主题: Parasite Eve
teh_Mugi1 year ago

I feel like the community of runners of the game has not really been involved in the discussion of rule changes which is directly against the rules of SRDC that state that community needs to be involved with the discussion of rule changes.

Quote rules "The users moderating a game should represent the consensus of the players of the game. If it is evident that moderators are not representing consensus among runners, site staff may change moderation"

As an active (and a top 4 runner) of the game, I am not even aware of any community input that has been discussed about recent matters regarding rule chages, nor am I aware of where this discussion is held. Also taking in to account that you just said that, quote "Me and the other mods were just talking amongst ourselves. We're pretty much going to be opening it up for all emulators and various settings we just want to work on the write up for the rules. " I feel like this does not really represent what the community wants, and represents more what the moderators want, which is not currently aligned with what the community wants.

i have talked with some of the other top active runners of the game and they agree to the fact that it appears ruling has been done without the community input.

so here I ask, where does this discussion take place so that the community can actually participate to it ?

3 years ago
6 months ago
Parasite Eve
Parasite Eve
最近一次游戏记录 1 year ago