to everybody that really wants to get a decent time in hardest cats and etc
7 years ago

lemme start straight: i don't think they changed the engine much from sfxtk, so i'll write next bunch of stuff below based on my theory, that the things i've did in sfxtk can work in usf4.

  1. you can manipulate ai.

depending on your position, the moves you're doing inb4 wakeup, and also, based on the type of the character, the pc will select different options.

that means, that if you will manage to keep distance of srk reversal, and spam smth like cr.lp, the enemy will perform srk and whiff it, because cr.lp hits are(usually) the fastest ones, and that also means you'll get free damage.

  1. developping quick cycles is essential on beating this game.

quick cycle = a) a combo / a move, that deals a lot of damage (120-150), so far it's honda's j.hp into st.hp, but im pretty sure that theres more ways to use that. b) doesn't knockback the enemy, this is quite important, because everytime you get a knockback(except for the inevitable stun), you're losing 1.5 seconds of time, unless pc makes a reversal that saves the run. c) takes 8-10 seconds (from the start) to end the match. with loads, it takes ~30-40 seconds to end every match, except for bonus rounds + seth(he should probably have a bit higher HP)

  1. preload

if you didn't noticed, but if you will start the game and do a run, the cutscenes will load like a bunch of old snails. slower cutscenes = slower run, and speed in our case is VERY important. therefore, before you start the actual run, do 1-2 arcade runs, first one should preload the cutscenes, second one will preload the rest of characters(hopefully) that you didn't saw the first time.

  1. "reset" rule.

in every game, theres a guy that always fucks your run, because no matter what are you doing, he's either doing a wakeup dp(ryu, ken, seth, dudley, akuma, oni), or he got a lot of HP(gief, hugo). therefore, if there's someone dedicated to this game as i was in sfxtk, you should try to figure out the wakeups, to not waste your time and reset if you get one of the bad ones.

but xd, who cares lmafomoaf
