New Discord
A Discord for Vector has been created! It's a discord with other Nekki's game. When joining, read the rules and react with a V.
编辑者 作者
Cromptious 喜欢这个
There isn't a channel yet for any Vector runs in that Discord. All I see is channels for Shadow Fight 2 & 3.
You can access the vector channel by reacting with the V emote in the welcome channel aka #warriorcode
Verifiers needed
Hello there, and happy new year!
There has been some slowdown in speedrun verifications, and that is why I've decided today that we are opening verifier applications. If you think you know enough about Vector and its speedruns and have what it takes to regularly check runs and verify their le
关卡: Story 2-10
关卡: Story 2-9
关卡: Story 2-5
关卡: Story 1-2