yolnol2 years ago

A good friend of mine plays OoT all the time (randomizers, goldquest, etc). I watch him play it a lot and I often joke about how i can beat it faster than him, even though I know very little about the game. He says he could beat the game in about 7 hours. I think it would take him even longer. Long story short, I have to spend these next few weeks learning all about OoT in preparation for our race. Glitches are allowed. He is not good at glitches. But I am (in other games) so I could use that to my advantage.

How should I go about this? I don’t need to be at world record pace but I would like to learn a solid run that I can practice and develop my skills. Any links or tutorial videos are greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading!

khuno 喜欢这个
2 years ago
2 years ago