Category Questions and Concerns
8 years ago

This thread will be for discussing any more categories that people want but keep in mind, there needs to be runs already done first to implement a category to avoid having an empty leader board that never gets finished.

编辑者 作者 8 years ago
Illinois, USA

Hey I really feel like we should simplify the categories currently to 2 categories. 1p nm any%, co-op nm any%, and try to move on from that point maybe adding cata or book times. The "glitchless" category works I guess, but with the new patch coming out all the runs are gonna turn pretty "glitchless." Id say if u want to run "glitchless" just wait til 1.6 some tricks aren't getting removed but all are pretty ez to learn. The "glitchless" category should just be put to any% co-op cause any videos put out on the latest patch automatically take top spot. The glitchless videos are decent place holders for base times for people to shoot for without skips, but as the game has patched they are pretty irrelevant. Unless someone actually has interest in running "glitchless" routes on 1.5. Although some stages in 1.5 only have incredibly hard, lucky, and inconsistent skips so most likely its always faster to run them "glitchless" especially if your running the full game.

I have no problem with a nm or cata skipless co-op category tho if it is actually ran.

Just my thoughts currently would love to hear what you guys think.

I can understand the want for a 2p category, and I think some stages are just easier with 2p. Idk tho most speedrun communities Ive looked over only delineate 1p from co-op. I don't see a problem with adding a 2player category tho just because I feel you would get so many more submissions as most everyone has 1 person to play with.


My opinion on the subject is that we should have 3 main categories for running, and then sub-categories for the player counts in each category. The three categories I would like to see that I feel would be best suited for a game like this that involves high level of skill are:

Nightmare Any% - All skips and glitches allowed Nightmare Glitchless - No skips or glitches allowed Cataclysm 100% - All tomes and grimoires required. No skips or glitches allowed.

I like the NM categories because NM is a difficulty that is still somewhat threatening and players with higher skill, better movement and teamwork will be distinguished more than using any of the lower difficulties. And using Cata as a baseline difficulty is a bit too punishing for speedruns I think.

However, the great thing about Vermintide is the high skill curve that could make challenging 100% speedruns fun to complete and compete over. That is why I think we should have one 100% category, and I think that Cata is the only difficulty that merits this. Doing 100% runs is more of a show of skill, so doing it on NM doesn't really mean as much.

And for each category I would break it down by player count as follows:

1P True Solo (No Bots) 2P (Bots allowed) 3-4P (Bots allowed)

We could also include 1P w/ Bots and separate the 3 and 4 player categories, but I'm not certain if that is actually necessary. What do you guys think?

Illinois, USA

Thats alot of categories w no runs in them. If runs are submitted. Talking 2 jsat about rules for true solo but idk if he will submit videos. No skips n such. 1p w bots is the fastest way to do many levels any%. They r differnt beasts i feel.


I don't understand your point. A lot of categories with no runs in them? The categories don't even exist, how can people submit runs for those categories? Seems like backwards logic, we need the categories before times will get posted for them. I know a lot of people are interested in 1P and 2P categories.

Illinois, USA

U post "hey i have videos for so n so runs is that a category?" and it probably will be.

编辑者 作者 8 years ago

I don't understand you. Do you actually want people to submit times for categories that don't exist? How should I submit them. I'd be more than happy to submit runs if it was actually possible. How are you suggesting people set the bar exactly?

EDIT: Oh look, you added the categories. Wonderful.

编辑者 作者 8 years ago
Illinois, USA

haha I really dont understand what you want I guess. There has been cata and 100% categories on this site before forever with no interest so they got removed. Do you want me to make a rule list for them? Is that the problem? I don't think you read my first post the intention was always to change the categories.

New Hampshire, USA

Hello. I'd like to see the individual leaderboard put back as the default on the main page in place of the full level leaderboard since IL is where all the interest is. In regards to merging 2P with 3-4P, I see that the 3-4 category is still quite barren, but there's plenty of activity in solo & 2P. I understand that having empty categories is frowned up, but I would argue that full game leaderboard is quite barren in itself...literally one run submitted 7 months ago. Yet that is default on the main page. As it was, the page was basically dead. I can't see how adding more categories could hurt the community in any way. All its done so far is incite more interest in this page than it has ever seen in it's lifetime.

编辑者 作者 8 years ago

Typically the full game runs are shown as default regardless of how long ago runs have been done and that is across the sr community. Some people just get good runs and then move on to another game or category but if you throw up a thread asking what everyone wants then the majority vote will be the decision made.

There's no point in adding a category or section unless there are runs already done for them so the process would be to ask someone if a category could be made, then if the answer is yes you go do runs for them and have some or all of the videos ready and then the category gets added.

编辑者 作者 8 years ago
Georgia, USA

Can I run this game on Xbox One. As it is available on Xbox one. But the category isn’t listed.

New Hampshire, USA

Yo! Justin is new to the site and made a bit of a mistake. All of the runs that were submitted into the Cataclysm any% were actually intended to be submitted for the Cataclysm Glitchless category. They can be resubmitted if necessary (they might have been already?).

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