Skip intro
1 year ago
Montana, USA

Both wr show skipping the intro. They go from "Vegas-Adventure" straight to hotel check-in completely skipping the trip to the hotel where everyone is saying what game they are going to play. I feel kind of dumb asking this but I can't figure out how. What am I missing. I have pressed every button even had a save already made on the game but I still get that whole scene.

I wondered this myself and found the answer on GameFAQs by waterdeepchu:

To Avoid the opening video where the characters discuss their plans, pick "Multiplayer" as your game choice. It will prompt you for players; select "1." if asked to sign in another player, say "No."

One point, I didn't want to make a thread about when I'm not submitting runs but I don't understand how the time to get the lottery ticket event to trigger isn't counted in Vegas Adventure. Very jarrying to see the timer start a 0 while the game is already in progress. RNG manipulating the start should be aptly rewarded imo.

Montana, USA

I think that is why single segment was added so you cant set the ticket up in that category. But thank you for that answer

Ohio, USA

You press x instead of a to skip the intro. Or y. One of the 2.

编辑者 作者 1 year ago
MegaSeraphimon 喜欢这个
Ohio, USA
删除者 作者
Ohio, USA

Yeah that's why single segment was added as a separate category.

We figured the manip was like setting an encounter seed in ff4 or ff6. But we thought it would only be fair to separate into manip and no manip

发布于 1 year ago
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