Congrats on the WR! Is this game even available anymore?
Thanks. I just applied the default to all, and that seems to have done the trick. I think I had a few games that I didn't realize were flagged differently.
I keep getting notifications every time there's any comment on any thread on any game I follow. I have TURNED THEM OFF in my preferences and still get them. I've emailed the site help email with no response. Does anyone know how to fix it? I don't want to have to block the site in my email since I still want to be get some. Any advice would help. Thanks.
I record runs to mp4 and am trying to find the simplest way to cut off the beginning of my run. (False starts, etc). That's the only editing I need to do: just chop off the first minute or so. What is the simplest way to do this?
I ended up using OBS. No need yet for anything fancy.
I'm running KQ4, just getting myself set up. Hoping to have a run to post soon.
What capture software do you use? I'm running this game and just trying to figure out the easiest way to record it.