California, USAmorrysillusion2 years ago

Imad can def be entered just once i think, but listening to the audio start is needed bc i dont think it will trigger without it!

kinda wanna see tho if leaving certain dialogues when getting rewards can work tho...

California, USAmorrysillusion3 years ago

i can see how the process of having to take out loads manually is definitely more tedious but its still possible. not everyone will be able to use the autosplitter but it doesnt actually make results any more different to someone who cant use it when all it does it automatically pause during loads, which is something you can do manually yourself live or cut out after the run it complete. theres a lot of speedruns that take out load times and whatever method someone uses to do it shouldnt matter, this is just an easier way to do it if its accessible to you. i think we're at the point where its been seen that taking out loads is probably the best route to go though.

California, USAmorrysillusion4 years ago

if it seems like its significant enough to effect the results, id say so even though i havent done the math for specifics. i certainly remember playing off the disc and it did not load as quickly as on an emulator...

Avasam 喜欢这个
California, USAmorrysillusion4 years ago

its been so long since i looked at your run but i took a look again because i certainly forgot about the death abusing there. but yeah, not too much in this game it seems- was glad to realize quite early on that you could skip like all of the end cutscenes though. its been a good while since i touched this game though. may have to take a look and just mess around for a bit.

California, USAmorrysillusion5 years ago

As i have just speedran this game again after a long time, i wanted to make a general thread about this so people dont keep asking.

  1. EBAY This is where i found it, with the bottle. Price will fluctuate, and you dont need the bottle if you dont plan to do that run!

  2. Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Barbie-Magic-Genie-Bottle-CD-ROM-PC/dp/B00004W4R9 there is in fact a few used on amazon, but the prices tend to be high.

  3. no doubt this game is old/dead and hard to find. i will not distribute games myself but if you want to risk downloads of the game archived for the internet, then give it a shot. You do not need to disclose whether your game is bought or not, so long as it functions normally.

You will likely have to buy this game used off of someone like on ebay, and i suggest copying its contents and running it purely on your PC and not through the disk, as the game will run much smoother. Additionally, use a program like dxwnd to make the game windowed for recording to be easier.

Soulcloset 喜欢这个
California, USAmorrysillusion6 years ago

I am leaving this forum topic here in the case i run off from this game for a long while and someone happens to have an answer for this question!

While the boxes of this game describe "a variety of horses", many online description describe 15 horses- but i have failed to find any hints of where they are and no YT play-throughs have shown me either. Examples of the description: https://www.amazon.com/Barbie-Horse-Adventures-Riding-Camp-PC/dp/B001DI3BO0?th=1 https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/barbie-horse-adventures-riding-camp-ps2/

Lastly, theres an amazon review that says "earn points to buy a prize horse" https://www.amazon.com/review/R2QVB4BVABMP7Q/ref=cm_cr_srp_d_rdp_perm?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B001AZ7RMS which gives a clue that maybe you can buy them? But I havent been able to find out how or where. The game doesnt seem to describe it. If at all, I am curious as to where this claim started and why...

Soulcloset 喜欢这个
California, USAmorrysillusion6 years ago

idk where else it may be handy to post this, but im curious about any glitches anyone happens to find. the game seems pretty solid and i dont think there will be any major glitches that would help speedrunning, but im curious nonetheless.

theres basically no documentation online of any glitches except for a video i found, where you go to ice trail 1 and go to the crack in the ice where there is a secret cave. if you run from inside the cave, towards the crack at an angle, you will jump into the crack.

i dont think this game is easy to break and in the long run nothing big may come up, but i wanted to throw it out there since so few people have posted about glitches.

Avasam Soulcloset 喜欢这个
California, USAmorrysillusion7 years ago

awesome!! i totally look forward to seeing more people play this game!

California, USAmorrysillusion7 years ago

You can find it easily on Ebay for decent prices. Disc only is a lot cheaper! If you're lucky you might be able to find a good price on the full game taht comes with the bottle.

Zaner Soulcloset 喜欢这个
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