% scaling (which I considered the bare minimum for the game looking good before it is reduced to paste) and despite having the exact specs that I had hoped would achieve constant 120 (i7-8700k, GTX 1070 Ti), her FPS was bouncing all over the place, which isn't good for its overall stability. You need a constant frame rate for the game to run faster, and K2 has multiple points that the load remover cannot account for when it comes to lag. This is also why I began to run at 75% scaling (effectively 25% in this game, which is normally impossible) for Yakuza 0 despite my awesome PC specs (apparently doing all of streaming, recording, and running the game occasionally causes the audio itself to tear if the game is too high res).

I personally never thought scroll wheel was a gigantic issue, my only problem with it was that it was much less consistent FOR ME PERSONALLY than to use my space bar. I've never found a good rhythm for it with my mouse, and I feel like I don't need to (my timeloss in my run is attributed to losing an Oak Wood in chapter 3 and losing a Crowbar in chapter 8, not to any significant FTH time loss).

编辑者 作者 2 years ago
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