GBA Category
6 years ago
Idaho, USA

I really want to do the GAME BOY ADVANCE version of this game. There are speedruns for it on youtube. I saw another forum about someone wanting to do it too, but it was from a year ago, and no category is made. Should I just submit a run to the Console section of Any%, or will a category be made? What should I do? The last forum I've mentioned the speedrunner said he'd or she'd post a run for this run on the game boy advance, but never did. I plan to though. P.S. will GBA emulators be allowed?

I was planning on openning a page for the GBA versio, but I'm not sure how to rule the time (where to start and when to finish).

Idaho, USA

How about time starts as soon as you click the Normal or Challenge mode, and end on the final hit to Venom in issue 7? That's what I did. I'm just waiting for the category to open up. I have the run all recorded and I can't upload it until there is a place on here to put it.

编辑者 作者 6 years ago

Done Timing ends when the screen turns to black rather than on last hit. Don't worry, if you stopped the timer before that, I can just retime your run to fit this method.

Idaho, USA

I'll just add an extra second to my run to fix my run since I stopped time a second before the black screen.

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发布于 6 years ago
发布于 6 years ago
发布于 6 years ago
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