United Stateslucandor1584 years ago

It would be impossible to do research on every type of console/emulator so we have a set list of what is accepted. If another method is popular enough then we will look into it and add it to the list if it is deemed acceptable. Right now we are not going to add the Classiq 2 HD, but if there is greater demand for it to be added then we can look into it. To me it does not seem high priority since you are the only one to have submitted a run with it and you have other methods of submitting runs that we will accept.

United Stateslucandor1584 years ago

Yes FCEUX is approved. From the rules the allowed emulators are Nestopia, FCEUX, Bizhawk and OpenEmu - Frontends such as RetroArch are not permitted.

dlloyd10 喜欢这个
主题: Kung Fu
United Stateslucandor1585 years ago

I agree that emu runs with controller and console runs should be kept together. I don't like how all emu runs are hidden just because of my run. As far as making another category for keyboard, I don't know if it is worth it if I am the only runner. I do like only needing a controller cam if there are moonkicks in the run since keyboard doesn't really help with anything else. As for what to do with my run, either creating a new category or just rejecting it would be fine with me. If more people wanted to run keyboard, then maybe it is worth creating a new category.

主题: Kung Fu
United Stateslucandor1585 years ago

Also I submitted my 3:34 when I got it but then unsubmitted when I thought it wouldn't be allowed but then just decided to resubmit the 3:33 to let you guys decide where it should go if anywhere.

主题: Kung Fu
United Stateslucandor1585 years ago

So to reply to the thing about how you can hold L+R at the same time, on most emulators that is turned off by default, as it was for nestopia (or I turned it off at some point), so I could not keep holding left, although I suppose there is no way to prove that. As to the question of me submitting an out of the blue WR, if you don't think it's legit I have about 15 other sub 3:40s I could show. The reason I didn't submit is because generally when I'm playing a game and am PBing every day, I just wait until I have a decent run. I did not expect to be at a high level this quickly. I can accept the run not being allowed because of keyboard but I certainly do not want to be labeled as a cheater.

主题: Kung Fu
United Stateslucandor1585 years ago

I personally don't think it is that easy to just set up a camera to show your controller. I would have to buy a camera, and even if I had one I really would not want to use one. It would limit how I can hold my controller comfortably or move around as I wish. Also I really don't think playing on original hardware is that important for getting a top spot. Plenty of games have world records on emulator, and it is not always easy to get an NES, especially if you are from a different country that uses PAL for example. I also get how I'm not really part of this community yet so I understand it if what I think isn't the most important. It just really sucks to have what I did count for nothing.

主题: Kung Fu
United Stateslucandor1585 years ago

So in case anyone doesn't know this is being brought up because I have improved very quickly in this game on keyboard and am now a world record contender. Although this cannot alone prove that keyboard gives an advantage, it is a good indicator. There are plenty of hard tricks in the run, and keyboard only seems to help with one, moonkicks. However, I shouldn't have to say this is a very important trick. It is impossible to say how much keyboard helps with doing moonkicks, but it seems to make them very consistent, I would say I probably have a 80-90% success rate after a week of practice. I have never tried them on console so I don't know what to compare it to though. For this reason I understand if keyboard is banned. Obviously I would want my run to count, but I'm ok with it not being accepted if it is determined keyboard gives a significant advantage. Although I have only played for about a week, it is a shame to discard all the progress I've made, including all the tricks I've spent hours on that aren't moonkicks. Regardless of the decision, I will probably either continue on keyboard and aim for a 3:32 as a personal goal, but I may also wait until I can play on console with a controller. (EDIT: Also I think it is kind of silly to require a camera to make sure you are using a controller. I would never run on emulator if I had to do that. I think you can trust people, especially known runners, that they are using a controller.)

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