California, USAmaxylobes6 years ago

I have two suggestions. 1: Do not let the credits start. The start of the credits is what activates the Extra Level. 2: Keep two folders of the game. One folder will keep all of your settings and your practice saves, and the other will be the folder you use to do speedruns. Simply transfer the Unspeakable.cfg file to your speedrun folder and replace it whenever you don't want to reconfigure your settings.

Hope this helps. Have fun!

California, USAmaxylobes6 years ago

Hey @Dasote ! Your DMD run is superb, but your shooting speed leads me to believe you're using a Turbo setting on your controller. It's most noticeable in missions 12, 13, and Mundus Phase 1. The only way to shoot that quickly is by pressing multiple keys on a keyboard. The speed in which you're shooting also seems to be frame perfect, as I cannot accurately mimic it. It also seems like you're using a controller, based on the range of directional input you have. Please join our Discord so we can clear this up.

California, USAmaxylobes6 years ago

As some of you can see, this game has become much faster after PakaChan played around with it. I'd like to go over some of the new strats that Paka is using, compared to what I used to beat Die_mann's original World Record run.

  • In most cases, Paka uses First-Person, and jumps often. It seems that this saves a few seconds over regularly running over the course of each mission. However, it is not always the easiest choice when you're in a crowded hallway with a low ceiling.

  • The dialogue when you meet Hermes, Horace, and Dr. Killjoy, can all be skipped by making a new Save File, Loading said Save File, and repeating, until the fight starts to activate "Monster Masherino" mode. Supposedly, Paka found this on accident.

  • Certain doors can be jumped on top of to clip through ceilings. This has created a new skip, as well as a much faster method of skipping the Lighthouse Mission. The new skip is in the mission with the caves, right after seeing the scene where Cory "likes the fire". I'm not entirely sure how much it saves, but I think Paka could answer that.

I think that about sums it up. It's really cool to see a new runner make this game even faster than it already was. More incentive for people to try it out again. Myself included. GG's to Paka.

PakaChan SolusOHKO 喜欢这个
主题: Shenmue
California, USAmaxylobes6 years ago

That's also another good solution without having to split versions. I've tested it out on Shenmue I in a few areas. The loading is very short and it stops before the game fades, as you've mentioned before. I think that it accurately eliminates loads, but the fades aren't really during the loads, right? I could imagine having the timer stop and start based on the fades is going to be a lot of work. The current PC load remover should work just fine, for now.

I'd say this is a good temporary solution. I think it should be stated in the rules so that everyone knows they may already be at a disadvantage by not using load removal, as it will eventually be a mandatory thing.

主题: Shenmue
California, USAmaxylobes6 years ago

It seems the load removal for other platforms is going to take much more time and effort than the PC version. The current load remover provided for Shenmue is working, from what I've tested so far. I believe Shanz mentioned it stops and starts based on the In-Game clock. I think it would be wise to separate PC from the other HD versions for this reason. PS4 and Xbox One versions can still match up to PC, but without load removal, it is simply not the same.

Here's a solution until console load removal is available.

  • Sub Categories change to PC, HD Console, and Dreamcast.
  • Don't add another column for timing.
  • PC runners submit load removal time under "Time", but list Real Time in the description/comment.
  • Console runs still submit their Real Time under "Time", until a Load Removal method is applied.
  • Once console load remover is up to speed with PC, add a new timing column and switch them so that ranking is based on LRT.
主题: F.E.A.R.
California, USAmaxylobes6 years ago

This very specific set of requirements and rules does not qualify for adding another category. Don't let that stop you from doing the run, though.

主题: Shenmue
California, USAmaxylobes6 years ago

Since the launch of the Remastered version of Shenmue, a lot of players have been experiencing weird audio loops that don't seem to stop unless you save and quit the game. Saving and quitting a couple times in a PC run isn't really that bad, but the PC version also suffers from another possible bug that could happen by saving with the corrupted audio. I suggest saving, quitting all the way back to the Launcher, and relaunching it. There is also a possible crash at the beginning of the Motorcycle section. I suggest saving before interacting with the door buzzer and starting the cutscene. It's better to be safe when you're already six and a half hours in.

This thread is primarily here to raise awareness. Even though Remastered version loading times are a blessing, it has its problems. Go fast, but please don't forget to save your game like I did. You do NOT want Motorcycle Crash. Feel free to add more to this thread. Especially if you encounter new crashes/bugs.


California, USAmaxylobes6 years ago

Xbox One and Xbox 360 are placed together in the HD Console Sub category, much like PC 07 and PC Steam are together. Yet, nobody seems to be going crazy over that, and simply continue to improve their time. Which I suggest you do, as well. These boards are always being worked on, so just play the game and let us mods do our jobs. I'm going to lock this thread now, because it's just becoming pointless.

, TrichaelMan 2 其他 喜欢这个
California, USAmaxylobes6 years ago

My thoughts on this have always been the same. Guest house is a part of the run and skipping it is not really completing the game. I know the majority of runners don't like it, but that's how it is. Therefore, I would gladly throw this under a Misc. category. Not a main one though.

SaiyanGamingz, BioEvilCVX 4 其他 喜欢这个
California, USAmaxylobes6 years ago

I've gone ahead and changed everything based on the results of the form. Thank you all for your input. Now let's rock, baby.

California, USAmaxylobes6 years ago

The miscommunication and clashing has been put to rest, and the situation has been resolved. The community can come together and make some final decisions before the leaderboard is complete, and Yami is remodded. Please take a moment to read the updates in this google form, as well as answer the questions. Thanks!


FMG_Ransu 喜欢这个
California, USAmaxylobes6 years ago

The staff usually go in favor of the community, yes. The community that has gathered on Discord, and have been talking for months. The community that you, Mr. Snawk, and Yami, have ignored. You two are standing alone against a bunch of people who run and/or ran the game, AND people who plan to start in the next few months. I have asked none of my friends or community members from other discords or Twitch. I simply asked everyone in the DMC discord and everyone seems to think that you two are the only ones stopping us from moving forward with these decisions as a community.

Your arguments come down to, "I don't understand why" and "This category is useless" and "RTA isn't important" These aren't arguments, they are statements and opinions.

You don't understand because you are out of touch with our community. You think the categories are useless because there aren't enough runners. You think RTA isn't important because the game conveniently stops the timer for you, when in reality, you're still playing the game. You are not programmed to stop just because the game is.

Myself and the community should not have to explain this to you two over and over again. It's enough.

xenkaroshi 喜欢这个
California, USAmaxylobes6 years ago

I'll take a moment to describe to you why this is being brought up.

Dante's fastest shooting speed is possible on all versions of the game. Console versions need a turbo controller, which is banned. However, the default keyboard controls for the new PC version allows you to shoot at Dante's fastest speed without the use of turbo or alteration of anything. It is possible on keyboard because a keyboard will actually let you mash the correct way to obtain the "quickshooting" speed. Mr. Snawk, It saves 4 seconds in Mission 1 if you get good luck. It does not serve as a huge advantage. Just learn how to do it like everyone else is doing. How will we see the difference between keyboard and controller? We can easily ask that anybody who is using the Quickshot method to show input display on the keyboard, or a microphone/webcam to prove that you're not just holding down a key. (which WOULD be banned because that is alteration.)

It's not hard to make rules and lead a community the right direction.

FMG_Ransu 喜欢这个
California, USAmaxylobes6 years ago

I've been meaning to make one since last year, but have yet to do so. I simply haven't had the time, and there weren't a whole lot of runners interested. Now that the re-release of the HD Collection is out, I should probably work on a tutorial on my off days.

Feel free to hit me up on the Discord for any help you may need with the Any% Normal run!

SaiyanGamingz 喜欢这个
California, USAmaxylobes6 years ago

Makes sense. That's fair, I just don't want Symm to be confused.

SaiyanGamingz 喜欢这个
California, USAmaxylobes6 years ago

Saiyan, this is the forum for DMC1. Not 3.

Yami explains it pretty well here. Even without an SSD, it's pretty quick. Real-time is much quicker but In-game timer is only slightly affected. As for unlocking framerate. Capcom don't really tend to do stuff like that, unless it's a part of the official release. Never an update.

Also, Yami's auto-splitter is recommended if you haven't already ran with a real-time timer to track your pace.

California, USAmaxylobes6 years ago

Update: New HD PC version is faster for certain sections of the game. Only slightly for in-game time, but a lot in real-time. I do not have the PS4 or Xbox One version, so I have no idea if those are faster than PSN version.

California, USAmaxylobes6 years ago

Working on setting up some stuff so that we can move forward here. I don't want to discard any of these runs, so I have set up the leaderboard in a way that reflects all possible categories that use Orb Farming. Any% (O/F) for, Easy, Normal and DMD difficulties. I have discarded Hard, since nobody runs it. 100% runs have undeniably long sections of gameplay that don't go towards In-Game time. It would be silly to ban Orb-Farming in that case, so it will remain in that category. Easy (Auto) will remain, due to it having potential to be quite fast, despite the Automatic feature. It also already has some runs submitted. My reasoning behind leaving Hard behind for now is the fact that nobody runs it, at all. Probably due to the fact that it is the difficulty between the regular (recommended), and the hardest that the game provides. The lowest (or standard) and hardest difficulties are usually the two most interesting in speedrunning. That is why Easy will stay and Hard will be left off the leaderboard. (Until someone actually routes it in some way and does a run.)

EDIT as of March 24th: All main categories and Variables have been switched to officially reform the boards according to the info I've already provided above. Any%, Any% O/F, 100%, and Low% have their own Main Categories, with the variables being Difficulty and Costume. It was a ton of confusing work to get the boards like this, so I hope everyone is happy with it.

California, USAmaxylobes7 years ago

Orb Farming can go on for as long as the runner wants, and it's simply not the same run anymore. Switching to RTA is not needed, but we should make it necessary to provide that information. Orb farming will have a drastic difference between real time and in-game time. I did mention that this method can be switched over to a different category, if need be.

The comparison to picking up a quick item and orb farming is also silly. A rule can be set for everyone to be able to pick up the Untouchable/Holy Water on the way out of Ghost Ship, which takes 5 extra seconds Real time. It also seems to be the only items that anyone picks up in Any% anyways.

EDIT: Working on setting up some stuff so that we can move forward here. I don't want to discard any of these runs, so I have set up the leaderboard in a way that reflects all possible categories that use Orb Farming. Any% (O/F) for, Easy, Normal and DMD difficulties. I have discarded Hard, since nobody runs it. 100% runs have undeniably long sections of gameplay that don't go towards In-Game time. It would be silly to ban Orb-Farming in that case, so it will remain in that category. Easy (Auto) will remain, due to it having potential to be quite fast, despite the Automatic feature. It also already has some runs submitted. My reasoning behind leaving Hard behind for now is the fact that nobody runs it, at all. Probably due to the fact that it is the difficulty between the regular (recommended), and the hardest that the game provides. The lowest (or standard) and hardest difficulties are usually the two most interesting in speedrunning. That is why Easy will stay and Hard will be left off the leaderboard. (Until someone actually routes it in some way and does a run.)

California, USAmaxylobes7 years ago

I've already explained why Orb Farming is no longer allowed. You could sit there for as long as you'd like, farming orbs that are needed for the rest of the run. That is not a Single-Segment Any% run in any way, shape, or form. Again, I will restate that you could have sat there for as long as you'd like to buy all of the items and abilities you could at that point in the game. Yet you didn't? With your logic, I should go farm orbs for 30 minutes and get everything I need in Mission 8? That isn't an Any% speedrun. How can you not see how Orb Farming goes against what an Any% speedrun is? I have asked multiple communities that use IGT, and they said that it is clear abuse of the timer, and would be counted as RTA in that scenario. Which makes perfect sense because you're still allowed to play the game for as long as you'd like without a penalty. I am not going to keep restating why this method is now allowed anymore. I'm keeping this game clean of such silly abuses. Especially with the upcoming PC release, who knows what people will come up with when it comes to abusing the game in any unjust way.

There will be specific rules set in place soon so that grabbing the Untouchable and Holy Water is acceptable in Mission 14, as long as it's staying true to the Any% run. Which is, essentially, still going as fast as possible. I'm keeping this game clean of silly IGT abuse, while still making it highly accessible to runners of all skill/experience. I have set up multiple ways of taking on the Any% route, without pausing the run for 5+ minutes to farm orbs. I plan to keep it this way. If you want a miscellaneous category for your Orb Farming run, I will make it so.

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