NG+ ""free dlcs""" should be ITEMLESS runs on PC
8 years ago

The main problem on PC is that you can't uncheck Histy's DLCs, it comes with the full pack of everything free

so my idea is to make the "free dlcs" NG+ runs, ITEMLESS

  • you don't change items on characters
  • you don't use items you already have. maybe exept revivals?

Also you should put note to the char's levels, because a lvl399 run against a lvl50 run isn't fair

I don't even know if this section is kept by someone active, but oh well. I will speedrun Bad route on PC, NG+ lvl 50

New Zealand

Histy's sets are only meant to be banned for NG runs. I will ask a mod to get the rules clarified. All Free DLCs are allowed for NG+ no paid dlc runs because it's not like the Histy set really helps anyway.


Its true, i reacted that way when i first saw the rules for the NG+ free :/

but i propose to do a NG+ ITEMLESS run, and we should put some limit to the levels, or specific levels

Ive done a lvl 40-50 char run bad ending on 1:36:40

but the current record is 40min cause chars are level 399....


New Zealand

The only items used in current runs are Eject Buttons and Forbidden Twigs anyway as far as I know. The run would be much more annoying and a fair bit slower without those allowed, so "itemless" probably won't become a thing.

For level limits, the only ones that make sense are 99 (no DLC at all) or 999 (all free level caps installed) in my opinion... anything else is just artificial. The top 2 runners (myself and Aaron) both use around lv500 characters because the time save after that point is minimal compared to the amount of grinding required, but there's nothing really stopping someone doing a run at 999.

United States

Rules have been adjusted. the Histy's Set was suppose to only be banned in NG Category only since its kinda helps early run. Like there was an item set in vanilla nep and mk2 you can only use once applied but in MDNV it can be applied every new file as per dabom mention.

Georgia, USA

Pc is a different category from PS4 anyways so your run will be world record. Just keep grinding it out and maximize it with your set of rules. It's never a bad idea to do arbitrary runs, especially if you like doing the run. That is where the NG with DLC, and ILs came from afterall. Get enough people in the future in on it and who knows it may become something someday.

My first run way back when was with levels in the 50s and was a bad end. Never a bad idea to finish grinding to 99 then you can see how fast your run can really go.

编辑者 作者 8 years ago

I found something okay, for the set of rules in the PC, to avoid any problems:

ALL NG+ RUNS ON PC SHOULD NOT USE DLC FREE -so NG+ runs will always be at lvl 99

you can't separate the free dlcs, so why not doing non-dlc run?

of course, you can have a NG DLC free, it helps the early game but a NG+ DLC free is.... useless?

on PC it should have 3 kind of run -No DLC for NG+ runs plus no character customisation (basic stuff, no change) (level cap 99!) (so that the hell grinding of some runs should be fair for new runners, you just need lvl 99 to start the run) -No DLC for NG runs. -Free DLCs for NG runs

After that, i don't know if paid DLC change something about the runs, i am no expert.

what do you think guys?

Georgia, USA

On NG+ there is no need to separate the free dlcs.

I can see having a no dlc NG+ like there is for NG but that will be up too the runner and for it to have it's own category that even the PS4 version doesn't have would require at least another pc runner who thinks the same imo . No point in making it another category though as almost every runner will use the level caps dlc for faster gameplay.

But adding no character customization is kinda pointless. You can grind for the best ingame weapons, armor, and accessories just as you can grind to lv 99. No reason to make it a rule for that just to have a separate category.

For now though you can run the game how you enjoy. No need to get into all of this stuff just yet since you are the only NG+ pc runner. Go and max out you time. Grind to 99, get the best weapons, and have fun.

This is just my thoughts on it. I mod but I usually let the other mods do all of the main decision making

编辑者 作者 8 years ago

I just feel like the setup for NG+ is kinda long, you can get to lvl 99 just with 1hour of farming, but weapons? i don't know by myself

i will try to speedrun with lvl 99 and see if a lot of time is burned from the lvl50 to lvl 99 jump

But, a friend kinda laughed at me when he saw i was speedrunning on NG+ instead of NG (major problem is that i'm scared of RNG boss fights (corrupted CPUs, Gold third fights) and i still don't know the route or the build..

I will try to build everything next week and try to speedrun

But i've seen something weird with PC version

  • Loading times are really huge if you go too fast
  • Animation skip take a tiny bit longer than expected

you can fix it by literaly fucking the graphics to the lowest settings, but cmon were on pc, its lame.


Lvl99 run is 1h17min25sec

17Min cut against that lvl 53 run..

its huge really, i don't know if its gonna be worse on lvl299... but how do you grind to lvl299? is there any way than metal dogoo? (11Million exp)

Georgia, USA

Yeah the pc version was ported pretty badly by IF/CH so not much we can do there.

Dang that is a nice cut man congrats

and for the grinding, after 99 the metal dogoo is about the only way. You can get a lot more exp by sending exp scouts there. I think 20 mil max if you include the dlc scouts?

and for the weapons. I would look at what other runner use for each character. We try to use the strongest weapon that has the max combo for a button. Then find out what items you need to get to develop the weapon. It's not too tedious especially compared to grinding the metal dogoo. It should take an hour max since you don't need to get a weapon for every character.

编辑者 作者 8 years ago

I use this weapons: Neptune: Mechanical Blade Zenith (You can find it in the Semmu Labyrinth iirc) Nepgear : Gehaburn (You can get it as a reward for completing the S Rank quest "Legacy of a Lost Future") If: Dual Sword Neptune Uzume : Exelibur Heart Uni: Revolver Gun Rom: Melee Pencil Ram: Pink Ankh α Vert: Abyss Audio You can get most of these weapons in shops/development Note that this might not be the optimal equipment it's just the weapons that I use

United States

We will be keeping the same categories as of now. NG (Free DLC can be used but it adds a frame during start (PS4) NG+ No Paid DLC NG+ DLC (you can use DLC's or not which is pretty much the same as "No Paid" but this pretty meme (usually for players that have dlc and don't want to go through the struggle steps.

We might re-rule this category just to make it fair.

These below are considered not "real" wr's cause its for fun.

NG DLC (Meme enough already) its not consider as a real category but for fun. Neplunker% just for fun and jokes

Honestly there arent many categories to add. Like doing Bad / Good / True are 9 total categories. that including IL's

发布于 8 years ago
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