Nice research. I tried playing 1-1 story having done just one “pause” only blacking out the sprites. There were of course some glitched out textures, but I also skipped the camera pan after the 3po panel in room 2. I didn’t record and I can’t recreate it, but it is good to know that not glitching the game totally out still has effects on the gameplay and don’t cause crashes or softlocks, (as far as ive played).
Interesting, perhaps I'll try messing around with it a bit more. On emu it seemed like it only glitched visually. For example, all characters were unlocked on the free play screen, but I could only pick the ones I actually had unlocked.
Edit: After testing I've still only gotten the black sprites and then a crash when I enter a level.
Edit 2: Now I got the sprites to corrupt. Can't enter any levels, if I load another safefile, I am just softlocked.
Edit 3: Was able to enter and complete Jabba's Palace. When I pressed continue story the console reset itself.
I've messed around with it before on the original hardware and there were no visuals glitches or crashes, maybe the character models became black, but that's it. It seems to be an emulator only thing.
But I’ve seen some people have an obscene amount of candy in the challege category and it makes sense because then you dont have to grind to upgrade the cave helmet before every run from 11-120.
Problem with the 100% category is that I have every bird, even when I redownload the game. I don’t even remember buying them.
What’s the rules for challenges? Can I buy the candies pack (or hack the game) to upgrade the helmet?
Also why do I have all birds unlocked from the start? It prevents me from running 100%.
There's alot of these already known clips, problem is that many of them are very inconsistent, we have found some other clips that we can't seem to get a good set-up for. Good find though, but I don't know how much times it saves.