just want to say that my run (2:14) will be moved to the load abuse category tommorow
So basically theres a new bug, which only happens when you are max on low settings. Becouse loading is fading in the screen or black screen. And a question to my run does my 217 millisecond act 3 apartment count?
EVERYTHING IS NOW WORKING FINE !!!! YOU CAN NOW PLAY IT https://www.roblox.com/games/8557475755/RECREATION-Hello-Neighbor-The-New-Neighborhood AND SPEEDRUN
i noticed that the wr run time that bluebridge verified wasnt correct when i retimed it frame by frame
my obs is not showing any green object its just pitch black any one know how to fix it?
did you guys know what happened to my obs it doesnt show anything green and the timer on live split is invisible