主题: Run 3
Antarcticaoreoid1 year ago


also this is my understanding of the situation which may or may not be accurate

Launch Site A, Launch Site C, and Level X are generally not speedran due to being too short to have reasonable competition on

a lot of run categories will exist if/when the game is done but currently don't due to being incomplete or unreleased, including Plan C, C-Tunnel, H-Tunnel, P-Tunnel, K-Tunnel, J-Tunnel, The Runway, Wormhole%, and Home%

infinite mode can barely be speedran properly due to the amount of RNG reliance; you could have a goal to get X power cells from a clean save, for example, but how do you optimize that when RNG is baked so deeply into the fabric of the run that any new record time renders new attempts less and less likely to have record pace because of factors outside the runner's control?

this isn't to say i don't also think there should be a LOT more categories. a couple i can think of now include "Skips" (where you have to skip around the little transition sections between levels) and Reverse categories for all ILs. i've also repeatedly suggested category splitting Any% into Bunny and Skater specific runs

i imagine categories could be added if one discusses any ideas with one of the current mods (of whom i am not one). i might try this soon; keep thinking of categories lol

主题: Run 3
Antarcticaoreoid1 year ago

update: nevermind, bunny absolutely is viable in any%

i started grinding it out and i got a 10:34.8 with tons of obvious mistakes

currently unsure of the optimal time with this method but this is a good start lol

主题: Run 3
Antarcticaoreoid1 year ago

while this idea is not at all useful at top level (lots of people have checked lol), i would absolutely do runs in a hypothetical category similar to mtng+ where you're forced to do this between each level transition. angel would be meta due to his double jump shit and decently high speed; i've checked and he can skip the transitions between every level in the main tunnel

主题: Run 3
Antarcticaoreoid1 year ago

you are wise to think of this; i will say it has seen a bit of experimentation (i and other runners have tried it a bit)

here's my thoughts on it (which may or may not reflect reality)

  • some achievements add measurable time to the run if you decide to do them (Coming Full Circle requires switching to the runner, going around the tunnel and switching back to the skater or finishing the tunnel; A Bumpy Ride is incredibly risky to attempt with the skater that deep into a run; etc)
  • you'll also need expertise with, and routing for, the bunny past when you unlock it, which is something not every runner has (some people only run any% or mtng+ and not both)
  • it's unclear whether the time the bunny would save would be significant enough to offset getting these achievements

an alternate strategy does exist. Infinite Mode is unlocked after pressing the info button to view the credits. lots of achievements are tied to specific IM levels; playing IM for a bit could lead to unlocking the bunny much earlier. however:

  • you need to get a set amount of achievements (anywhere from 1 to 8 depending on which main tunnel achievements you aim to get) from infinite mode in under a minute
  • the order of IM levels is completely RNG-based; you might just not get an achievement level for 10 seconds (which means 10 seconds wasted)
  • you can use the same menu skip used between levels in standard runs to reset the IM seed in hopes of getting an achievement level to show up, but doing so makes certain achievements far less consistent (Violation of Common Sense, Buried Boxes Ahead, Right Back Into the Air) or impossible (Painstaking) to get; it's not clear whether this is a better strategy as a result
  • the skater, while faster, is significantly worse at some achievements than the runner is (What's Inside?, Dizzy), as such it's not clear which character is better to farm achievements either

overall people don't use the bunny in any% due to the inconsistencies involved in obtaining it; it's still likely that the optimal any% run does involve unlocking the bunny, but for now no one does that lol

hope this was helpful and/or accurate

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