speedblrd4 months ago

What is an orphaned

speedblrd11 months ago

This isn't really a ''new'' trick, and I don't think it's going to be too useful, as if you fail a beatblock you already lost 2 seconds of time. Glitched is supposed to allow all glitches (at least from what I know), so I think it should be allowed.

zir0nic Dave_2137 喜欢这个
speedblrd11 months ago

Replying to @DillPickleYT: Refer to my previous replies. Also, no, we shouldn't treat 75 FPS as the norm. It'll either be a side thing or outright banned. Also, where did you get that MOST computers can run 75 FPS? That's also another sign of this becoming a ''best pc competition'', which is not good for speedrunning communities. Speedrun speed should be based on SKILL, INTELLIGENCE, REACTION TIME, AND SKIPS/GLITCHES USED, not which EXTERNAL PROGRAMS/EXPLOITS you use and HOW POWERFUL YOUR PC IS.

speedblrd11 months ago

Replying to @spryzon109: Yes! That would work. I didn't know about that before. The only problem about it is that it doesn't scale with window size, so for people that use the smallest size possible in windowed mode (like me), it would cover a small portion of the screen. That isn't a problem, until the network lags and then it pretty much covers half of the screen... Also, my methods of figuring out if one used FPS Unlocker in a run are still useful, for finding OLDER PRE-EXISTING runs that used FPS Unlocker. If confirmed, you can then move or remove the run using one of the methods stated in my response to elkwane, which is above this post.

speedblrd11 months ago

Replying to @elkwane: Clarifying wouldn't be enough, people that had an unfair advantage would still be on the same place as people that didn't use the FPS Unlocker. It would pretty much be impossible for non FPS Unlocker users to pass FPS Unlocker users on the leaderboard, demotivating them. The same thing happened to me, I've been doing runs for a pretty long time and it just disappointed me to know that I'll never be able to do a lot of jumps as consistently as FPS Unlocker users, and that it's pretty much impossible to pass them, for the SOLE REASON that they used an unofficial external program that injects code into the Roblox Client.

In my opinion, clarifying is not enough, and one of these two things should be done:

  1. Add new categories: 60 FPS and 75 FPS. 60 FPS is the one that shows up automatically, and you can alternatively click 75 FPS to see runs that are even faster, but used external programs that remove the FPS cap.

  2. Identify runs that used any FPS over 60 FPS by using FPS Unlocker, and remove them from the leaderboard. Only 60 FPS would be allowed for every type of run.

speedblrd11 months ago

Please ban the use of external programs that give an unfair advantage to a player and/or alter the Roblox Client in any way, such as exploits in general, FPS Unlocker, alignment key/wallhop macro, and anything else of that sort. I can't be sure if anyone has actually used any of these yet, but I have observed behaviour that would suggest that one is using FPS Unlocker before. I know the no cheating rule already exists, but it's WAY too vague.

Here are some things that could suggest that one is using FPS Unlocker:

  1. Strange inconsistency in major wallhop skips.
  2. Refusal to do tricks such as ladder flicks and minor wallhop skips, probably due to worrying that they will fail and lose the run, due to FPS Unlocker's tendency to make wallhop/flick type jumps harder and more inconsistent.
  3. Extreme and almost inhumane consistency in long-jump type of jumps. I've seen some nearly impossible long jumps for 60 FPS, yet some people seem to do them very consistently. Like, I mean doing literally all of them in a row, first try.
  4. Very high flick high jump consistency. Now, I'm not sure if FPS Unlocker actually affects normal high jumps, but I have observed that they seem very consistent in runs already previously suspected of FPS Unlocker, being above average of unsuspected runs.
  5. There are probably more clues that lead to suspicion, but I haven't found them yet.

Games whose mechanics or physics were linked to FPS and didn't limit the FPS usually had their speedrun community dying out, because the WR holder would pretty much just be who has the best gaming computer. Now, this wouldn't be the case for Roblox obbying as the optimal obbying FPS isn't very high, but it would discourage a lot of people from interacting with the game.

How to detect alignment key/wallhop macros: -Uhh, pretty obvious. Sudden 45 degree turn right or leftward means macro used. Simple. At least I think, but I'm not an expert in this stuff much.

How to detect general exploits: -It depends on the power of the exploit. For example, some guy just flying to the end would be comically obvious, but if someone for example injected a Coyote time script that lent them a few extra frames of leeway when falling/jumping off a platform, or maybe a script that slowed down the fall of the bird slightly, it would be quite a lot more difficult to detect. Keep an eye out for the harder jumps; you may notice the exploits being used there easier. Apart from that, I don't know much else that could be done to detect exploiters easier. Also, if someone is CONFIRMED to be exploiting, either ban them from running this game (if you can even do that) or remove their runs and monitor them very closely for every next run they submit.

Thank you for reading my essay on bird game. I hope you enjoyed and/or took advice from it.

zir0nic Dave_2137 喜欢这个
speedblrd11 months ago

Yeah nobody cared to organize the runs. Also, by definition, lag high jumps, wallhops and maybe some more would be considered ''glitchless', so the definition is kind of hazy. Also, I think glitched runs should be the first priority being shown, instead of defaulting to glitchless, as they would obviously be the fastest ones, and that's what people are here for in the first place.

speedblrd11 months ago

Nevermind, there's now a reset progress button.

speedblrd11 months ago

Enter the game, and leave as soon as you are loaded into the game. Rejoin and repeat this constantly until your saved statistics don't save properly and your Nest stat gets reset back to zero. On average, it takes around 3 joins, the first one saving properly, the second spawning you at the first Nest but still keeping your Nest stat intact, and the third resetting all data completely. Do note that this may vary, and sometimes your data will get reset in even just one join. It is preferable to rejoin directly in the Roblox desktop app that automatically opens upon leaving, as you can rejoin three times in just around 20 seconds, using the instant-play button that shows up upon hovering over a game icon.

Speed Bird. I only Speed through the Bird game.
11 months ago
24 days ago
obby but you're a bird
obby but you're a bird
最近一次游戏记录 11 months ago